What is the eye's heterochromia? Why the eyes of people of different colors: the reasons

Heterochromia of the eye can be not only a unique unique adornment of the eye, but also a symptom of the development of some serious diseases.

Contents of

  • What is eye heterochromia?
  • Why the eyes of people of different colors: the reasons for
  • Video: Why do people have eyes of different colors?
  • Central iris of the iris of the eye
  • Partial or sectoral heterochromia of the iris of the eye in humans
  • What is acquired eye heterochromia?
  • Heterochromia of the eye: how to get sick?
  • Photos of children, women, men, girls with different eyes
  • Video: Minute of Enlightenment - Heterochromia

The mysterious look of people with different eye colors is not the only thing that is the result of heterochromia. In some cases, this phenomenon may indicate the presence and development of serious pathologies in the body.

What is eye heterochromia?

The heterochromia is called a rare phenomenon when the colors of the iris of the right and left eyes are different or the iris of one eye is not uniform and, in some cases, unevenly colored.

instagram viewer
View of a woman with partial heterochromia

IMPORTANT: According to statistics, only 1% of people have partial or complete heterochromia. In this case, the most common cases of coloring one eye in blue or blue, and the other - in shades of brown.

Why the eyes of people of different color: causes

Heterochromia appears as a result of of a deficiency or excessive amount of melanin in the iris or part of it .The smaller the color, the lighter the color. And vice versa - the more melanin the more, the darker the eyes.

One of the most harmless reasons for the appearance of heterochromia is heredity.

Heterochromia of the eyes can be transmitted by inheritance

IMPORTANT: If the child has relatives with eyes of different colors, then there is a high probability of developing heterochromia. Most likely, parents will notice an anomaly in the baby even before the age of two.

Other common causes of heterochromia can be:

  1. Inflammation of the vessels in the eyes of the Fuchs syndrome .Changing the color of one or two eyes is often accompanied by blurred vision, deterioration, and eventually a complete loss of vision. Injury of eye .The ingress of graphite, metal shavings or other foreign objects into the eyes and their untimely removal may lead to a change in the color of the injured eye. As a rule, bright eyes darken, acquiring brown or green shades.
  2. Neurofibromatosis .
  3. Action of drugs used to treat glaucoma .
Acquired heterochromia can be a symptom of a serious eye disease

Video: Why do people have different-colored eyes?

Central irroschemia of the iris of the eye in humans

Central heterochromia of the is characterized by a color change only in the pupillary region. Usually a small distance around the pupil itself is colored in a darker, mostly brown, color, and the remainder of the iris is light.

Holders of eyes with central heterochromia are proud of their unusual expressive look and do not know that this phenomenon is described in medical textbooks.

IMPORTANT: Central heterochromia is not an excuse for panicking and looking for illnesses. However, the visit to the oculist will not be superfluous.

Central heterochromia

Partial or sectoral heterochromia of the iris of the eye in humans

With partial( sectoral) heterochromia , the iris is not completely colored due to an insufficient amount of melanin. As a result, one eye can be "divided" into several distinctive color segments-sectors.

In the middle of a darker color there may be light spots: blue on a brown background, gray on a blue background.

Sectoral heterochromia

What is acquired eye heterochromia?

Acquired heterochromia is almost always an result of serious illnesses, severe inflammation or injury to and can lead to disastrous consequences. People, the color of one or both of their eyes, which suddenly began to change, should contact the oculist as soon as possible.

The reason for acquired heterochromia may be:

  1. Siderosis is a disease in which iron deposition occurs in the eyes.
  2. Treatment of glaucoma with drops provoking excessive production of melanin.
  3. Tumor diseases of the eye .
  4. A is the trophism of the iris , manifested in its gradual discoloration.
  5. Neuroblastoma or melanoma - malignant tumors.
  6. Inflammatory process of the vessels of the eye membranes, which can cause blindness.
Drops from glaucoma can provoke heterochromia

Heterochromia of the eye: how to get sick?

In modern society, the phenomenon of heterochromism is treated as a certain feature that gives the owner of multi-colored eyes a magical look.

Creators of computer games and anime, rewarding their heroes with heterochromia, try to emphasize the mystery and grandeur of these characters. Perhaps that is why there was a kind of fashion for colored eyes.

Young people often try to intentionally change the color of the eyes, achieving the effect of complete heterochromy.

If the desire to have eyes of different colors is too large, only colored lenses can help. Intentionally get sick or get infected with heterochromia of the eyes is impossible.

The effect of complete heterochromy can be achieved with

colored lenses. IMPORTANT: In cases of acquired heterochromy, eye color is often restored after the cause that caused this phenomenon is eliminated. If the heterochromia is innate, the eyes will have a color gift given by nature until the end of a person's life.

Photo of children, women, men, girls with different eyes

Girl with congenital heterochromia
Heterochromia of the eye in a girl
Heterochromia in a man

Video: Minute of enlightenment - Heterochromia

  • May 09, 2018
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