Why appear and how to remove acne on the back

The appearance of acne on the back and shoulders is a fairly common phenomenon that affects people regardless of gender and age. To effectively eliminate skin defects, you first need to find out why they appear, and only then start treatment.

  • Causes
    • Causes
    • Internal
    • Species
    • In children
    • In adolescents
    • In males
    • In females
    • How to cure
    • Home treatment
    • Causes

      The factors that trigger the occurrence of acne are divided into two groups:

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      • Insufficient hygiene: the lack of regular skin cleansing procedures contributes to the blockage and inflammation of the pores, manifested by a rash in the form of black dots and small pimples. With infrequent washing of the head on the hair, microparticles of dust and dirt collect, and long hair is constantly in contact with the skin of the back and shoulders.
      • Wrong selection of clothes: synthetic materials do not pass air and do not absorb excess moisture, creating the so-called "greenhouse effect", which is a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria. Tight clothes put pressure on or rub against the body.
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      • Action of cosmetics: improperly selected preparations can lead to irritations and cause allergic reactions. Frequent use of peelings thinens the protective layer of the skin, making it less resistant to bacteria.
      • Weather conditions - at high temperature and humidity, the work of the fat glands on the back increases, which helps to clog the pores with a sebaceous secret.
      • Improper diet - frequent consumption of fatty, spicy foods, fast foods leads to the accumulation of slags in the body. They are removed with sweat, block the pores, promoting the formation of acne.
      • Harmful habits - smoking and drinking alcohol has a toxic effect on the body.
      • Avitaminosis - a deficiency of vitamins can lead to skin inflammation.
      • Side effects of prolonged use of certain drugs( corticosteroid hormones, antiepileptic, anti-tuberculosis drugs).
      • Stresses - excessive mental stresses have an adverse effect on the skin condition.
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      Associated with deterioration of the body:

      • Endocrine disorders, accompanied by increased production of male sex hormones, which causes increased sebum secretion.
      • Metabolic disorders and related diseases( diabetes mellitus).
      • Tumors of the adrenal glands or ovaries.
      • Inflammatory skin diseases manifested by acne( eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis) - such rashes are often accompanied by itching.
      • Diseases of the digestive and gastrointestinal tract( ulcer, gastritis).
      • Viral diseases( acute respiratory viral infection, influenza).
      • Genetic predisposition - Skin problems are often inherited.
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      The development of acne begins with the clogging of pores. After that, blackheads are formed - closed( white) and open( black) comedones. If inflammation begins, then acne actually occurs.

      • Subcutaneous( closed comedones) - are formed when the pore is completely blocked by the accumulation of horny particles. The greasy secret can not come out to the surface and gathers under the skin, gradually becoming denser and getting an unpleasant smell.
      • Black dots( open comedones) are manifestations of acne, characteristic of oily skin. In the mouths of the hair follicles, fat is accumulated, mixed with dirt and dead skin particles, forming a fat globule that closes the pore. When in contact with air, it oxidizes to black color.
      • Red pimples - inflammation of the acne cavity, when a cone-shaped pimple with a purulent head forms from the comedon.
      • Purulent - grow from red acne with prolonged inflammatory process. On the back, such formations can be quite large, and should be treated only under the supervision of specialists - breaking through, pus enters the bloodstream, spreading the infection through the body.

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      In children

      Skin rashes in the child, like acne, require close attention, most often so manifest themselves:

      • Sweating is an inoffensive rash, resulting from overheating and irritation afterwards.
      • Allergy - can be on food, bathing products, household chemicals, dust, animal hair and other irritants.
      • Children's diseases - chicken pox, scarlet fever, vesiculopustulosis.
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      Read also why there appear acne on the face, how to get rid of acne and its after-effects http://woman-l.ru/izbavitsya-ot-pryshhej-i-ix-sledov-na-kozhe/
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      In adolescents

      The period of puberty is often associated with the appearance of youthful acne, usually affecting the face, back and chest. By this time, adolescents should be taught how to prevent acne and skin care:

      • Buy a comfortable loofah for your back.
      • Use tar, and also antibacterial soap or gel.
      • After showering, lubricate acne with special anti-acne waxes.
      • The hormonal alteration of the body ends by 16-18 years. The presence of rashes after 20 years is no longer considered the norm.
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      For men

      Men are more likely to suffer from acne than women, this is due to the following factors:

      • The thicker and stiffer skin of the male back requires intensive work of the sebaceous glands to lubricate it.
      • High sweating even at rest.
      • Lifestyle - men are more prone to bad habits, stress, physical stress.
      • Neglect of one's own health - more rare( in comparison with women) calls to the doctor, ignoring manifestations of diseases.
      • Hair formation - the formation of acne occurs in the hair follicles, which are quite a lot on the back of a man.
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      Most often, acne on the back of a woman is caused by gynecological diseases, as well as hormonal changes, and arise in the following situations:

      • During pregnancy and lactation - a significant increase in testosterone levels causes increased work of the sebaceous glands. In addition, in pregnant women, dehydration is often observed, which also increases the concentration of hormones.
      • On the eve or during menstruation.
      • After abortions.
      • As a result of polycystic ovary.
      • Due to the overabundance of male sex hormones( hyperandrogenia), which is often accompanied by excess weight and hairiness.
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      How to cure

      Acne that occurs as a result of external influences passes by itself after elimination of adverse factors. For this you need:

      • Choose clothes that do not hinder movement, made of natural materials and appropriate weather conditions.
      • Regularly carry out hygienic procedures, use a rigid sponge, follow the correct sequence of actions in the bathroom( first wash your hair, and then the body, since the hair products can clog the pores).
      • Identify possible allergens and refuse to use them - these can be cosmetic preparations or medications, household chemicals and other irritants.
      • Establish proper nutrition - to eat healthy foods, with a high content of vitamins and trace elements, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.
      • Refuse bad habits.
      • Minimize stress.

      It is much more difficult to get rid of rashes caused by internal problems. Very important in this case is the timely access to a doctor - a neglected disease is much more difficult to cure. The doctor-dermatologist will help you to find out the causes of the rash and provide therapy:

      • Mechanical removal( skin cleansing) - is applied to comedones and is performed by specialists in medical or cosmetology cabinets. The procedure consists in exfoliating dead cells and removing sebaceous formations with special devices. The pouch of the comedon is opened, and the skin fat goes out freely.
      • Chemical purification is the use of chemical compounds( acids and enzymes) that promote the release of pores from contamination.
      • Drainage - used to remove pus from large purulent pimples.
      • Mesotherapy - injection of medications directly into or near the inflammation zone.
      • Darsonval is a special device that sends electrical impulses to problem areas of the skin, eliminates the current rashes, and also reduces the severity of scars and blemishes from the previous ones.
      • The laser helps to remove large formations. Laser grinding is also performed - evaporation of the upper layer of the epidermis with a significant skin lesion area.
      • Local therapy - for external use, gels, creams and ointments are used that reduce excessive skin fat and relieve inflammation( Baziron, Dalacin, Differin, Zinerit, Curiosine, Levomecol, Metrogil, Roakkutan, Skinoren, Tritin, Zinc Ointment).Some of them contain antibiotics, others can be addictive, so use drugs only for the doctor's prescription.
      • Internal treatment - includes the use of antibiotics that slow down the reproduction of bacteria and reduce the inflammatory process( Polimik, Tetracycline).At an allergic nature of rashes prescribe antihistamines( Loratadin, Suprastin).
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      Treatment at home

      Methods of traditional medicine in the fight against acne are aimed at drying out oily skin and relieving inflammation. Use them with caution, after consulting with a specialist:

      • Bolt - a product consisting of several ingredients, developed by a dermatologist and is prepared in accordance with the individual characteristics of the body. Its basis is usually alcohols( ethyl, boric, salicylic) and acids, as well as preparations of sulfur, zinc, menthol.
      • Solution of potassium permanganate( potassium permanganate) - is applied to problem spots pointwise or rubbed over the entire back.
      • Castor oil - has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, also helps to get rid of stains and scars left after acne.
      • Salicylic acid - the preparation is mixed with a cream or decoction of herbs and punctured on acne. In undiluted form, it can cause skin burns.
      • Brewer's yeast - the product is taken or used as a basis for masks.
      • Purity - decoction of stems and leaves of the plant is used for oily skin in the form of lotion.
      • Baths and applications using herbal decoctions( chamomile, sage) or sea salt - have a drying effect.
      • Masks made of clay, mud, algae( badyagi) - have a calming effect.
      • Scrub from baking soda, salt and shower gel - cleanses the skin, exfoliating dead cells.

      Self-extrusion of acne leads to skin damage and infection, so the amount of rashes may increase. If you have to resort to a procedure, you should take care of sterility.

  • May 09, 2018
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