Decembrist: home care

A Decembrist, a whimberberger or a Christmas cactus - the so-called plant that blooms from November-December to January. Hence this specific name. It is an epiphytic bush of winter flowering, an ample home plant, which is long and abundantly flowering. Because of its unpretentiousness and beauty, the Decembrist is very popular among lovers of indoor plants. Most often it is suspended above the windowsill, so that beautifully drooping arched green shoots. Their ends are covered with multiple sharp buds, as well as colorful multi-tiered flowers, which are decorated with a long bundle of exquisite filaments of the stamen.

The history of the origin of the Decembrist

Schlumberger is also sold under the name of the epiphyllum and zigokaktus. The ancestors of this plant are their natural species that grow in the humid mountain forests of tropical Brazil. Zygocactus in nature grows as an epiphyte on the roots and trunks of trees. This exotic origin allowed the creation of many varieties of Decembrist for growing at home. They are pleased with the variety of their palette: flowers can be white, yellow, apricot, raspberry, pink, purple and purple.

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Maintenance and care of the Decembrist at home

  • Lighting .The Decembrist prefers a bright, but at the same time, a non-sunny place in the house. In summer and spring, the plant needs scattered light and partial shade. In the flowering period, place the pot on a southern window that is protected from bright sunlight.
  • Watering .For the Decembrist, drying and excessive moistening of the soil are dangerous. From March to August, this plant is actively growing, so it needs regular spraying, uniform watering with warm and soft water. Humidity must be moderate. Then watering can be reduced to make the leaves ripen.
  • Fertilizing fertilizers .Feed the Decembrist from the beginning of spring and until the end of summer twice a month. Since August, feeding is needed much less often.
  • Temperature .In the autumn, the Decembrist can be put on a glassed balcony where the temperature is kept at 10-20 ° C. If the autumn passes for him in the house, then make sure that the temperature in the room does not rise above 23 ° C. The shoots grow faster if there is no flowering. The plant that has buds in it should be placed in a permanent place where the temperature is 15-20 degrees at night and 20-22 in the daytime.
  • Transplant .Decembrist should be transplanted into leafy, soddy land, sand and humus, which is mixed in proportions of 3: 1: 2: 2.You can add crushed brick and charcoal.
  • Growth problems of .Soft and listless leaves of the Decembrist indicate excessive watering. If the buds are showered, it may not be worth changing the plant. Or there was a temperature difference, the draft was negatively affected. If the plant discards many segments, it is likely that a tick has got on it.

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  • May 09, 2018
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