Effects of removal of glands in adults and children

Palatine tonsils( glands) - small formations in the oral cavity, protecting the person from viruses and bacteria. In some cases, they cease to perform their functions, which leads to negative consequences for the body and causes the need for an operation to remove the glands.

  • Pros:
    • Pros
    • Cons
    • Indications
    • Contraindications
    • Consequences of
    • Operation
    • Cold removal
    • Hot Tonsillectomy
    • Rehabilitation


    Under the influence of pathogenic factors, the tonsils can become inflamed. This condition is called tonsillitis, the chronic form of which is accompanied by the cessation of the protective activity of the glands and turning them into a focus of constant infection and intoxication of the body.

    The disease can lead to such complications:

    • Frequent sore throats.
    • Rheumatic heart diseases.
    • Kidney problems( pyelonephritis, kidney failure).
    • Skin rashes of various types.
    • Thyroid dysfunction.
    The removal of tonsils solves the problem with chronic tonsillitis and the risk of accompanying pathologies.
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    Tonsils contribute to the formation of immunity, serve as a filter for the body and a barrier to pathogenic bacteria. After surgery to remove them, the incidence of respiratory tract increases, especially at a young age. Therefore, doctors consider the removal of glands an undesirable and extreme measure, and recommend first to try alternative methods aimed at restoring their function:

    • Rinsing and gargling.
    • Hardening of the body to improve immunity.
    • Waiting - in children aged 13-14 years, there is a change in the hormonal background and connective tissue, which can help to solve the problem independently.
    • The method of "pruning"( truncating) tonsils - partial removal of them, which reduces the focus of infection. Over time, the lymphoid tissue that makes up the tonsils grows and they get their normal size.
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    • Development of thrombosis of the jugular vein or infection of blood( sepsis) during a regular sore throat.
    • The tendency to rheumatic diseases - the presence of a patient with relatives who have had complications on the heart or kidneys associated with beta-hemolytic streptococcus in group A.
    • Stably severe course of angina - with high temperature, severe sore throat, profuse suppuration.
    • Insolvency of conservative treatment - washing of tonsils, courses of antibiotics, physiotherapy do not lead to stable remission.
    • Formation of an abscess in the throat during a regular sore throat.
    • Allergy to antibiotics against a background of severe episodes of the disease.
    • High incidence of diseases - more than 7 cases of angina per year, 5 cases in each of the last 2 years or 3 annual cases in the last 3 years.
    • Excessively enlarged tonsils interfere with normal breathing, which can lead to snoring or stopping breathing in a dream.
    Read more about the symptoms and treatment of purulent sore throat or inflammation of the tonsils http://woman-l.ru/simptomy-i-lechenie-gnojnoj-anginy-u-detej-i-vzroslyx/
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    • Oncologicaldisease.
    • AIDS.
    • Blood clotting disorders.
    • Tuberculosis in active form.
    • Decompensation( last stage) of cardiovascular and pulmonary pathologies.
    • Severe forms of diabetes mellitus.
    • Acute infection or exacerbation of chronic diseases.
    • Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity( gingivitis, caries).
    • Pregnancy.

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    Consequences of

    The removal of glands can take place with some postoperative complications:

    • Bleeding - occurs usually in the first day after the operation. It is dangerous not only for the loss of blood, but also for getting it into the respiratory tract during sleep, which can lead to asphyxia( strangulation).A slight bleeding, occurring on the 5th-8th day after the removal of the tonsils, is usually associated with the departure of the scab.
    • The development of infectious and inflammatory processes is characteristic for weakened patients or for non-compliance with the prescriptions of the doctor.
    • Allergic reactions to anesthetics - to avoid these risks, before the operation, patients predisposed to allergies are treated with antihistamines.
    • Burn of mucous and soft tissues - may occur with some methods of removing glands.
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    Among the long-term negative effects of the procedure:

    • Weakened local cellular immunity - stops the production of macrophages( cells involved in the fight against bacteria and viruses) that are carried out by the tonsils.
    • Reduction of the humoral immune response - the production of antibodies to pathogenic microbes is reduced, for which the lymphocytes of the glands are responsible.
    • Penetration of the infection in the respiratory tract - increases the incidence of laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, including obstructive.
    • Reduction of antiallergic protection - there may be a variety of dermatoses, as well as allergic bronchospasm( bronchial asthma).

    Positive aspects of removing glands:

    • Elimination of purulent foci in the body.
    • Cessation of frequent angina.
    • Normalization of respiration.
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    Tonsillectomy( tonsillectomy) is performed on an empty stomach and most often under general anesthesia. During the operation, patients( both adults and children) are usually injected with Dexamethasone, a corticosteroid hormone that can reduce the risk of negative consequences of surgical intervention( nausea, vomiting, pain syndrome).The operation can be carried out in several ways.

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    "Cold" removal

    Assumes the use of surgical instruments( scalpel, wire loop), through which the tonsils are separated from the surrounding tissues. A small bleeding that occurs when cutting blood vessels, is eliminated by special hemostatic sponges or by hand ligation of blood vessels. The advantage of the method is in the lower probability of bleeding after surgery.

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    "Hot" tonsillectomy

    It is performed by special tools that create a heat flow that cuts and cauterizes the tissues of the tonsils. The duration of the procedure and the amount of bleeding are lower than with "cold" removal, but wound healing takes longer because of damage to adjacent tissues, and the risk of subsequent bleeding is higher.

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    The "hot" methods include:

    • Laser removal of tonsils - laser surgery.
    • Radio wave tonsillectomy - a short-wave radiator is the cutting tool.
    • Cold-plasma treatment - using an ionized gas stream.
    • Ultrasonic scalpel - involves the use of strong ultrasonic radiators.
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    The recovery period takes about 2-3 weeks, the first few days must be spent in the hospital.

    After the operation, the following are possible:

    • Small bleeding - usually stops in 2-3 hours. The patient should lie on his side, spitting the discharge into a special dish.
    • Nausea and vomiting - these conditions can be eliminated with the help of medications.
    • Sensation of a foreign body in the throat - is associated with swelling of the tissues, it passes by itself during the day.
    • Increase in temperature - is considered a normal reaction of the body.
    • Sore throats - increase with the termination of anesthesia, are stopped by anesthetics.
    • Changes in voice - hoarseness and problems with diction occur due to mucosal edema, drug action, pain syndrome. Gradually the situation is normalized.
    • Difficult nasal breathing - eliminated with drops that relieve edema.
    • Unpleasant odor from the mouth - is due to the protein fibrin, covering the wound with a film and promoting their healing. Fibrinous plaque disappears after 5-7 days.
    • Pain when turning the neck - can last several weeks.

    Recommendations for prompt rehabilitation are:

    • Specific food - on the first day after the operation, one should not take food. In the following week the food should be soft, liquid or grated, not hot. Solid, acidic, spicy and spicy dishes, alcohol, carbonated drinks can irritate the mucous.
    • Compliance with the drinking regime - after a few hours after the operation, you can drink a little warm or cold water. In the future, even with difficulty swallowing, the volume of liquid drunk should be 1-1.5 liters per day for a child and 1.5-2 liters for an adult.
    • Restriction of activity - physical activity in the first 2 weeks after surgery can provoke bleeding.
    • Cessation of smoking is recommended until complete healing of the mucosa.
    • Refusal from steaming procedures - visiting a bath, saunas, a hot bath promote the expansion of blood vessels and can cause bleeding.
  • May 09, 2018
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