How to cook zucchini for first child feeding? Recipes of dishes from courgettes for children: mashed potatoes, pancakes, soup, soufflé, cutlets, casseroles, caviar

Zucchini is a healthy vegetable that should be on the baby's menu from the age of six months. From it, according to the recipes from the article, you can prepare a lot of delicious dishes.

Contents of

  • What is the use of zucchini in lure?
  • How many months can you give a baby zucchini?
  • How to cook zucchini for the first child's feeding and how much to cook it for baby puree?
  • VIDEO: How to cook mashed potatoes for the first child's feeding?
  • Courgettes for zucchini for children up to the year
  • Courgettes for zucchini for children from 1 year to 2 years
  • Courgettes for zucchini for children from 2 years and older
  • VIDEO: Children's puree from chicken, courgette and carrots in a multivariate
  • RECIPE: Fritters from courgettesfor children
  • RECIPE: Soup from zucchini for children
  • RECIPE: Souffle from zucchini for children
  • RECIPE: Zucchini from zucchini for children
  • RECIPE: Cutlet from zucchini for children
  • VIDEO: Fritters from courgettes in the oven. Simple and delicious recipe
  • instagram viewer
  • RECIPE: caviar from zucchini for children
  • RECIPE: Zucchini stewed in sour cream for children
  • RECIPE: zucchini with milk for children
  • VIDEO: Courgettes in cream sauce

Even if the baby is on breastfeeding, from a certain time inhis diet needs to introduce additional products to provide a small growing and forming an organism with the substances he needs. The main rules for the introduction of complementary foods are as follows:

  • selects the least allergenic product, broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower, potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, etc. The
  • product is introduced only one and at the same time one should observe how it is assimilated by the toddler
  • the product is introduced starting with the smallest doses, which are then gradually increased
  • the period between the introduction of one product and the next should be at least a week - two

One of the first in the baby's diet can be introduced zucchini.

What is the use of zucchini in lure?

In zucchini contains a lot of minerals and vitamins, and it is well absorbed by infants, almost without causing allergies.

Zucchini - the first vegetable for complementary children.

IMPORTANT: The most important micronutrients that the baby's zucchini will saturate are the iron and zinc

. The zucchini also replenishes the baby's body with the balance:

  • proteins, fats and carbohydrates
  • with vitamins B, A, C, PP
  • with fatty unsaturated acids
  • mono- anddisaccharides
  • in addition to iron and zinc - magnesium, potassium, calcium, sulfur

A small organism needs both dietary fiber and organic acids, which are rich in zucchini.

How many months can you give a baby zucchini?

Currently, pediatricians and their experienced mothers following their advice did not agree on the age at which to introduce the baby breastfeed, including zucchini.

Earlier, pediatricians said that the lure can be administered from 3 months, then the current generation of doctors pushes this deadline on the lure from 4 or even 6 months.

The courgette is given to the kids at the age of 4-6 months.

IMPORTANT: Everything depends on the individual development of the child, on the way of feeding it( breastfeeding or artificial feeding), on whether or not there was a small stomach problem. In any case, the period is indicated - from 4 to 6 months, more accurately your child will be prompted by the doctor

How to cook zucchini for the first child's feeding and how much to cook it for baby puree?

For the first supplementary feeding the child is best to give juice from a vegetable marrow.
Zucchini contains a lot of moisture, and squeeze juice from it will not be very difficult.
To do this:

  • squash must be washed
  • cut off a piece of
  • peeled
  • grate and squeezed through gauze

You can do this through a juicer.

As a supplement, you can give your child juice from a zucchini.

IMPORTANT: Zucchini juice should be given to the baby right after you squeezed it. To store in a refrigerator such juice is not necessary, it is necessary to prepare each time a new one, after all its useful qualities are most active during the first 15 - 20 min after pressing

Juice from a zucchini has a neutral taste. As a rule, children perceive it well.
Juice zucchini contributes to increased appetite, so give it recommended for 15-20 minutes before the start of the main feed.
The first dose of zucchini juice is no more than half a teaspoon. With normal absorption, the dose increases daily.

After you have tried the juice from the zucchini and it has already become a part of the baby's diet, you can cook mashed potatoes.

RECIPE: puree from zucchini for first feeding.

Mashed puree.
  1. Choose the whole zucchini without flaws and wash it
  2. Peel and cut into pieces 1 cm thick or 1, 5 cm
  3. Put into a small saucepan and fill with water to lightly cover the vegetable
  4. Cook for 10 minutes after boiling
  5. The zucchini quickly becomes soft andit can easily be crushed to mash. To mash it turned out, it can be diluted with the same broth in which the zucchini was cooked, or with milk

IMPORTANT: Puree can neither be salted nor sweetened

Alternatively, you can boil the mashed potatoes in a steamer, also for 10 minutes. Then dilute with milk.

You can also purchase in the baby food stores ready-made puree from the vegetable marrow. However, choose that for the first time the mashed potatoes contain a single vegetable.
You need to drive the lure by starting with a teaspoon, gradually increasing its volume. Children from 7 months to 1 year can give a day 100 g of vegetable puree.
You can also give 50 g of mashed potatoes and 50 ml of zucchini juice for a change.

Puree puree from the store.

VIDEO: How to cook puree from zucchini for the first child's feeding?

Courgettes for zucchini for children up to the year

RECIPE: Puree with courgettes

Puree with courgettes.

This dish can be prepared for a baby, starting from the age of 8 months.

  1. Young, washed and peeled squash boil min 5( if zucchini is more mature, then you have to cook 15 minutes)
  2. Add to the boiled squash 2 tbsp.spoons of cottage cheese and mix with a blender until puree

. The rest can be offered to adult members of the family by adding salt, garlic, dill. Get a delicious and healthy snack.
RECIPE: Zucchini and rice porridge for children from 8 months

    Zucchini and rice porridge.
  1. Vegetable marrow and rice( in a traditional ratio of 2 water: 1 rice)
  2. Mix in a blender, dilute with vegetable broth

RECIPE: Vegetable puree from a vegetable marrow, carrots and potatoes for babies from 6 months

Vegetable puree from zucchini, carrots and potatoes.
  1. Pure, mine and boil vegetables: half a potato, half a carrot, a slice of a zucchini
  2. Marrow is added for cooking for 5 to 7 minutes before it ends.
  3. . Paste the cooked vegetables in a blender or a sieve.
  4. You can add a little olive oil or butter to the pureeThe tip of the knife

Ingredients for vegetable purees can be changed. For example, it's good to add broccoli and / or cauliflower to it.

Instead of puree, you can prepare a soup with the same ingredients.
RECIPE: Soup from zucchini with meat.

Soup from zucchini with meat.

From 9 to 10 months, the baby can be given soups or mashed potatoes with zucchini, other vegetables and meat( veal or turkey).

  1. Boil the meat and separately squash
  2. Then both ingredients are mixed in a blender and diluted with vegetable broth
  3. You can add a little oil for taste

Tip: For children, from 9 to 10 months you can try to give well-boiled and soft vegetables in small pieces, and not only in the form of puree. The baby should get used to the chewing process.

Courgettes for zucchini for children from 1 year to 2 years

RECIPE: Vegetable steaks for a couple

Vegetable cutlets.

Children from 1 year can vary the form of dishes and the number of ingredients in them.
For example, from zucchini, carrots, cauliflower, green peas and broccoli with mango, you can cook steamed cutlets.

  1. Moem and grate the vegetables
  2. After a bit of pripuskem their boiling water, so they soften, and they will be easier to crush
  3. Slightly add salt and add a little semolina in them
  4. Let's leave for a while until the manka swells
  5. We form cutlets, you can dip them inflour
  6. We send it to a steamer or cook for a couple of 7 - 10 minutes.

RECIPE: Baked zucchini

Grilled casserole.

It is necessary: ​​

  • 1 squash
  • 120 g of rice
  • 1 egg
  • a little salt and greens
  1. Rice should be boiled and the vegetable marrow washed and grated on a fine grater
  2. Stir the squash, rice and drive in the egg, add greens and salt
  3. Lubricate the baking dishoil and put into it a mixture of
  4. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes

Dishes from courgettes for children from 2 years and older

For children over 2 years, soups or soups with mashed potatoes are prepared on low-fat meat broth.
To prepare soup vegetables( squash, potatoes, carrots, onions, zucchini, cauliflower, etc.) can be boiled separately from the meat broth, and then diluted, or you can cook on the broth itself.

Children from two years can be given a variety of dishes from the vegetable marrow.

Vegetables are cut into small pieces and boiled, and zucchini in the boil to add in the last turn for 5 - 7 minutes before the end.
Ready soup sprinkled with herbs and slightly podsalivaetsya.

RECIPE: Vegetable ragout with zucchini

Vegetable stew with zucchini.

Vegetables that are in the house are suitable, namely:

  • squash
  • carrots
  • potatoes
  • onion
  • eggplant
  • tomatoes
  1. All vegetables, except zucchini, cut into small cubes and stew in vegetable oil with a little water or meat broth
  2. Sliced ​​zucchiniis added to the dish 7 minutes before the end of the preparation.
  3. During the extinguishing and stirring, the vegetables need to be slightly salted

VIDEO: Children's puree from chicken, courgette and carrots in the multivariate

RECIPE: Fritters from courgettes for children

Pancakes from courgettes.

Pancakes from zucchini are a great meal for a child, and the children gladly eat them, especially if they are also sour with sour cream.

  1. Zucchini three on a grater, add 1 or 2 tablespoons of flour, stir and salt
  2. Roast as usual pancakes in vegetable oil
  3. We serve baby warm and with sour cream

RECIPE: Soup from zucchini for children

Soup from zucchini can be preparedBoth vegetarian and meat broth. In the soup, you can add a little rice cereals and small pieces of meat. Zucchini should be added to the soup at the end of cooking, 7 minutes before the end, they are cooked quickly.

RECIPE: Soufflé from courgettes for children.

Soufflé from courgettes.

Prepare a souffle, for example, like this:

  1. Mine, clean, cut and stew the vegetable marrow, adding a little water to it.
  2. After 5 minutes, add a teaspoon of semolina to the squash, and a little
  3. milk. Remove from heat, let stand a bit, crush the food with blender
  4. . When the mixture cools down a little, drive intoher egg, put a little butter
  5. Once again, whisk with a blender and send the mixture either into the oven or into the steamer. You can make a souffle and on a water bath

Souffle will be ready in 15 minutes. It is a delicious and delicate product. It can be salted during cooking, and put a little sugar in it.

RECIPE : Baked zucchini for children

For casseroles from zucchini for older children, and not one-year-olds, besides zucchini, rice and eggs, you can also use cheese.

  1. Boil rice and let it stand for 5-10 minutes
  2. Grate zucchini on grater
  3. Mix rice, zucchini and egg, salt
  4. Put it in a greased shape and hold in the oven at 180 degrees until ready
  5. A few minutes before the casseroleready, take it out, sprinkle it with grated cheese and cook it in the oven until the cheese melts.

RECIPE: Cutlets from zucchini for children

Cutlet from zucchini.
  1. For broths, grate grated zucchini
  2. We give it a little time while it starts to let out juice
  3. Juice is drained and continues to prepare for minced meatballs
  4. To carrots you can add carrots( also grated on grater), meat( beef or chicken) minced meat, onionor greens, brynza or patisson and egg
  5. All carefully mix, salt and form cutlets
  6. Cutlets can be steamed, or fried in vegetable oil. After browning, turn over the cutlets with the other side and close the container with the lid
  7. Sour cream

is sent to the ready cutlets from zucchini VIDEO: Pancakes from courgettes in the oven. Simple and delicious recipe

RECIPE: caviar from courgettes for children

Caviar from courgettes.

Caviar is loved by almost all people, and it can be given to small children, starting from 1, 5 years.

  1. We prepare the caviar for the children as follows:
  2. Cut the squash and three into the grater carrots, then lightly fry them in butter and pour into the saucepan
  3. . Stew the vegetables for about an hour, and the resulting liquid must then be drained.
  4. . At this time, we harvest the tomatoes -boiled water, peeled and cut into small pieces
  5. To the cooked tomatoes and carrots we add harvested tomatoes, salt and greens to taste and stew for a few more minutes.

The ratio of vegetables can be 1: 1: 1( zucchini, carrots, tomato) or 2: 2: 2etc.

RECIPE: Squash stewed in sour cream for children.

Squash stewed in sour cream.

Squash for children can be extinguished in sour cream.

  1. Bring the zucchini until ready as follows
  2. Cut and fry in oil the onion head
  3. When it's gilded, add to it the diced squash and continue frying, covering it and adding a little water
  4. At this time zucchini can be salted
  5. Stewed zucchini 10 minutes, then sour cream is added to them and then a couple of minutes are blown out

RECIPE: zucchini with milk for children

  1. Zucchini, carrots and onion, wash, cut
  2. Fold the vegetables in a saucepan, pour inAkane water, subject to cook 25 minutes to boil water. The lid can not be closed with a lid.
  3. Add milk to the vegetables, and cook again until the mixture gets a creamy shade.
  4. Welded in milk vegetables, salt and beaten with a blender until puree
  5. Put some butter in it

VIDEO: Courgettes in creamy sauce

  • May 09, 2018
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