Causes and treatment of high fever in a child without symptoms

A sudden high fever in a child without symptoms makes every parent worry. Especially if there are no other signs of illness. In many cases, experiences about the health of the child are unfounded, but sometimes they can indicate the presence of dangerous diseases.

  • reasons
  • Overheating
  • Physiological fever
  • Allergy
  • Neurological causes
  • reaction to vaccination
  • Teething Bacterial infections
  • Subfebrile
  • temperature Sudden rash
  • Other reasons
  • The dangerous
  • survey
  • Treatment
  • Folk remedies


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Up to 5-6 years, the thermoregulation in a child is not developed enough and to a slight increase in temperature indicators( up to 37.8degrees) may result in the following reasons:

  • Prolonged exposure of the infant in an unventilated and hot room.
  • Very warm and cramped clothing.
  • Wrapping newborns, prolonged exposure to stroller under direct sunlight.
  • Long and moving games, especially in the summer.
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When overheating, parents should immediately take the child to the shade, provide him with an abundant warm drink, remove excess clothing. If the cause of high temperature is overheating, the thermometer's column will drop for 1 hour.

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Physiological fever

If the baby has a good appetite, does not act up and is fast asleep, then raising the mercury to 37.5 degrees is the norm. This is explained by the fact that the thermoregulation mechanism is not well established in a baby, but a normal temperature is established within 1-2 months.
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The body temperature in a child may increase due to an allergic reaction to plants, food, animals, bee or mosquito bites, etc. In this case, respiratory manifestations( sneezing, coughing) and skinreactions( hives, itching, rash).With the rapid detection of the allergen and the appointment of treatment, the symptoms are weakened and completely disappear.

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Neurological causes of

Asymptomatic temperature increase is often observed in children with a still unstable, weak due to age, psyche. Against the background of screaming or hysterics, noise, loud sounds and other factors that irritate the nervous system, the child's body temperature can reach 37.2-37.5 degrees. Parents in this case need to monitor the psychoemotional burdens of their children and, if necessary, provide them with peace and quiet. Also, problems with thermoregulation often appear in children due to disorders or diseases of the nervous system.

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Response to vaccination

Some children develop a febrile state after DTP vaccination. Thus, the body reacts to the introduction of bacteria into it and includes protection, stimulating the immune system. In this case, the temperature can rise to 38.5 degrees and last for 1-2 days.

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Teething Teeth

If the baby is swollen and reddened with a gum, and he is restless, moody and refuses to eat, one of the reasons for the heat may be the eruption of the baby teeth. The mark on the thermometer sometimes reaches 38 degrees, and this indicator usually holds for 1-3 days. To facilitate the state of the child will help abundant drink, special painkillers gels, as well as the attention of parents.

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Bacterial infections of

There are cases when the child has no external signs of the disease at the initial stage, but the body temperature is increased - this may indicate a hidden inflammatory process taking place in the body. This is observed, for example, with infections of the genitourinary system, laryngitis, angina, otitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis.

For children with congenital heart disease, a disease such as bacterial endocarditis can become dangerous. The penetration of bacteria into the cardiac tissue first causes an increase in temperature to 38 degrees, then it decreases to 37. If in addition to the temperature there are high pulse, shortness of breath and other signs of heart disease, a consultation of the cardiologist is necessary.

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Subfebrile temperature

It happens that the child does not complain about the state of health, and only with an occasional temperature measurement, it is found to increase to 37-38 degrees. This condition can last several months and is indicated by doctors as a low-grade temperature, signaling hidden problems in the child's body. For example, diabetes, anemia, helminthic invasion, HIV, brain diseases, cancer, etc.

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Sudden exanthema

The disease is caused by the herpes virus and is diagnosed in children under 2 years old. Exanthema begins with a high temperature( 38.5-40 degrees), which does not subside within 3-5 days. In some cases, there is an increase in the submaxillary, occipital and cervical lymph nodes. After a few days the temperature is restored, but on the body of the child there is a small pink rash, which occurs after 4-5 days.

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Other causes of

In addition, the temperature without symptoms can increase when a foreign body enters the body of a child. For example, a splinter that sometimes leads to inflammation and putrefaction of the skin. The earlier it is removed, the sooner the disease will pass. The use of substandard medicines can also cause a violation of thermoregulation in a child.

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is dangerous. High temperature( 39 degrees and above) can provoke febrile convulsions, the child thus loses consciousness, and his legs and hands twitch. For children who survived this condition, the thermometer is already considered to be critical 38 degrees or higher. If the mercury column has risen above 39.5 degrees, it threatens complications of cardiac activity and irreversible processes in the brain that can lead to death.

For children with neurological disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular system, the temperature above 38 ° C already can cause dangerous complications.
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To determine the cause of high fever in a child without symptoms, the doctor conducts an examination of a small patient, and then assigns various clinical studies:

  • General and biochemical blood test.
  • Bacteriological and general analysis of urine and feces.
  • Radiograph( if necessary).
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Additionally, you may need:

  • ultrasound of internal organs.
  • X-ray of the sinuses of the nose, nasopharynx.
  • Echocardiography( in case of suspected endocarditis).
  • Analysis of urinary catecholamines( with suspected neuroblastoma).
  • Osmolarity and ionograms of urine and blood( with suspected diabetes insipidus).Biopsy of lymph nodes.
  • Examination of the fundus.
  • Endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

Also the doctor will be interested in the information:

  • Are there signs of worsening of the general condition( behavior disorders, weight loss).
  • Are there any unobtrusive symptoms( headache, rash, sweating, etc.).
  • The degree of effectiveness of antipyretic drugs, etc.
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Treatment of

To prevent high temperatures( 38 degrees and above), children should be given antipyretic agents in the form of a syrup or a candle:

  • Ibuprofen( Nurofen).
  • Paracetamol( Panadol, Efferalgan, Ibuklin).
  • Candles of Analdim.

If the temperature has decreased and after a while has risen again, the child can be given a medicine on the basis of another antipyretic, for example, after Paracetamol Nurofen( between taking the medication should take at least 3 hours).It is forbidden to give children Aspirin, causing in infectious diseases Ray's syndrome, leading to death.

Not recommended rubbing vodka or alcohol, vinegar wiping, since such a procedure can trigger the appearance of seizures and toxic poisoning of the child.

At a temperature of 39 and above, an ambulance should be called up, which, if necessary, will inject with an injectable mixture( analgin with diphenhydramine and papaverine at the rate of 0.1 milliliters of each drug per year of life) and take it to a medical facility.

After the examination, the doctor, depending on the cause of high temperature, may prescribe certain medications. For example, if the virus became the cause of the fever, then, in addition to antipyretic drugs, antiviral and immunomodulating medications( Anaferon, Immunoflazid, Viferon suppositories, etc.) are shown, if the infection, then antibacterial drugs will be needed. Children are most often prescribed antibiotics Flemoxin, Amoxiclav, Zinnat, Sumamed Forte, Ceftriaxone, Suprax, etc.

Pay attention to the candles from the temperature, which experts recommend to use in the treatment of children of different ages /
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Folk remedies

  • It is necessary to strip the child, wipe it with warm water and put a cool compress on his forehead.
  • Give the baby a warm drink in the form of still water, broth of wild rose or morsel from cowberry, cranberry, sea buckthorn, currant, tea with raspberries, linden. With sore throat and cough, it is useful to have milk with honey.
  • With a high temperature, white cabbage effectively fights. Cabbage leaves should be lowered into boiling water, then a little shake and attach to the back( avoiding the heart area) and stomach, top cover with cellophane and a coverlet. After 30 minutes, the leaves need to be replaced with new ones.
  • Antipyretic enema.1 teaspoon of soda stir in boiled water( 0.5 liter) and make the child an enema. After such a procedure, the temperature drops and does not rise for a long time, but it is recommended to drink a lot of liquid.
  • Elevated temperature and cold extremities indicate spasms. You need to put on warm socks or attach a warmer to your feet. If this did not help, then the child should be given an antispasmodic( No-shpa) or Corvalol at the rate of 1 drop for a year of life with a tablespoon of water, since it will not be possible to lower the temperature until the spasms have passed.
  • If the mark on the thermometer has exceeded the 39 mark, and a strong chill appears, the child must be wrapped and allowed to warm up until signs of a drop in temperature. Wiping with warm water is prohibited in this case, since they can provoke spasms.
  • May 09, 2018
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