Most often, a feeling of ear congestion and a decrease in auditory perception is caused by a sulfur plug. This is the most common cause of malaise. But apart from it, there are other reasons, not so obvious, but also quite real: otitis, fungus, pressure drops, runny nose, etc. To eliminate stuffiness, you can use special ear drops, softening the cork, removing puffiness, inflammation, exerting andother beneficial effects.

In the article we will find out - what ear drops are used when the ear is stuffy. We will find out what means help others better and understand - is it effective in this case the use of vasoconstrictive drops.


  • 1 Symptoms
  • 2 reasons
  • 3 What drops suit
  • 4 choice of drug
    • 4.1 Otipaks
    • 4.2 Otofa
    • 4.3 Kandibiotik
    • 4.4 Garazon
    • 4.5 vasoconstrictive
  • 5 drops best means
    • 5.1 A-cerumen
    • 5.2 otinum
    • 5.3 Norms
    • 5.4 Remo-Wax
  • 6 How to apply
    • 6.1 Recommendations
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Symptoms of


Find out what signs are there for ear congestion

Decreased level of auditory perception is the most importantSymptom of this ailment. If you put both ear immediately, then a person in general will feel like in a "tank", losing the familiar connection with the world. Sometimes such feelings can be very scary, especially if the stuffiness has happened for the first time.

In the head there is a slight noise, similar to rustling. Sounds spoken by man are not heard by them, but simply are given away in the head by a distant ringing.

Reasons for

pain in the ears

What can cause such an unusual and unpleasant state.

  • Excess sulfur is the main reason. If a sulfur plug is formed, it can sometimes be so hard that even washing does not work. It is in this case that drops for the softening of sulfur will be useful.
  • Water caught while bathing / showering.
  • Foreign body . The foreign body is stuck in the ear canal. This is common for children, who during the game can put small details in their ear.
  • Inflammatory processes of in otitis media, influenza, measles, scarlet fever, and CCI are also a possible cause of ear congestion. If the congestion is caused by inflammatory processes, otitis media, then self-treatment is completely excluded. Only medical control, examination and properly prescribed treatment will help cope with the infection, remove puffiness. And after the elimination of these symptoms, as a rule, and the stagnation disappears.
  • The so-called aero-atset , arising, due to pressure drops. It can happen when, for example, the airplane comes in for landing, during diving, when driving in a high-speed elevator, when riding snowboard, skiing, carousel, etc.
  • Otomycosis is a fungal disease, it can also cause a feeling of congestion if the infectiongot into the auditory canal.
  • Complications after the transferred rhinitis .Quite a common reason, especially in children.
  • Respiratory diseases in acute form, which have arisen because of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Some internal pathological processes of , which slowly but steadily lead to the development of hearing loss. In this case, drops help powerless, more radical treatment is required.
  • Long-term use of certain medications, including those with otitis media, can also cause ear congestion.

treatment of chronic otitis with perforation of the tympanic membrane How is the treatment of chronic otitis with perforation of the tympanic membrane, you can learn from this article.

For those who want to learn about how much time is treated with tubo-otitis and how to do it at home, it's worth to go to the link.

What is and how bilateral bilateral tubotitis is treated in children is described in this article: http: // tubootit-u-detej.html

What antibiotics for acute otitis in adults should be used in the first place is described in detail in this article.

Which droplets are suitable for

In case of congestion due to the accumulation of sulfur, it is recommended to use funds with softening effect.

In the case of otitis, drops with anti-inflammatory and sometimes antihistamine effect are needed. If the disease occurs in an acute form, then anesthetics are needed.

If the stuffiness caused a fungus actively multiplying in the ear canals, antifungal drops will help. Only a doctor should prescribe them after a thorough examination and an accurate diagnosis. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable, and entails irreversible disorders of the auditory organs.

If the congestion has arisen as a result of aero-otitis, vasoconstrictive drops will help.

The choice of the drug

To eliminate the stuffiness of the ear, it is better to choose a multifunctional means that can have a complex effect. The most suitable for those drops that have the following types of effects:

  • antiviral;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • is an analgesic.

Such drugs can remove inflammation in the auditory canals, and soften the sulfur, thus relieving the feeling of stuffiness. Let's give an overview of the most suitable means for getting rid of this problem.


One of the most popular drugs for treating ear problems. Otypax is good because it has a safe composition, so it can eliminate ear pain and congestion even in the youngest children. It is also allowed for use by pregnant women. Drops have a quick analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.



This drug, though effective in the inflammatory process, but here it does not have the same effect on the sulfur plug. Therefore, if zalozhennost arose as a result of sulfuric cork, the use of Otipax benefits will not bring.

But drops are able to cope with the stuffiness caused by otitis and inflammatory processes. They can be used, and if zalozhennost caused catarrhal diseases. For those who want to learn more about the drug, it is worth reading the instructions for use Otypaks.


This drug treats viral inflammation of the ears, even at the stage of suppuration. The composition of the drug is an active potent substance - rifamycin, thanks to which the drug copes even with neglected cases of the disease.

Otof drops


Attention: The otofa has a pink color, because of which it stains the eardrum and nearby tissues in the same color. If the product drops on clothes or underwear, the stain will also remain. Be careful. But, except for this insignificant minus, the drug is able to have a truly effective effect. It can be used even with a perforated tympanic membrane.

These drops will help, even if the developed otitis already caused suppuration. The composition of the remedy is the strongest antibacterial components, which will have a proper positive effect at any stage of the disease. Children under five and pregnant can not use it. But what is the price of Otof drops, will help understand this information.


The preparation contains several active components, due to the complex effect of which it can have a pronounced positive effect. It is also used to eliminate pain symptoms, and to fight against viruses and fungi.

drops Candybiotic


A present in the antibiotic makes it possible to use Candibiotics and as an antibacterial agent. Useful if otitis caused any infectious disease. And whether it is possible to apply Kandibiotik during pregnancy, is described in detail in this article.


This drug has a complex effect with "ear" problems:

  • antimicrobial;
  • antihistaminic;
  • is an anti-inflammatory drug.

With the inflammatory process, Garazon handles quickly and reliably, but can not remove the sulfur plug.

Drops Garazon


However, the overall effect of treatment will still be, especially if congestion is accompanied by infectious inflammation.

Vasodilating drops

We are used to using vasoconstrictive drops only with a cold. However, they can be successfully used in the treatment of ear congestion. Their beneficial effect is explained by the fact that the vasoconstrictor drops eliminate puffiness in the nasal cavity, which also reduces the edema of the Eustachian tube, which is responsible for unpleasant sensations during congestion. vasoconstrictor drops

However, the effect of these drugs is temporary: after five days, the use of vasoconstrictive drugs should be discontinued, as it becomes addictive, and the proper effect no longer occurs, or it is less pronounced.

The most widely used and effective vasoconstrictor drops for today are:

  • Naphthysine;
  • Sanorin;
  • Tysine;
  • Vibrocil, etc.

The best tools for

Which of the drugs will best cope with the elimination of sulfur plugs.


This is an uncharacteristic viscous consistency used for external processing of the ear canal. The product effectively softens sulfur, even older, than it helps to bring it out.



After the drug has worked, it is recommended to rinse the ears to remove the entire secret from the auditory canals.


These drops are widely used in otitis media. They soften and sulfur plugs. The otinum has a combined effect:

  • is antimicrobial;
  • analgesic;
  • anti-inflammatory.

You can not use it for women "in position", and children under one year can only under the supervision of a doctor.



To cope with ear plugs, it is enough to dig in four drops four times a day. But how to apply ear drops Otinum for children, described in detail in this article.


Strong drops, very effective and yet inexpensive. It is forbidden to use them if the child is not yet 12 years old. Normax can eliminate both zalozhennost, and inflammatory process in the auditory passages.



These drops with an active antibiotic content eliminate the bacteria from the auditory canals, and help to cope with the stuffiness. And a positive result in this case can be felt already on the next day after the first instillation. Dosage of the drug: two drops from two to four times a day.


Special liquid that effectively softens the ear secret.

Remo-Wax drops


How to use

Find suitable drops - this, of course, is already half the battle. But they still need to be properly digested so that all treatment will not go wrong. This stage is of no less importance than buying the most effective and safe drug.


Most often, drops are supplied with a special rubber pipette. And if it is not, use a conventional pipette for convenient dosing. If you instill drops in the eye of a child, it is necessary to sterilize the pipette, so as not to infect the ear canal.

In order for the drug to act more efficiently and quickly, and did not deliver unpleasant sensations during the procedure, heat the bottle with drops in the hands.

Tilt your head in the opposite direction from where the sore ear is, and pull the lobe off to the side. This is done so that the medicine gets exactly as directed.

On video problems with stuffy ear:

Single single dose - two to five drops. After instillation, lie down for several minutes in the same position, so that the drug does not leak. Then you need to plug your ear with a cotton swab for a while, and the procedure is complete.

Caution: Infants do not instill drops directly into the ear: the delicate skin of a child can not withstand such a massive and concentrated attack of medicines. In this case, the selected preparation is dripped onto a cotton turunda, which is then inserted into the ear of the baby. Thus, the impact will be more gentle.

We considered the question of the choice of ear drops with ear congestion. Of course, the final appointment should be made by a doctor, and thanks to our advice it will be easier for you to navigate in the sea of ​​various medicines used in this case.