How and what can you reduce your appetite to lose weight

There are a lot of diets, but not everyone can reduce weight, and the reason for this is a constant feeling of hunger, which almost always accompanies weight loss. How to reduce the appetite and dull the hunger, forcing each time to break the diet? And, although there are no unequivocal answers to these questions, there are many ways to curb the increased appetite.

  • Tablets
    • Adrenalin-like anorektiki
    • Serotonin-like anorectics
    • Safe anorectics
    • Sports food
    • Herbs
    • Products
    • Acupressure
    • Folk remedies
    • During pregnancy


    Anorectic drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor after a thorough examination. It is not recommended to select medications that reduce appetite, as they have many contraindications and side effects.

    There are 2 groups of diet pills:

    • Adrenalin-like.
    • Serotonin-like.
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    Adrenalin-like anorectics

    Drugs in this group contribute to the production of the stress hormone, causing euphoria, which improves energy metabolism, and the feeling of hunger recedes.

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    However adrenaline-like drugs are addictive and have strong side effects:

    • mental disorders;

    • increased heart rate in combination with hypertension.

    Therefore, almost all tablets of this group are prohibited for use, but drugs that are close to the action for them are on sale. For example, Mazindol - helps eliminate hunger and stimulate the center of satiety. It can be addictive, therefore it can take no more than 2-3 weeks. A similar effect is provided by the preparation Phentermine.

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    Serotonin-like anorektiki

    Drugs reduce appetite, prevent the decrease in serotonin levels in the body, participate in the conduct of nerve impulses and regulate sleep. These include Fluoxetine, Fenfluramine and Dexfenfluramine. They dull the body's need for flour, sweet and fat. However, there are health-related side effects: brain damage, hypertension and the development of myocardial defects. Therefore, many drugs from this group of anorectics are prohibited.

    Today, most often prescribed drugs based on sibutramine - Meridium and Reduxin. Tablets are considered less safe, but effective in fighting hunger. They improve metabolism, reduce appetite, but still have side effects: heart palpitations, insomnia, etc.

    Many strong anorectics can disrupt normal metabolism in the body and cause a characteristic disease. For more information on pathological weight loss, see the article on the symptoms, causes and treatment of anorexia
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    Safe anorectics

    Compared to the above tablets from appetitethe following drugs are more harmless, but also less effective:

    Microcrystalline cellulose( MCC).The basis of the drug - purified cellulose, similar to the incoming from the body of vegetables, cereals and fruits. MCC contains natural supplements and does not give side effects. Entering the stomach, it swells and creates a sense of saturation, while providing a sorption effect( clears the intestines of toxins and toxins).Take the ICC strictly according to the instructions.
  • Fitomycil is a natural complex for weight loss, restoration of intestinal microflora, elimination of constipation and alleviation of hemorrhoid symptoms. Supplements do not cause side effects and addiction. The agent simultaneously affects both the mucous membrane of the intestine, and its contents, relieving bloating, constipation and a sense of gravity.
  • Turboslim - contains natural ingredients and has no contraindications, except for the period of pregnancy, lactation and individual intolerance. Take this dietary supplement during each meal. There is a remedy for losing weight slowly: for 30 days, a weight loss of 2-3 kilograms is possible.
  • Chromium picolinate( analogs Ironman, Fet-X) - regulates the level of insulin in the blood and reduces cravings for sweets.
  • Garcinia Forte - appetite capsules containing natural acid, which reduces the feeling of hunger after the body has gained the allowable amount of calories. Additional constituents are micronutrients and vitamins. Garcinia is recommended for people who love flour and sweets, since it dulls craving for them.
  • Liprina is an anorexic on plant ingredients containing chromium picolinate, horde extract of gordonium, vitamins B1 and B6.In addition to reducing the feeling of hunger, it improves protein and fat metabolism.
  • Slim Code, Pineapple, New Magic, Altai No. 3, Typhoon are the most common phyto-tea that suppresses hunger and reduces weight. The composition of drinks includes only natural ingredients that have a laxative effect.
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Sports food

Means to reduce appetite are very common in the sports diet. The most popular are:

  • Testoriped - increases muscle mass, increases stamina and suppresses hunger. The composition of this drug includes green tea, vitamin B12, chromax, etc.
  • Adiposin - has a restoring and toning effect on the body. Supplements contain guarana, green tea, glucomannan and other natural ingredients.
  • Colonixi - blocks appetite, clears the body of toxins and toxins, increases energy reserves. The preparation contains such natural substances as licorice root, fennel seeds, apple cider vinegar, ginger root, etc.
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  • The burdock reduces appetite and effectively promotes weight loss. To prepare a medicinal decoction you need from the roots of the plant: 2 teaspoons of raw material pour 250 milliliters of boiling water and boil on low heat for 20-25 minutes. Drink cooked broth for the day in small sips.
  • Dandelion is an effective remedy for reducing hunger.15 grams of herbs brew in 200 milliliters of boiling water and put for infusion for 6 hours. After this, the finished product is filtered and consumed in small portions throughout the day.
  • Corn stigmas relieve hunger and stabilize the metabolism in the body. To prepare the medicine, you need to pour 10 grams of raw material with water and to pour on the water bath for 30 minutes. Then cool, strain and drink 15 milliliters with interruptions of 3-4 hours.
  • Licorice root is characterized by the ability to interrupt cravings for sweet and harmful "snacks".During the day you need to drink a decoction of 1-2 roots of the plant.
  • Effective herbal collection , which reduces appetite. It will take 40 grams of leaves of cowberry and horsetail, 20 grams of strawberry, St. John's wort, nettle, hips and thistle seeds, 5 grams of flax seeds and cumin. All components are gently mixed and 15 grams of the resulting mixture brew in 250 milliliters of boiling water and insist 30-40 minutes. After this herbal drink, strain and drink ¼ cup 3-4 times a day.
  • Frozen - affects the work of the stomach, reducing appetite and intestines, cleaning it, removing toxins, slag and restoring the normal microflora. To prepare the infusion, you need 15 grams of grass to brew in 300 milliliters of hot water and let it brew for 40 minutes. Then strain and drink in the morning until the first meal.
  • Winterfish - quickly reduces the feeling of hunger, relieves excess fats and cleans the body. Preparing the infusion is similar to the previous one. Take 2 tablespoons three times a day before meals.
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In addition to these herbs, yarrow, flowers of immortelle, nettle, alfalfa, sage, etc. are also used to reduce appetite.

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To reduce weight, it is enough to start controlling your diet and the amount of food you eat. Do not overeat foods that reduce appetite. These include:

  • Water is the main component of the daily diet, which not only lowers the feeling of hunger, but also positively affects the work of the digestive tract, normalizes metabolic processes in the body and removes toxins and toxins. Nutritionists recommend drinking 250 milliliters of water for 20-30 minutes before each meal. In addition, you must give up coffee, it is better to replace it with apple or tomato juice, kefir, herbal drinks, green or ginger tea.
  • Fruits, berries and vegetables contain a large number of vitamins, amino acids and fiber, which helps to reduce appetite. Foods containing dietary fiber, for example apples, require more time for chewing, fill the stomach, and thereby create a feeling of satiety. In addition to apples from fruits, oranges, grapefruits, kiwi, etc. are also recommended. It is better to refuse bananas. From vegetables to satisfy the hunger will help carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes. From berries - raspberries, blueberries, currants, etc.
  • Seafood, sea fish .Iodine, which is part of these products, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, on which the metabolism depends, and, hence, the body weight. Iodine is also rich in pears and onions. Iodized salt can be used in small amounts, but it is better to replace it with sea salt. Sea kale is very useful. It consists of iodine, calcium, selenium, iron, chromium and other useful microelements. In addition, kelp contains many micronutrients, vitamins and proteins. Getting into the body, it fills the intestines, stomach, thereby suppressing the feeling of hunger and causing rapid saturation.
  • Low-fat chicken meat, beef, curd and cheese are the main sources of proteins, which not only blunt the feeling of hunger, but also contribute to weight loss.
  • Oat groats, nuts and beans ( beans, peas, lentils) increase the production of serotonin, thereby raising the mood and reducing appetite.
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Acupuncture points to reduce appetite are the following:

  • The appetite control point is at the top of the lower jaw in front of the ears. Before performing a massage, you should put your fingers in the indicated area and open and close your mouth several times. It is necessary to find the place where the movement of the jaw is best felt, and slightly grab by the skin area, protruding into the inner part of the ear, above its lobe. This is the point of control of appetite, which must be massaged for 3 minutes.
  • Earlobe. The second point of appetite control is located on the earlobe, in the area of ​​its juxtaposition with the jaw. The massage procedure for this zone for 2-3 minutes before meals will help reduce appetite and hunger.
  • Knee. You need to sit down, put your foot on the foot, apply horizontally 4 fingers of the right hand to the upper leg slightly below the knee cap. Then with the index finger of the left hand, find the point of the stomach on the shin, which is located below the fingernail of the little finger of the right hand. This point symbolizes the stomach, it needs to be massaged about 3 minutes.
  • Shin. Middle fingers of both hands need to massage the most voluminous part of the shin. The point will help overcome the feeling of hunger and reduce the "brutal" appetite.
  • Upper lip. The point is located between the nose and the upper lip. It is necessary to put a thumb under the upper lip, and the index finger on its outer side and make massage movements with a slight pressure for 3-4 minutes.
  • The back of the knee. It is necessary to massage the point, which is in the bend of the knee from the back side.
  • The palms. To reduce the appetite and control your body weight, it is recommended to also massage the fleshy part of the palm( the area is slightly below the thumb).
  • Belly. There are 4 points of appetite control. The first is in the midline of the abdomen, at the same distance between the distal part of the sternum and the navel. The second and third - on two sides of the navel, on vertically arranged lines, the fourth - on the middle line of the abdomen at a distance of 4 fingers below the navel. Each of the points should be massaged several times a day for about 3 minutes clockwise.
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Folk remedies

  • English salt( magnesia).To curb your appetite, you need to drink 1 teaspoon of salt every morning, drinking a small amount of food.
  • Flax seed. Daily, 30 minutes before breakfast, one should eat 1 teaspoon of ground seeds - getting into the stomach, it swells and suppresses the appetite. Flax seeds not only reduce the desire to eat, but also normalize the function of the intestine. It is also useful before meals to drink a tablespoon of linseed oil.
  • Strong tea with milk. It is necessary to throw in boiling milk 2 teaspoons of tea leaves and remove from heat. Let it brew and drink on an empty stomach. This drink completely suppresses the appetite, as it contains tannin, which for a while stops the activity of the stomach and the production of gastric juice.
  • Garlic. It is necessary to grind a few cloves of garlic, pour it with 250 milliliters of warm boiled water and insist 24 hours. Eat before eating 15 ml.
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In pregnancy

To reduce the appetite of a pregnant woman, one should follow the recommendations:

  • Do not skip meals and avoid feeling hungry.
  • Eat often and in small portions.
  • Eat slowly, because the feeling of saturation comes through time. Slow and thorough chewing will help to better absorb food and quickly feel satiety.
  • Get rid of high-calorie foods in the refrigerator. Thus, it is possible to avoid harmful snacks.
  • Go to the grocery store just full - it saves from the desire to buy everything.
  • To quench your thirst for sweet fruits and dried fruits. Sometimes you can let a small piece of dark chocolate and a few nuts.

Sometimes a strong appetite is a sign of boredom that appears in pregnant women, especially when they go on a decree. In this case, it is recommended to find yourself an alternative occupation, for example, walking more often, listening to music, reading, sorting photos, etc.

  • May 09, 2018
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