Ways how to quit smoking forever and forever

Should quit smoking! This idea periodically visits every smoker. No matter how long you smoke, you can get rid of the bad habit at any time. In this phrase is the main problem of smokers. They repeat: "at any time," but must say: "I can quit smoking now."How to move from words to deeds and forget about cigarettes forever?

  • Preparation
  • Analyze yourself
  • Health
  • economic benefits
  • Support
  • Methods
  • complete cessation of smoking
  • gradual reduction in the number of cigarettes smoked
  • Electronic Cigarette
  • Hookah
  • inhaler
  • Nicotine gum
  • nicotine patches
  • Tablets
  • Sprays
  • Teas
  • Candy, seeds
  • Help specialists
  • Supportive actions
  • Folk methods
  • Herbal infusions
  • Decoction eucalyptusFish oil and

Preparation First of all, you need to believe that you can quit smoking on their own. The easy way, proposed by Allen Carr, is based on a simple principle. A smoker needs to realize that his habit is addiction, and the pleasure derived from smoking is just an illusion.

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It is possible to quit smoking without pills, but this requires a conscious approach to solving the problem.

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Analyze yourself

First of all draw conclusions about your behavior as a smoker. Ask yourself a few important questions.

  1. How many cigarettes a day do you smoke?
  2. Do you have any special rituals related to smoking? This can be a cigarette for a cup of coffee in the morning, smoking "for the company, smoke at work.
  3. When do you most want to smoke? In a stressful situation, from boredom, in the company of friends, in a state of intoxication.

After answering the questions, try to begin to control your craving for nicotine. To begin with, you should get rid of all the rituals associated with a bad habit.

If you do not imagine your morning without coffee with a cigarette, then start sharing these activities. First, drink coffee, and after 15 minutes, allow yourself to do the first puff.

If you take breaks at work, so that employees can smoke, learn how to refuse such invitations. Answer that you do not want to, and never initiate such five-minutes yourself.

If you want to smoke in moments of anger or stress, try to control your mood. Take a few deep breaths, count to ten and only after that allow yourself to smoke a cigarette, if you still need it.

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Health status

Think about your health and its prospects, or better complete a complete examination of the body. This is especially true for young people who have not yet fully experienced the negative effect of long-term smoking and the prospect of getting a whole bunch of illnesses seems to them far-fetched.

Most likely, the examination will show a significant deterioration in the level of work of the immune, respiratory, digestive and reproductive systems.

Girls, in turn, should cherish their beauty, because nicotine and resin are very expressive in the skin of the face, hands, mouth and hair.

All young smokers without exception should seriously think about the perspective of the birth of healthy children.

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Economic benefit

If the health threat is not sufficient stimulus, then it is worthwhile to calculate the economic "benefit" from smoking.

Counting the number of cigarettes smoked during the day, you probably will be surprised, because often most smokers tend to minimize the size of their nicotine addiction. In this case, the calculation of the money spent on it helps to develop an informed attitude to its nicotine addiction.

Do not be lazy to find out the exact amount that you have been treated with a bad habit. Perhaps the money saved could be bought expensive watches, a car or go on a trip, which you have long dreamed of.

Calculate how much you spend on cigarettes per week or per month and take a good look at this tangible hole in your budget.

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Support for

Sometimes support for close people or like-minded people can help in preparing for quitting. Get her, find people who are also struggling with their addiction, support and motivate each other, share successes.

An excellent push to forever leave this bad habit will be the book Allen Carr's "Easy Way to Quit Smoking."It will teach you to look at your habit not as an inoffensive pleasure, but as a heavy dependence that significantly worsens the quality of life.

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All methods of getting rid of nicotine addiction can be divided into several categories- a complete refusal to smoke, a gradual reduction in cigarettes smoked and substitution of the source of nicotine. Let us consider the main disadvantages and advantages of these methods.

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The complete cessation of smoking

The undoubted advantages of this method of getting rid of nicotine addiction is the fact that it leaves no room for justification and teaches you to get rid of all triggers in one fell swoop. Assign a specific day, throw away cigarettes and everything for smoking and start life with a clean slate.

However, a complete cessation of smoking is fraught with disruptions. In addition, you should prepare for a bad mood and obsessive thoughts about the need to smoke a cigarette - so the body will remind you of a lack of nicotine.

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Gradual reduction in the number of cigarettes smoked

The gradual abandonment of a bad habit is a gentle way that will suit most smokers.

The main drawback of this method is that you need to constantly monitor yourself. You still allow yourself to smoke, but only a certain number of cigarettes a day. Never allow yourself to smoke more than yesterday, keep a constant record.

The benefits of phasing out a bad habit are obvious. The body will have time to get used to the decreasing amount of nicotine and will not demonstrate such harsh reactions as with complete quitting. You will begin to more consciously treat smoking, stop considering it a way to fill your free time and, in the end, be able to completely eliminate the bad habit.

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Electronic cigarette

This is an alternative way of smoking, but more secure. The standard electronic cigarette consists of: an

  • replacement cartridge that can contain a strong, medium and weak nicotine charge or contain no nicotine at all;
  • steam generator;
  • battery;
  • LED.

The principle of this device is the following: in a special compartment of the cigarette, cold steam is produced, it is mixed with a flavor emulsifier that does not contain nicotine( or containing it in a small dose).This fragrant vapor is absorbed by the body, simulating the effect of smoking and thus deceiving the brain.

It seems that smoking is carried out, but it does not carry nicotine, harmful impurities and resins. That is, it becomes almost safe for the smoker himself and for others.

Smoking electronic cigarettes helps to get rid of bad habits by smoothly reducing the amount of nicotine consumed and suppressing the desire to get a dose of harmful additives that are addictive.
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Hookah can hardly be called a method of fighting smoking, but many of this option really helped. Cigarette smoking is an established habit that is already performed at the level of muscle memory, so if you change the way you get nicotine, perhaps, over time, the habit itself will disappear.

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The tobacco industry has launched inhalers for smokers. The principle of their action is that the smoker at the occurrence of a desire to smoke makes several puffs through the inhaler and the desire disappears. The reason lies in the filling of the inhaler, it contains small doses of nicotine and tobacco contaminants. The method is not entirely safe, but effective. Moreover, others do not suffer from second-hand smoke.

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Nicotine chewing gum

This is not the most pleasant of the methods. The taste of nicotine gum is so disgusting that not every smoker is able to chew it. And the question of how to smoke after this cigarette does not arise at all. And all because nicotine passes through the esophagus into the stomach and is absorbed into the blood.

The plus is that you really do not want to smoke, but whatever one may say, nicotine does not become less in the body.

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Nicotinic plaster

The method is that a smoker needs to wear a special patch saturated with nicotine every day. Through the skin, nicotine penetrates into the blood and thus reduces the desire to smoke. The downside is that you still get nicotine in the same volume.

This method is not suitable for people for whom the physical process of smoking is important.

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This method is not suitable for everyone due to the individual intolerance of some components. But mostly anti-smoking tablets are a combination of sedative herbs and substances that are addictive to cigarettes.

Receiving these substances in a different format, the smoker does not need to keep a cigarette in his hands, thereby a bad habit can be defeated. The main thing is to stop taking pills in time.

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The principle of quitting using a spray is to reduce the dose of harmful substances. Typically, in the composition of such sprays in small doses are the components customary for the smoker. After all, the body itself is often important in the fact of obtaining certain substances, and the dose already plays a secondary role. Therefore, spray - a good tool for fighting smoking.

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This method is based on the general calm of the body. Regular intake of natural infusions of chamomile, mint or sage can suppress the desire to smoke another cigarette and raise the general tone of the body.

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Candy, seeds

The method will approach only resolute and self-reliant, those who really decided to abandon the addiction. The principle of the method is as follows: if you want to make a tightening, the smoker needs to eat a small caramel to distract or scrape seeds to hold hands. But the desire to smoke will remind you about yourself all the time. It is necessary to behave in the hands.

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Help of experts

If you are not able to overcome your addiction yourself, you can always turn to specialists. To date, you can get rid of smoking by methods of coding, hypnosis, acupuncture and non-traditional treatment( conspiracies, prayers).

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Auxiliary actions of

Many smokers are worried about the question of how to stop smoking and not recover.

Nicotine affects the metabolic processes in the body. This substance accelerates metabolism, as a result of which the body of the smoker "burns" 100-200 kcal per day more than the body of a non-smoker. Nicotine also reduces the digestibility of fats.

Remember the following recommendations:

  1. Physical activity will help to cope with the slowing of metabolism. It does not have to be a full training in the gym, a half-hour walk from work to home is also suitable.
  2. If your diet contains a lot of harmful fats, try to reconsider it. Red meat is best replaced with a bird or fish, fried - cooked in a double boiler or baked in the oven.
  3. In those moments when a former smoker especially wants to re-tighten a cigarette, his hand reaches for a snack. Consider this need, but instead of chocolate bars or high-calorie nuts always keep a package of candy without sugar or chewing gum at hand.
  4. At the same time it is important not to allow a feeling of acute hunger and alcoholic intoxication. The brain will persistently repeat that the cigarette will definitely help, stay and not smoke it will be very difficult.
  5. Keep track of your internal state. The hand reaches for the cigarette when we are irritated, tired or nervous. Keep calm.

Quitting smoking is a chance to start a new healthier life! You will be surprised at how your condition will change, when you start sleeping for 8 hours, eat regularly and exercise.

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Folk methods

Traditional medicine has a rich supply of recipes to facilitate the abandonment of nicotine.

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Herbal infusions

Tea with mint leaves or lime blossom with honey will be an excellent help in the fight against bad habit. It calms, promotes a deeper and more prolonged sleep and alleviates symptoms of a lack of nicotine.

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Eucalyptus broth

Tablespoon dried eucalyptus leaves pour a liter of boiling water and infused for an hour. Chilled broth strain and add to it 1 teaspoon of honey and glycerin. The solution is stored in a cool dark place. Take it should be half a teaspoon 7 times a day for a month.

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Fish oil

It helps to restore normal metabolism. The course of treatment is one month.

  • May 09, 2018
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