The causes of the appearance and methods of getting rid of widow's hump

Water hump( bovine hump) is a fatty deposit in the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra. There is such a hump, mainly because of excess weight or incorrect posture. In most cases, women face this problem. On the basis of the appearance of such a defect there is dislike for one's own appearance, nervousness and irritability increase. Water hump is not a sentence, you can get rid of him by resorting to a number of simple actions.

  • Causes
  • Hormonal disruptions and restructuring
  • Heredity
  • excessive exercise
  • Osteoporosis
  • osteochondrosis
  • Wrong sleep
  • Spinal injuries
  • disposal methods
  • Proper sleep
  • Charging
  • circular movements of shoulders
  • Pose Cobra
  • pose cat
  • Stretching the arms and legs
  • Head exercises
  • Windmill
  • Chin geometry
  • Massage
  • Proper nutrition
  • Folk remedies
  • Bean salt
  • Bean salt
  • Beetroots
  • Chamomile
  • Salad with honey
  • Prevention

Causes of

Occurrence of an external defect in the form of a hump in the neck may be accompanied by the following reasons:

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Hormonal failures and rearrangement

In a risk zone,45 years old, the organism of which is intensively reconstructed and the hormonal background is broken. The emergence of a bovine hump is also experienced by women during the full offensive of menopause. During the onset of menopause, it is worth taking medications that normalize the production of the female hormones needed. Also, a young girl may be in the risk zone, if for any reason( illness, stress, overstrain), there is a hormonal leap or a malfunction.

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In rare cases, but still possible widow's appearance of heredity. If most women of one family line have or have had this defect, then the probability of its appearance exists for all generations. It is necessary to take preventive measures in advance for the growth of such a cervical growth.

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Excessive physical activity

Sports activities are very useful for the health of the whole body. But excessive active, even sometimes limiting training affects negatively on the muscles and bones and can lead to various kinds of diseases( cardiac, renal and hepatic insufficiency).Also, the constant physical loads associated with the specificity of hard work physical will entail the growth of widow's hump. To avoid negative work should be to the best of their ability, and exercise in the best interests.

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This is a very serious disease. Develops due to malnutrition and low-activity lifestyle. When osteoporosis in human bones, a lack of calcium is clearly evident. Because of this shortage, the spine is often deformed( curvatures, displacements).Often in case of osteoporosis, stand out lonely vertebrae, they are mainly located in the upper and cervical spine. Water hump in osteoporosis can develop into a full hump, if not to take therapeutic measures.

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Low-activity lifestyle, constant sedentary work, long-term presence in one posture leads to dystrophic changes in the intervertebral disc area. Such changes lead to the deposition of salts in the neck and in the upper part of the vertebra. The deposition of salts in the cervical region manifests itself in the form of fat deposits. To combat the widow's hump, it is first necessary to overcome osteochondrosis.

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Incorrect sleep

Wrong posture during sleep, high pillow, insufficiently hard mattress can lead to problems with the spine. A high pillow is generally an enemy of female appearance. Because of her rapid development of the second chin. Also, a practically sitting posture during sleep very quickly forms a widow's hump on the neck.

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Spinal Injuries

Any kind of bruises, fractures, cracks, dislocations, popping out of the intervertebral discs - all this leads to the development of widow's hump. Injuries can be any degree and even any limitation period, they slowly provoke the growth of fat-salt build-up. At the slightest trauma and discomfort, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

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Methods for getting rid of

In order to get rid of widow's hump on the neck, it is necessary to resort to a number of methods:

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Correct sleep

You can completely get rid of the build-up by choosing a rigid mattress for sleeping. The cushion should not be more than 10 centimeters. It should also be equal to the width of the shoulder. The filler for the pillow should be selected tight, best natural. The ideal option for the treatment of widow's hump and the prevention of its occurrence will be a rabbit under the neck. Lovers of ideal beauty should at all sleep without a pillow in the position on the back.

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Daily charging should be a small, five-minute, but daily.

To get rid of a widow's hump, the following simple exercises are suitable:

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Circular motion of the shoulders

Stand up straight, put your feet shoulder width apart, hands at the seams. Carry out circular motions simultaneously with both shoulders first forward, and then backward. We must try to maximize and lift your shoulders. In the process, all the upper muscles of the back and neck should be involved. Exercise should be done up to 5 minutes.

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Pose of cobra

It is necessary to lie on the floor on the stomach. Place the palms under the shoulders. The forehead needs to touch the floor. It is necessary to begin slowly to tear off the head and shoulders from the floor caving back. Action must be performed at the expense of the muscles of the back. The deflection is counted only when the hands lying on the floor are fully straightened. While in the deflection you need to maximally pull up the chin and stay in the pose for 10-15 seconds. Such deflections must be performed 20.

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Cat pose

It is necessary to stand on the floor on all fours. Knees and hands should be positioned equally, at shoulder level and parallel to each other. On inhalation, it is necessary to bend the back as much as possible upwards, on an exhalation to fall as much as possible downwards. With the deflection up, strain the muscles of the neck and chin, pulling the head up. Exercise repeat at least 20 times.

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Extension of hands and feet

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You need to stand on the floor on all fours. Knees and hands should be positioned equally, at shoulder level and parallel to each other. It is necessary to stretch forward one arm and one leg. The extremities must be alternated( left arm - right leg, right arm - left leg).In the position of elongated extremities, it is necessary to linger for 10 seconds. Exercise should be done 20 times per hand.

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Head Exercises

This charging section includes all kinds of physical exercises related to the operation of the cervical spine by performing inclinations, circular rotations, easy head turns. Lodochka You need to lie on the floor on your stomach. Pull your hands forward in front of you. It is necessary at the same time to tear off the arms and legs from the floor bending. So simulate the
boat. In the deflection, you need to stay for 10-15 seconds. It is possible at this time to swing up and down.

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mill To stand smoothly, feet to shoulder width, can be wider. Bend down and do a swing by hand, imitating the mill, alternately touching the toes of the toes with the palms. The left arm is the right leg and vice versa. You can put a palm on the floor near the foot. Make one approach for 20 flops for each hand.

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Chin geometry

The exercise can be performed sitting or standing. The back should be smooth. You need to focus your attention on the tip of your chin. Using the mouth movements to draw a chin in the air geometric shapes, you can letters. Such exercises are useful in dealing with the widow's hump, the second chin, facebuilding of the contours of the face.

Read also about facebuilding, exercises for tightening the contours of the face and neck
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Uncomplicated massage of the cervical department can be performed independently or by visiting a massage room. If you prefer homework, you can take a hot bath before the massage for a better effect. You can do 10-15 minutes rubbing and tingling the steamed fatty tissue, and you can use any electric massager.

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Proper nutrition

To get rid of widow's hump and general improvement of the health of the whole organism, one should adhere to a number of rules for proper nutrition:

  • is not to overeat, eat better in small portions, but more often;
  • to keep calorie counting for own weight and growth and not to go beyond them;
  • to exclude from the diet acute, fried and fatty foods;
  • limit consumption of sweets and baking;
  • not drink carbonated drinks;
  • is not white bread;there are dairy products;
  • has fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • drink only water without gas, green tea without sugar, fresh juices;
  • eat cereals without salt and oil( in particular rice, it removes salt from the body);consume only lean meat and fish.
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Folk remedies

To eliminate widow's hump at home, there are several proven folk methods:

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It is necessary to boil a large red bean: 5 large spoons in 2 glasses of water. Wrap the brew and insist 12 hours. Drink expressed liquid by 1 glass 2 times a day. For daily drinking, prepare a fresh decoction.

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Salt with honey

Mix the ingredients in equal proportions. Put the gruel in gauze and attach to the hump for 2-3 hours in the form of a compress.

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To enclose the hump during the day with mustard plasters. For a day you need to do at least 3 procedures. The fat tissue warms up and the hump "melts".

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It is necessary to weld a very cool chamomile broth. Make a decoction of compresses on the neck for 2-3 hours.

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Salo with honey

It is necessary to take 100 grams of pork unsalted fat. Grind into a gruel. Add to the lard a small spoonful of vinegar, honey and pure triple cologne. Leave the gruel in a dark warm place to insist until it is completely homogeneous, sometimes stir. All components must "make friends".The resulting ointment to smear the widow's hump in the morning and at night.

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To widow the hump is bypassed:

  • to move more with a sedentary lifestyle;
  • if physical exertion is excessive, they need to be reduced;
  • sleep on a hard mattress;
  • sleep on a low pillow( on the platen, or do not use the pillow at all);watch your own weight;
  • adhere to the correct posture;
  • to control hormones;
  • to balance nutrition;
  • drink plenty of fluids.
  • May 09, 2018
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