Feng Shui Workplace

  • Color range of the workplace for Feng Shui
  • Create a comfortable work area for Feng Shui in the office and at home
  • Feng Shui workplace design rules

More and more people are successfully using the Feng Shui workplace to achieve success faster, create for themselves the most favorable conditions. It is extremely important to provide comfort, a good emotional state in the work area, take care of the design of the office, the office. All this in many respects affects the efficiency of work, the human condition, its potential and successes.

Certainly, the correct working room for Feng Shui should be not only convenient, but also harmonious, aesthetic. It is necessary to ensure a good circulation of positive energy. Remember simple tips and advice to make it easier for you to reach the goal, and work really brings pleasure. You will notice that you become less tired, do your planned tasks faster.

Expert advice on Feng Shui work place:

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Color range of the workplace for Feng Shui

A huge role in feng shui are of color, shades and their meanings. Specialists and admirers of this ancient teaching have already managed to find out not only the abstract symbolic meanings of various shades, but also their influence on man in different conditions.

One should dwell on the most important points, so that the overall gamma of the cabinet and the colors of individual objects do not distract you and do not take away your strength. You can make the color range of the workplace your serious assistant in business.

  • The general color scheme of the workplace should not distract employees from the work. It is necessary to avoid unnecessary variegation, unexpected combinations of shades.
  • It is very important to use different colors to restore a favorable emotional background. It is necessary to avoid any aggressive shades, harsh colors.
  • Your task is to concentrate, tune in to effective work, and not try to make the cabinet design relevant. It is not the trend that matters here, but the effectiveness of specific shades.
    Coming into fashion, black and white images, paintings and banners are absolutely not suitable for the design of the workplace.
    Remember that black and white images overwhelmingly affect the psyche, cause apathy, according to masters of feng shui. They can be used to relieve anxiety, overexcitation. But they also reduce the efficiency of labor.
  • Refrain from any extravagant ensembles of colors, kaleidoscopic images, complex pictures with obscure intricate scenes. The work of thought should stimulate your specific deeds, rather than objects of design. Such pictures will distract you.
  • Chemical, extremely bright shades should be avoided.
    The most favorable colors for the workplace for feng shui are calm tones, muffled, natural.
    Soft "earth" colors will be the best option for the design of the office, office.

For example, you can stay on shades of gray, blue, sand, light green, beige. This is the ideal color for for relieving tension, stabilizing the emotional state, better concentration and activating intellectual activity.

  • It should be noted that excessively saturated, deep shades, as well as dark colors, too, is undesirable to use when decorating a workplace for feng shui. They act overwhelmingly, extinguish positive energy and contribute to the appearance of gloomy thoughts, self-doubt.
    Brown, black colors often cause aggression, depression, exacerbate stressful conditions.
  • The Feng Shui workplace does not recommend keeping the cabinet exclusively in light colors. Stop only on white color is not worth it. He will not tone up, give positive energy. In addition, the overabundance of white is also capable of causing apathy. It is better to supplement light colors with gentle shades of yellow, green.

Now you know the basic rules of color registration of the workplace in the office and at home. Following the recommendations of experts in feng shui, you will be able to significantly affect your performance, create comfortable conditions in the work area.

Create a comfortable working area for Feng Shui in the office and at home

Try to make the working area in the office and at home as comfortable as possible, properly decorate it with feng shui. A few simple tips will help you avoid mistakes, create a special space around yourself, where the positive energy of Qi will flow.

  • Be sure to pay special attention to the design of the workplace at home. This is very important if you mainly work in your apartment. When you do only a part of the work at home, the condition of your workplace can not be neglected.
Do not mix work and rest areas!
  • Homes need to ensure the isolation of your workplace. It is advisable not to divide the room with large items, for example, a closet. This will not allow the Qi energy to circulate freely. However, a light screen can be used. There are also special transparent mobile partitions, which are also perfect for zoning rooms. You should be able to concentrate, retire in your impromptu office.
  • If you work most often at home, it is worthwhile to allocate for this purpose a study. The thing is that Feng Shui does not recommend sharing rooms. But it's hard to argue with the fact that working in a room, when people constantly walk through it, is extremely difficult. Therefore, a separate room will be the best option. To do this, you can even rebuild the room.
Sometimes people prefer to allocate a small zone for "breaks" right in the working sector. It is not right. The recreation sector will constantly distract you, reduce concentration, disperse attention.
  • At home you will be able to create any interior design in accordance with the basic principles of feng shui. But in the office you are able to initiate some changes. If necessary, you can rearrange or expand the table, supplement the interior with accessories, even agree on repainting the walls. It is more important for any manager that his employees work more efficiently, that's why you will probably be helped to make minor cosmetic changes.
  • Feng Shui of the workplace includes one more thing: you need to make sure that the design, accessories and location of objects are oriented towards work, not relaxation and rest.

In the office and at home, your work area should be flawless. Excellent, if it motivates, gives strength and charge positive energy, tunes for success.

Rules for the design of the workplace for Feng Shui

Be sure to remember several rules for the design of the workplace for Feng Shui. They should be adhered to in the office, at home, setting up a study.

  1. First you need to choose the sector of the workplace. The career and work area is in the north and south-east sides. If you determine the most suitable place for working at home, it is necessary to stop on these sites. If necessary, change the layout.
  2. Remember that open pipes, wires and any kind of communication symbolize the outflow of money, success, according to Feng Shui. They are important to hide, hide in special channels. You can use removable decorative pads, which are then easily removed. So you can perfect even the place in the office!
  3. You can rearrange or expand the table to change its position in space.
    It's very unfavorable to sit with your back to the door.
    Sitting with your back to the door, you provoke an outflow of energy, attract gossip. This is what feng shui says.
  4. The manager's desk is an important link in the office. If the head of your unit works with you in the same room - this is a great success. Fans of Feng Shui were convinced that the location of the back to the head was very successful.
  5. Mirrors are a favorable accessory for the workplace. They open a good overview, allow you to see and control everything around you. You can arrange a mirror on the table, hang it over the workplace.
  6. Please note that it is not worthwhile to sit opposite each other. This is the wrong location of workplaces in the office, as it provokes constant meetings, conflicts.
  7. It is interesting that in Feng Shui, the emphasis is also on the personal space of a person, his individual energy. It is very important to keep free personal space, not to allow other people into it.
    Your desk should not be too close to the desk of another employee, even if it is your companion.
  8. It is noticed that the doors to the manager's office are often opened directly to the desktop. Such an arrangement is highly undesirable in terms of feng shui. You need to move it a little, turn the table. If the door is opened to it, it will cause a too sharp flow of energy with the corresponding fluctuations, which will not allow to work effectively.
  9. To the head, especially if he is working in the office with his co-workers, it is worth highlighting his work area. On the table is better to put a small black sculpture, which will attract a career, success, focuses on the position of a person.
  10. It is important to avoid so-called "poisoned arrows".
    Do not place sharp corners in your workplace.
    If the table can not be deployed, rearranged, it is necessary to block the corners with any accessories, plants in pots.
  11. Open shelves, lockers must always be closed, as they emit negative energy. Masters of Feng Shui are advised to block any open shelves, even small ones.
  12. Plants with sharp leaves dissect positive energy. Feng Shui should be abandoned.
    The desktop needs to be freed from traditional cacti.
    Do not throw out the plants, but be sure to find another place in the neutral zone for them.

When you learned the important rules of the Feng Shui workplace, you can safely proceed with the arrangement of the office.

View special issue of the program "Work and Career" about about the Feng Shui of the workplace:

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