A nicotinic acid. Application for hair

Contents of
What is nicotinic acid
  • Uses for hair
  • Indications and inhibitions for the use of
  • Ways to use vitamin
  • Mask recipes
  • Useful tips
  • Specialists claim that nicotinic acid for hair is one of the most valuable vitamins. With its deficiency, there is a risk of stopping their growth, premature graying, excessive prolapse of strands and even the development of alopecia. Therefore, it is so important to ensure a sufficient amount of this vitamin in the body. For this, it is taken in the form of medicinal preparations, consumes foods with a high content of this substance and applies useful masks to the hair using a vitamin in the ampoules of

    . What is nicotinic acid

    This substance is also called vitamin B3 or PP.In addition, there is another name for this acid - "niacin".This substance belongs to the category of water-soluble vitamins and is of great importance for the correct exchange of elements between the cells of hair, skin, and nails. In addition, it helps improve the structure of DNA.

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    Vitamin PP is present in many fish products and cereals. However, as a rule, it is obtained by artificial means. Partially niacin is produced by the body, but most of the substance is absorbed from products or various cosmetics - masks, balms or solutions.

    Vitamin B3 is produced in tablets and ampoules. The form of manufacture does not affect the effectiveness of the drug. Nevertheless, it is believed that the acid solution is easier to penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis of the head. Due to this, sleeping follicles are activated, which positively affects the growth of the curls.

    Hair Benefits

    Vitamins are active elements that affect the human body at the cell level. They ensure the normal operation of most organs and systems. Changes in the structure of hair or scalp are a consequence of problems with metabolism in cells, premature tissue necrosis, stopping collagen synthesis, loss of moisture.

    To avoid such problems, the roots of the hair must fully receive nicotinic acid. This substance has the following properties:

    1. Improves microcirculation in the subcutaneous layer, contributing to the normalization of blood circulation and lymph flow.
    2. Promotes vasodilation, normalizes their permeability, fights with thrombi and increases the number of working capillaries.
    3. Provides hair follicles with nutrients. Due to this they receive the necessary ingredients - minerals, oxygen and vitamins. With normal nutrition, the hair becomes shiny, becoming more dense and stronger.
    4. Promotes rapid growth of strands.
    5. Helps to strengthen roots, helps restore damaged bulbs. Thanks to this, it is possible to prevent hair loss and prevent the development of alopecia.
    6. Updates cells, facilitating the initiation of self-rejuvenation mechanisms. Due to this, the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers is enhanced, which makes the strands stronger and more elastic.
    7. Promotes moisturizing dry hair, strengthening cell membranes and preventing moisture loss.
    8. Helps to produce special pigments, making curls shiny and saturated pigment. In addition, the use of vitamin PP is the prevention of premature graying.
    9. Promotes the fight against dandruff.

    If problems with curls have already appeared, it is very important to provide access to a large number of niacin to the roots of strands and scalp. It is very important to monitor the observance of the daily norm of this substance, since there is a risk of overdose.

    If the mask with nicotinic acid is used as a preventive agent, then very little of this substance will be required, and the hair will become healthy and beautiful. Masks perfectly prevent the occurrence of dryness and the development of alopecia. In addition, the use of niacin is an excellent aid against hair loss.

    Indications and prohibitions for the use of

    When the vitamin PP enters the skin cells, its active work begins. Therefore it is very important to give it a purposeful character. If you want to cope with high fat content, do not expect a miracle, because niacin does not help regulate the synthesis of sebum. Therefore, experts advise using niacin only for the intended purpose.

    The main indications for the use of this tool:

    • slowing or complete stop of hair growth;
    • falling out of different intensity;
    • increased dryness of ringlets;
    • fragility of strands;
    • loss of color saturation;
    • no power and no power;
    • premature gray;
    • lack of density and volume;
    • dandruff or seborrhea;
    • incorrect staining.

    Only in these situations, niacin can benefit hair. In this case, there are cases when vitamin PP is forbidden to use even in the composition of external means.


    Since niacin is a potent medicament, there are pathologies and conditions in which this substance is contraindicated. Its effect on the tissues of the body can provoke all sorts of complications, which will subsequently require prolonged therapy.

    Therefore, all contraindications are recommended to study in advance. These include the following:

    • allergic reactions;
    • hypertension;
    • individual intolerance;
    • propensity to develop edema;
    • bleeding, including blood loss during menstruation;
    • hair loss as a consequence of serious pathology;
    • dysfunction of the sebaceous glands of the head.

    If contraindications to the use of vitamin PP are not available, you need to analyze in detail the instructions for using this remedy. Incorrect use of the formulation can also provoke unwanted effects.

    Ways of using vitamin

    There are many methods of using niacin for hair. First of all, it should be taken into account that they can only process curls in pure form. If the hair has a tendency to fat, they should be washed first, otherwise contamination will get into the pores with the drug substance.

    It is strictly forbidden to use shampoos containing silicone for washing the head. Such means envelop the strands with the finest film, which prevents the ingress of the vitamin into the structure of the curls.

    It is recommended to use an ordinary shampoo, then rinse strands of herbal decoction.

    The solution should be applied to the skin and treated with slightly damp strands. It should be poured into a container made of glass or ceramics, and then put fingers there. Niacin rubs into the skin, performing massage movements. Do this in the following order:

    • frontal zone;
    • crown;
    • lateral sides;
    • whiskey;
    • occipital region.

    After that, comb the hair with a massage brush made of natural material. Thanks to this, it will be possible to distribute the vitamin throughout the length of the hair. If after application of the composition there is a slight burning sensation or the skin reddens slightly, you do not need to worry. Such symptoms are considered a normal response of the skin to a chemical reaction.

    Do not wash hair with a substance. This procedure is done every day for a month, then for the same interval you need to take a break.

    If the skin becomes too dry after the first use of niacin, dandruff is seen on it, and you have headaches and dizziness, this tool is not recommended. Such manifestations testify to the intolerance of the remedy, and therefore the substance can only bring harm. But such cases are extremely rare.

    In some cases, the concentration of the solution exceeds the permissible level. Alternatively, you can try to dilute niacin with water in equal proportions.

    Niacin can be combined with other vitamins. A great option will be A, C, E. Also it is allowed to dilute with various oils. Good for olive or linseed. You can also use rosemary or lavender. No less useful tool will be verbena oil. A great addition to the vitamin are the juices of ginger or aloe, as well as a decoction of chamomile.

    The wonderful solution will be the use of a miracle spray:

    1. For this purpose, take 10 ampules of vitamin B3, add 100 ml of water. Pour 5 drops of essential oils of lavender and rosemary.
    2. Composition should be placed in a special container with a spray, then shake well.
    3. The agent is applied to strands before going to bed. This should be done within a month, then for the same period, interrupt.

    Mask recipes

    Such compositions activate the growth of curls, cope with their loss, improve the structure and appearance of the strands. At the same time, it is not allowed to apply masks more than 1-2 times a week. The general course of therapy should not exceed 5 sessions. Then it is recommended to interrupt for 2-3 months. Otherwise, there is a risk of allergic reactions.

    To achieve excellent results, it is recommended to choose one of the following recipes:

    1. Hair mask from henna. We need to prepare the henna and combine it with water, first diluting in it a third of the package of yeast. Henna is recommended to choose a colorless, and use a small amount of water. After 5 minutes after the introduction of water, add 1 ampoule of niacin and a few drops of verbena oil. The mask is held for 40 minutes, and the curls must first be moistened.
    2. Mask with yolk. To produce it, you should combine honey with yolk in equal parts. If you are going to use too thick honey, you must first melt it on a steam bath. To 1 ampule of niacin, you should add a couple of spoons of olive oil. Also, you can enter 10 drops of vitamin E. The product is treated with hair, performing massage movements.
    3. Mask with aloe. To 1 large spoon of juice of this plant add 2-3 ampoules of niacin. This volume is suitable for women with long hair. Thus for short strands there will be enough 1 ampoule of vitamin. All components should be mixed and applied to curls for 20 minutes.
    4. Mask with nutritional effect. Ampoule of niacin should be combined with half a small spoon of vitamin A, and also enter the same amount of vitamin E. The resulting mixture is combined with the yolk of a raw egg and a pair of spoons of linseed oil. Means to rub into the skin and stand the hour.

    Any mask should be washed off with warm water. However, shampoo is not recommended, because there is a risk of washing off all active ingredients.

    It is useful to combine the use of niacin with Darsonval. After applying 2 ampules of vitamin PP and massage, it should be approximately 10 minutes to thoroughly comb the strands with the attachment of the device. Everyday carrying out of the given procedure activates the growth of curls and restores their structure, allows to cope with dandruff and other problems.

    Useful tips for

    To achieve ideal results, you need to take into account certain recommendations:

    1. To decide whether to wash the mask or not, you should take into account the circumstances and your feelings. If you do not need to go anywhere, then it is better to leave the remedy on your hair. Before leaving, the composition, of course, will have to be washed away.
    2. Hair regains a long time. The first results will be visible after 2-3 weeks of systemic application of vitamin PP.
    3. To bring the hair in order and accelerate their growth, should be treated for at least 3 months.
    4. The dosage of the drug is affected by the density of the strands and the presence of specific problems. Short hair will require 1 ampoule of niacin, whereas long strands will require at least 4 ampoules.
    5. If after the application of the substance there is a sensation of itching and burning, you need to rinse the hair with water immediately and do not use any more vitamin PP.The norm is a slight tingling or slight burning, but a feeling of pain should not arise.
    6. Doctors do not advise self-medication, as it can harm your health.

    Despite the fact that niacin has certain contraindications, its benefit to the hair is obvious. It acts quickly enough, it differs by cumulative effect and helps to solve the majority of problems with hair. In addition, vitamin PP is a fairly affordable substance that can be bought at any pharmacy.

    Nicotinic acid is an unusually useful element that allows you to improve the condition of ringlets in a short time, normalize their structure, make them stronger and beautiful.

    The main thing is to strictly observe the rules for the use of this substance and take into account all possible contraindications to its use. Otherwise, there is a risk of undesirable side effects.

    • May 09, 2018
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