Dangerous periods of pregnancy. The most dangerous period during pregnancy. Treatment in critical stages of pregnancy

Dangerous periods during pregnancy for weeks and trimesters. Treatment and model of the future mother's behavior during critical periods of pregnancy.

Contents of

  • Are there any dangerous periods during pregnancy?
  • Dangerous period in pregnancy in the first trimester: weeks
  • Dangerous period during pregnancy in the second trimester: weeks
  • Dangerous period during pregnancy in the third trimester: weeks
  • What period of pregnancy is considered the most dangerous?
  • Critical periods of pregnancy after eco
  • What treatment is prescribed at the critical time of pregnancy?
  • What to do in dangerous periods of pregnancy?
  • Dangerous periods of pregnancy: tips and reviews
  • Video: Dangerous periods during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful and unforgettable condition for any woman. However, doctors warn that at any pregnancy there are risks of spontaneous interruption, miscarriage or premature birth. Such risks, as a rule, fall on certain periods of pregnancy.

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Are there any dangerous periods during pregnancy?

Dangerous periods of pregnancy

Critical periods during pregnancy are not a myth. They do exist. In a certain period of its development the baby is endangered and may die. This is due to the constant processes in the body of a woman and the behavior of her organs and systems.

Those ladies who do not adhere to the recommendations of doctors, and do not comply with the regime provided for pregnant women, risk not only the life of their baby, but their lives as well.

Dangerous period in pregnancy in the first trimester: weeks

Dangerous periods of pregnancy in the first trimester
  • At the first and, perhaps, the most responsible, pregnancy period falls for three critical periods. The fact is that during this time, all the organs and systems of the fetus
  • are laid. The placenta, which acts as the protection of the future baby, begins to form only in the middle of the first trimester. That is why at this time, as never before, the fruit is extremely vulnerable and can be exposed to any danger.
  • . For this reason, in the first trimester, even small doses of alcohol, medications and any impact on the future mother and her body are strictly forbidden.
pregnant woman in the first trimester

Here are the three most dangerous periods in the first trimester:

  • The first period falls on the gestation period of 2-3 weeks. The indicated time is the implantation period. That is, at this time the ovum is only attached to the walls of the uterus
  • The interruption of pregnancy during this period is considered the most painless in the moral plan, since often the potential mother may not even suspect that the pregnancy is

The most common causes of miscarriage at 2-3 weekspregnancy are considered:

  1. stress and emotional overload
  2. excessive physical activity
  3. presence in the female body of critical doses of alcohol, nicotine or other toxic substances
  4. of various pathologies and fetal development abnormalities
  5. presence of rumen in the uterus after surgery
  6. hysteromyoma not fully formed or not restored endometrium( for example, after "cleansing")
  7. pathology of the uterus
  • The second critical moment in the first trimester falls on 4-6 weeks of pregnancy. At this moment, all the organs and systems of the fetus are formed. Therefore, the danger can be not only in the interruption of pregnancy, but also in the development of various pathologies and abnormalities in the future baby. Therefore, in such a critical period, it is better for a woman to take care and try to exclude all negative factors and bad habits that can adversely affect the health of the embryo
  • The third dangerous time for pregnancy is the period from the eighth to the twelfth week. At this moment, the placenta begins to form - the most important shield and guard for the future of the crumbs. Any violations( especially hormonal) in the body of a pregnant woman can affect the correct placenta structure, and accordingly the development of the fetus itself. All these violations can lead to the inevitable death of the child in the womb
Causes of the emergence of dangerous periods of pregnancy in the first trimester

Summing up, we can conclude that the first trimester is the most serious and decisive period for the entire course of pregnancy.

It is during this time that all the organs and systems of the fetus are laid, as well as its protective shell - the placenta, accompanying and preserving it throughout the long and difficult path to birth.

The main causes of the threat to the fetus and placenta in the first trimester of pregnancy are usually:

  • harmful habits of the future mummy
  • emotional stress and stress
  • reception of potent medicines
  • harmful effects of work or habitat environment
  • physical overloads
  • colds as well as infectiousand viral diseases
  • chronic or acute diseases and pathological conditions of the genital organs of a woman

A dangerous period during pregnancy in the second threeMestre: weeks

Dangerous periods in the second trimester of pregnancy
  • The second trimester of pregnancy is considered to be the easiest and quietest in comparison with the rest. At the time of the second trimester, the woman is no longer suffering from toxicosis and headaches.
  • The baby inside her is not yet so big as to cause her discomfort. Because at this time, as a rule, a woman rests, relaxes and enjoys her unusual and interesting position.
  • However, during the second trimester, the fourth critical period of pregnancy also falls. It starts from the eighteenth week and continues until the twenty-second. The so-called "late miscarriage" of
  • may become dangerous for this period. This phenomenon can not be called premature birth, since the child is still too small, however, it can not even be called a miscarriage.
Causes of a dangerous period in the second trimester

Obstetricians-gynecologists leadthree main causes of "late miscarriage" in the second trimester of pregnancy:

  1. ICI - isthmico-cervical insufficiency
  2. Incorrect placental location
  3. Sex infections
  • ICI is a phenomenon where the muscles of the uterusrelax under the influence of the weight of the fetus and constant tone, and as a result, the cervix is ​​opened. This leads to premature labor
  • It should be noted that ischemic-cervical insufficiency is extremely rare, and with timely treatment of its symptoms to the doctor, it is possible to avoid the negative consequences of
  • . In order to maintain a pregnancy, a doctor can impose a couple of stitches on the cervix or use obstetric pessaries(device for maintaining the uterus).With these manipulations, it is possible to prevent danger to the fetus
Control of the ICI during the critical period of pregnancy
  • Incorrect placement of the placenta may occur in its full or partial presentation, low attachment or location in the area of ​​the scar or other formations on the walls of the uterus
  • . Critical for such conditions is the situation when the placenta begins to exfoliate and stimulate bleeding. All these processes can lead to fetal death of the fetus
  • . Infections that can cause a critical situation in the second trimester of pregnancy include chlamydia, herpes, ureaplasmosis
  • Such infections can disrupt the protective functions of the placenta, provoke complete or partial leakage of amniotic fluid and fetal death

Dangerousperiod during pregnancy in the third trimester: weeks

Dangerous periods of pregnancy in the third trimester
  • In the third trimester of pregnancy, you can also identify the most opaqueand he falls on 28-32 weeks of gestation.
  • A critical moment for this period is the premature onset of labor. However, at such times the baby is considered to be fully formed
  • Because, as a rule, the crumbs born in these weeks, thanks to the achievements of modern medicine, survive. The main causes of the third trimester are:
    • late toxicosis( preeclampsia)
    • premature placental abruption
    • ICS
    • phytoplacental insufficiency
    • polyhydramnios or hypodermic
    • hormonal disorders in the femalethe body

    What is the most dangerous period of pregnancy?

    The most dangerous period during pregnancy
    • All of the above critical weeks are quite dangerous for a pregnant woman and her future baby. Throughout the period of such an interesting situation, the future mother should be careful not to risk the
    • However, the most dangerous are the critical periods falling on the first trimester. They can conceal a danger not only for an appropriate period of time, but also have consequences with the final result. This is due to the fact that it is at this time that the entire material of the baby( physical and psychological) is being laid, and how the booklet will pass will depend the entire subsequent life of the crumbs
    • Because, in the first trimester of pregnancy,be as cautious as possible. She needs to listen to the doctor's recommendations and unquestioningly follow all of his prescriptions and prescriptions

    Critical periods of pregnancy after eco

    Critical periods for IVF pregnancy
    • Critical periods of pregnancy after IVF almost completely coincide with dangerous periods in usual pregnancy
    • The most frequent examples of IVF pregnancy terminationand usual pregnancy, fall for the first trimester and its three dangerous periods - 2-4 weeks, 4-6 weeks, 8-12 weeks
    • For the second trimester alsocharacterized by a critical moment in the 18-22 week
    • But in the third trimester preterm labor risks increase at 28-32 weeks' gestation

    What treatment is administered in the critical stages of pregnancy?

    Treatment during critical periods

    The course of the first period of pregnancy and the negative consequences during it largely depend on the woman herself, her behavior, lifestyle and environment.

    To treat it in dangerous periods of the first trimester, doctors practically do not have the opportunity, since taking any medications at this time is strictly prohibited.

    In the second and third trimester, in critical situations that can cause abortion or premature birth, depending on the cause of the danger, doctors can prescribe the following types of treatment:

    • reception of hormonal preparations
    • suturing to the cervical canal
    • course of treatment for the control of the tone of the uterus
    • taking drugs to improve blood flow in the placenta
    • course of antibacterial drugs in the fight against infections of the genital tract

    What to do in dangerous periods of pregnancy?

    What to do in critical periods during pregnancy
    • If a woman does not have serious complaints about her own health and she and her husband did not have complex genetic diseases in the family, then she should not worry about the critical periods of pregnancy. It is better to devote this time to yourself, your spouse and future baby
    • After the first trimester of pregnancy, the leading woman, the gynecologist will already have the first ultrasound on which he can judge the condition of the placenta, fetus and uterus of the pregnant woman. Therefore, all subsequent actions will be regulated by them. If the results of ultrasound show any violations, the doctor himself will report on possible precautions or necessary treatment
    • Because a woman does not need to worry about the critical periods. It requires only to comply with all the prescriptions of the doctor, and if any worrisome symptoms appear, immediately contact him

    Dangerous periods of pregnancy: advice and feedback

    Dangerous pregnancy periods
    • In addition to the critical periods of pregnancy indicated in the article, there are alsoadditional dangerous periods
    • Doctors believe that in those days on which the woman had a menses before pregnancy, she also needs to be more attentive to herself. After all, the body has become accustomed to regular monthly hormonal leaps for a long time, and during pregnancy it can behave exactly the same.
    • You also need to be more careful of those women who have experienced a miscarriage or a frozen pregnancy in the past. The fact is that with the approach of the date coinciding with the previous incident, the future mother may start getting too nervous and panicking, thereby harming herself and the baby. Some doctors even recommend placing a woman in the hospital at this time under the constant supervision of doctors, which will calm the woman a little, and will make her feel more protected.

    Video: Dangerous periods during pregnancy

  • May 09, 2018
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