Polyhydramnios during pregnancy: causes and consequences. Treatment of polyhydramnios

The article describes the symptoms of polyhydramnios in expectant mothers. Find out what dangerous polyhydramnios for the fetus and how to treat it.

Contents of

  • How to determine polyhydramnios during pregnancy?
  • Signs polyhydramnios during pregnancy
  • moderate polyhydramnios during pregnancy
  • Polyhydramnios in early pregnancy
  • Polyhydramnios in the last weeks of pregnancy polyhydramnios
  • How dangerous during pregnancy?
  • What should I do in case of polyhydramnios during pregnancy?
  • How to treat polyhydramnios during pregnancy?
  • How to determine the tendency to polyhydramnios during pregnancy?
  • Polyhydramnios in multiple pregnancy
  • What to do in case of multiple pregnancy: advice and feedback
  • Video: polyhydramnios, pregnancy

All future mothers dream that everything will be ok with their child. And, of course, they worry when a doctor discovers any ailment during pregnancy. Immediately begin to worry much because of ignorance of the situation.

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And what if you have been diagnosed with polyhydramnios? First of all - calm down and follow all the doctor's instructions. Next, we will study in detail all the questions on this diagnosis.

How to identify polyhydramnios during pregnancy?

  • for various periods proceeding pregnancy, the amount of amniotic water different
  • After the fetus grows, and with it increases the amount of fluid it needs to obtain nutrients for normal development
  • Besides - two pregnant women can not be the same amount of amniotic fluid. But there are limits the volume of liquid at different periods of pregnancy
  • If women find the lack or excess amniotic fluid, it is diagnosed: oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios
Polyhydramnios pregnancy

Diagnosis - hydramnion can put a gynecologist in the presence of the patient's complaints andbased measurements of the volume of the abdomen, which are carried out at each reception.

It is possible to determine exactly the polyhydramnios of a future woman in labor during an ultrasound examination. Where the amniotic index is established. As mentioned above, it should not exceed the permissible limits :

  • at 16-17 week: 72-221 mm
  • at 21-23 week: 88-239 mm at 33 weeks
  • : 76-279 mm
How to polyhydramnios?

IMPORTANT : If you have a watermark index equal to the upper permissible value, do not neglect your obstetrician's offer to go to the hospital for examination. This is required for the safety of your baby.

Symptoms of polyhydramnios during pregnancy

This pathology can occur in the chronic , acute form. If it is chronic form , then polyhydramnios are well amenable to drug treatment.

Symptoms may not be at all with the mild course of the disease, or the following symptoms appear and external changes :

  • stretch marks on the abdomen, large uterine size and tummy tummy tuck can reach 115-120 centimeters
  • abdominal pain, unpleasantseverity
  • frequent or constant malaise, weakness feeling
  • leg edema
  • rapid pulse, an unpleasant gurgling ventral
  • dyspnea
Signs large volume of amniotic fluid
  • Acute formsand polyhydramnios can develop very quickly. Sometimes, its manifestation takes place in just a few hours
  • With such a woman during illness require urgent hospitalization
  • may have to do an abortion, otherwise the fruit will be born with a variety of serious diseases, including even his death
Signs polyhydramnios

moderate polyhydramnios during pregnancy

This type of pathology does not pose a great danger to the baby and the future parturient child, in contrast to pronounced, acute polyhydramnios. Still, you can watch your doctor. If this is not done, the consequences may be different:

  • fetal fading
  • developmental malformations
  • pregnancy recurrence
  • premature births
Moderate hydramniosis

This pathology occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Increased sugar in the blood of the expectant mother
  2. Various fetal diseases( gastrointestinal diseases, CNS)
  3. Differences in blood groups of the baby and mommy
  4. Gestosis
  5. Diseases of the pregnant( heart, kidney), infections
  6. Genetics
  7. Problems in the functioning of the placcents
  8. Multiple pregnancy, large child
Causes of the appearance of polyhydramnios

Polyhydramnios in early pregnancy

As a rule, moderate polyhydramnios are detected in late terms. In the early - there is an idiotic polyhydramnios, which occurs without any reasons and also passes with time.

In the presence of such an ailment, the patient should be on time to see a gynecologist and follow his prescriptions.

Polyhydramnios in early pregnancy

Polyhydramnios in the last weeks of pregnancy

  • In recent weeks, the amount of amniotic fluid should be 1-1.5 liters, depending on the size of the baby. If there is more amniotic water, then this is a multidrug
  • . To avoid premature births, impaired circulatory function in the placenta, premature detachment of it, bleeding, it is necessary to hospitalize the future mother
  • . Provide control over her condition and fetus condition, carry out the necessary medical treatment.
Polyhydramnios in recent weeksPregnancy

What is the danger of polyhydramnios during pregnancy?

In the worst case, if the multivorse of a future woman in labor is not controlled by a medical specialist, the following consequences can be expected:

  • , because of strong stretching of the uterine walls, there is a disruption of the birth process, placental detachment before the
  • term, that a large amount of amniotic fluid causes labor before the prescribedtime
  • because the child has a lot of space, he may take a different position than needed during the birth of
  • , 38.4% of pregnant women have bleeding
  • , 20% of cases have late gestosis
  • in 24.3% of the erysipelasThere are miscarriages
  • in 36% - prolonged, uncontrollable vomiting
  • for a child polyhydramnios is dangerous because he develops various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system
Polyhydramnios. Dangerous consequences of

What should I do if I have polyhydramnios during pregnancy?

To accurately determine the polyhydramnios the doctor gives the direction to:

  • ultrasound diagnosis
  • cardiotocography to establish the condition of the baby
  • dopplerography for the study of the uterus, the development of the child
  • blood tests, laboratory smear test

When the diagnosis is confirmed, the specialist doctor will prescribe an individual treatment for the patient.

Treatment of polyhydramnios

How to treat polyhydramnios during pregnancy?

To treat the pathology will be a gynecologist. The most commonly prescribed drugs are:

  • Curantil, Actovegin - prophylactic tablets
  • antibacterial medications: Ampicillin, Vilprafen, Cefazolin,( some of these drugs can not be used in an interesting position, but they are used to treat irreversible effects)
  • diuretics funds
  • Wobenzym, as a complex medicine with antibiotics
  • Indomethacin( as decongestant agent)
  • vitamin preparations
Treatment of polyhydramnios in pregnant women. What preparations to drink?

How to determine the tendency to polyhydramnios during pregnancy?

The trend towards polyhydramnios is determined on ultrasound by the coefficient of IOL( amniotic fluid index).If it is equal to the upper limit of the volume of amniotic fluid, then this is the tendency to the pathology of polyhydramnios.

In case of detection of it, the medical specialist conducts constant monitoring of the patient. Below, look at the table of the lower and upper limits of the IWA at different periods of embryo development.

ILC table for various pregnancy development periods

Polyhydramnios in multiple pregnancies

Multiple pregnancy itself is more difficult to tolerate than usual. If the future mother has a polyhydramnios, then it is determined for in-patient observation.

After all, this pathology means that in the body of a woman there are some processes that do not correspond to the norm. Depending on the source of the disease, your attending obstetrician will prescribe appropriate treatment.

Moderate polyhydramnios in multiple pregnancy

What to do in case of multiple pregnancy: advice and feedback

With increased volume of amniotic fluid, even mild, it is necessary to observe the specialists.

Do not ignore their advice, recommendations. There are a lot of cases of such pathology. Basically, the birth is normal. Momma gives birth to healthy children.

Recommendations from specialists in the treatment of polyhydramnios

Video: polyhydramnios, pregnancy

  • May 09, 2018
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