How is allergy manifested and how to treat it

Allergy in the eyes is manifested as inflammation of the mucous membrane and causes great discomfort, significantly reducing the quality of life of the patient. In neglected form it can lead to lesions of the mucous eyes and impair their visual function. For this reason, an allergic reaction in the eye zone requires timely and properly selected treatment.

  • Causes of
  • Symptoms of
  • Treatment of
  • Treatment with folk remedies
  • Child

Causes of

An hereditary factor or weakening of the body's immune defenses are common causes of allergy around the eyes. Also to the diseases, accompanied by an allergic reaction to the eyes, are:

  • Atopic dermatitis.
  • Rhinitis of an allergic nature.
  • Bronchial asthma.

External stimuli that contribute to the appearance of such a reaction are:

  • Pollen of plants( especially in spring and summer).
  • Cosmetic products( cream, gel, soap) and decorative cosmetics for the eyes( pencil, ink, shadows, etc.).

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  • Feathers of birds, animal fur, reptile scales.
  • Medicinal products.
  • Low air temperature.
  • Wind.
  • Contaminated air.
  • Household dust.
  • Chemical compounds( in production).
  • Physical effects( mechanical irritation with contact lenses, UV action).
  • Infections( the reaction appears in response to contact with viruses and bacteria).
  • Contact with foreign body in the eye.
Read also about the causes of redness in the eyes of adults and children, and how to cope with this phenomenon
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Symptoms of

The allergic reaction to the eyes can be acute or chronic, and is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Sensation of "sand" in the eyes, dryness and burning. Reddening of the mucous membrane of the eye.
  • Swelling and redness on the skin around or near the eyes.
  • Itching in the lower and upper eyelid, tingling in the nose.
  • Purulent discharge from the eyes.
  • Puffiness of the eyelids, sometimes accompanied by a syndrome of "swollen cornea."
  • Involuntary eyelid movements.
  • Sensitivity to light.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Excessive tearing.

Symptoms can be manifested singly in acute reactions to the stimulus or systematically, for example, depending on the season( seasonal).With a year-round allergy symptomatology in most cases is poorly expressed, but is constantly present. The inflammatory process of the mucosa often occurs in one eye, but can also spread to both eyes.

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Treatment of

The basis of therapeutic allergy therapy for eyes is the following principles:

  • Limitation of contact with the substance or allergy factor.
  • Drug-induced symptomatic therapy.
  • Immunotherapy.

Symptoms of eye allergy are eliminated with the help of local ophthalmic drugs:

  • Antihistamine drops( Ketotifen, Lecrolin, Alomid, etc.) or eye cream( Iphiral, Allergodil), in a short time eliminate eyelid edema and itching for allergies.
  • Hormonal eye ointments( Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone) relieve swelling of the eyelids with inflammation and allergies under the eyes.
  • Antibacterial ointments and drops against allergies( Tetracycline ointment, Ciprolet, Polymyxin, Tobramycin, etc.) are used in purulent inflammatory processes, as well as infectious diseases.
  • Vasodilators( Naphthyzine, Vizin, Octilia, etc.) eliminate red eyes, itching and swelling of the eyelids.
  • Antihistamines( Suprastin, Claritin, Loratadin) relieve the associated symptoms of allergy - cough, cold.

In addition, to increase the body's defenses requires the provision of immune therapy. Recommended intake of fish oil, vitamin complexes.

If you have allergies in the eyes, it is strictly forbidden to engage in self-medication. Such a reaction can lead to unpleasant complications, so if symptoms occur, you need to monitor the allergist and ophthalmologist.
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Treatment with folk remedies

The use of folk methods for allergies is considered not only effective, but also less traumatic for the body, because they are based on a variety of natural ingredients that do not cause complications and do not put the liver or kidneys. However, before using this or that method of treatment, you should consult a specialist.

  • Washing your eyes with chamomile tea will help relieve inflammation. To prepare the medicine, 1 tablespoon of flowers should be brewed in 250 milliliters of boiling water. Let cool and leave for 20 minutes. Flush eyes no more than 2-3 times a day.
  • To remove inflammation and redness apply eye lotions from raw apple, potato and cucumber. The listed products must be rubbed on a fine grater and the resulting mass put in gauze. Put the lotions on the closed eyelids for 10 minutes( you can not press it).
  • From the inflammation and swelling of the eyelids, the Kalanchoe juice will help to get rid of it. It is necessary to squeeze out the juice from the fresh leaf of the plant, moisten the cotton swab and wipe it up to 7 times a day.
  • It is recommended to use tincture of fennel seeds from eye allergy.1 tablespoon of seeds should be insisted in 300 milliliters of hot water for about 30 minutes. Ready infusion rinse the eyeball no more than 5 times a day.
  • Daily every morning you need to treat the eyes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
Using folk remedies for allergies, you need to know that all the above solutions for washing and decoctions for lotions can not be used more than 1 time, that is, for each procedure it is necessary to prepare a new portion of the remedy. At the same time for each eye, you need to have a separate sterile cotton swab that will prevent the transfer of infection from one side to the other.
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The child

Allergy in the eyes of children appears for the same reasons as in adults: as a result of increased sensitivity to environmental factors( pollen, wool, drugs, etc.) or infectious agents( parasites,viruses, fungi, bacteria).A characteristic primary symptom of an allergic reaction is severe itching, causing the child to constantly scratch his eyes, which leads to an increase in the symptoms of the disease.

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To ensure that the allergy in the eyes of a child does not take a chronic course, the following rules must be observed:

  • Systematically ventilate the room in which the baby is.
  • Teach him to wash his hands with soap and water.
  • In the spring and winter time of the year to strengthen its immune system.
  • Organize a full meal.
  • If the first signs of illness occur, seek medical advice immediately.

For the treatment of allergies in newborns and children, the following drops are most often used:

  • Tobrex is an antibacterial eye drop of a broad spectrum of action. Used since the first days of the child's life for the treatment of blepharitis, allergies, conjunctivitis, blenorrhea, keratitis, meibomite, etc.
  • Albucid has antibacterial properties and is often used for allergic reactions in infants and newborns.
  • Vitabact is used in the inflamed mucous membrane of the eye or its cornea. It helps very well when infecting a lacrimal sac in a newborn.
  • Floxal is a broad spectrum antimicrobial agent. Used for both bacterial and viral conjunctivitis, barley.

Babies sometimes have crusts in the corners of the eyes that cause suppuration and redness. With this problem, the solution of furacilin will help. For the preparation of the drug, one tablet of the preparation must be crushed, poured into warm boiled water and stirred until completely dissolved. After that, strain the solution through a double layer of gauze and, using a cotton swab, rinse the baby's eyes.

  • May 09, 2018
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