Should there be dizziness during pregnancy? Causes of dizziness during pregnancy

Causes of dizziness during pregnancy.ways to combat dizziness. Is

a sign of pregnancy?

  • When does dizziness occur during pregnancy?
  • Causes of dizziness during pregnancy
  • Should there be dizziness and nausea in the first trimester of pregnancy?
  • Dizziness and nausea in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy
  • Dizziness and nausea in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy
  • Is it dangerous to have dizziness when pregnant? Dizziness in pregnancy: what to do?
  • Constant dizziness in pregnancy: is it worth it to be afraid?
  • What if I get dizzy during pregnancy?
  • VIDEO: Causes of dizziness in pregnancy
  • Women who do not protect themselves and plan children, even before the delay of monthly listen to their body. Usually the condition worsens, dizziness and drowsiness may occur.

    Is dizziness a sign of pregnancy?

    This is a fairly subjective symptom, which may not be related to pregnancy in any way. A woman in a position is usually not only dizzy, but also there are strange addictions in food, weakness and drowsiness. This is due to a decrease in the concentration of estrogens in the blood. Along with this, the amount of progestin that protects pregnancy increases.

    instagram viewer

    If you have no other signs of dizziness except for an interesting situation, wait a bit and after a delay, test.

    Dizziness in pregnancy

    When does dizziness occur during pregnancy?

    Usually, dizziness is felt shortly before the expected monthly or already in the process of delay. Doctors believe that mild dizziness that does not cause fainting is normal in the first trimester. If you are planning a baby, assess your health. Some diseases can aggravate the situation.

    Dizziness in pregnancy is more severe in such cases:

    • Having problems with back and neck
    • Psychosomatic illnesses
    • Osteochondrosis
    • Vascular diseases
    • Lowered hemoglobin

    Try before pregnancy to treat these ailments. These violations prevent the normal flow of blood through the vessels. The brain and tissues can not suck oxygen, so the head is spinning.

    Head turning

    Causes of dizziness during pregnancy

    Of course, if the expectant mother is very active, then she should slow down a little. It is necessary to reconcile with an interesting situation and understand that you need a rest. Otherwise, the body can start a "strike".

    Causes of dizziness in an interesting position:

    • Sharp position change. Do not climb abruptly from a chair or from a seat in transport
    • Stay in a close and unventilated room
    • Increase the blood supply of the uterus
    • Reduce glucose
    • Anemia
    • Pathologies and disorders in the vestibular apparatus
    Turns head on during pregnancy

    Should there be dizziness and nausea in the firsttrimester of pregnancy?

    If you are in position, and you do not have nausea and dizziness, then everything is fine. Accordingly, all organs have enough blood and oxygen. The brain does not "starve".There are no violations of the vestibular apparatus. Therefore, if you feel great, this does not mean that you are not in a position. Most women perceive pregnancy as a disease.

    With proper nutrition, exercise, you can minimize all the subjective signs of pregnancy.

    Head spin during pregnancy

    Dizziness and nausea in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

    If in the first trimester dizziness should not cause concern, then the second trimester requires a more thorough examination. Such conditions can significantly worsen the life of a woman and lead to premature birth.

    Causes of dizziness in the second trimester:

    • Pancreatic diseases. Some women may have diabetes mellitus. After childbirth he passes, but this ailment can significantly affect the course of pregnancy
    • Anemia. During pregnancy, the digestive system may be disturbed. The intestine does not absorb all the necessary substances to the fullest. Due to a lack of iron, a woman feels weakened.
    • Oxygen starvation. Enlarged uterus requires more blood. Accordingly, it is not enough for the brain
    Turns the head in the 2nd trimester

    Dizziness and nausea in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

    It all depends on the period in which dizziness is observed. But it is believed that poor health should not cause concern.

    • During this period with a long stay lying on his back, a large belly squeezes a large vein. The blood circulation is disturbed. Accordingly, sleep better on your side or with the use of a pillow
    • The body is preparing for childbirth. After 37 weeks, the woman's body is ready for the birth of the child and gives every possible way to understand about it.
    • Reducing glucose in the blood. This is due to eating sweets and simple carbohydrates. It can provoke a dizziness rare food intake. Try to eat in small portions, but often
    Turns your head in the 3rd trimester

    Is it dangerous to have a sudden dizziness during pregnancy?

    If you often feel slight dizziness and malaise, this does not threaten your baby. But fainting and loss of consciousness after dizziness require a doctor's advice.

    The cause of syncope can be such ailments:

    • Vegetosovascular dystonia
    • Low blood pressure
    • Diabetes mellitus

    If you often faint, tell your doctor about it. After finding out the reason, avoid dizziness. So, at low pressure, tincture of eleutherococcus can be prescribed, and with dystonia sedatives.

    Head spinning

    Vertigo in pregnancy: what should I do?

    Initially, try to find out the reason why you are dizzy.

    • Try to avoid places with a lot of people
    • Change your body position often
    • Try not to stand up sharply
    • Take a contrast shower
    • Be sure to move and drink plenty of water
    • Keep to a diet. Reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the menu and eat fractional
    • Discard bad habits
    Turns head on during pregnancy

    Constant dizziness in pregnancy: Is it worth it to be afraid?

    If dizziness occurs only at the beginning of pregnancy, you should not worry. But with frequent dizziness in the middle it is worth worrying. Deficiency of iron and oxygen worsens not only your condition. This can affect the development of the child.

    • Serious pathologies and permanent oxygen deficiency may result in a frozen pregnancy
    • The fetus simply ceases to develop. At the same time spontaneous abortion does not occur
    • Weak maternity activity is possible. Accordingly, the midwife and the doctor will have to apply forceps or do cesarean section
    • With a lack of iron and oxygen, a woman can have a child with various pathologies. The most common is hypoxia and encephalopathy
    Constant dizziness

    What if I get dizzy during pregnancy?

    • If dizziness is seen from time to time, try not to get out of bed in the morning
    • Ask your husband to bring you juice and a banana. You can leave an orange on the nightstand in the evening. Citruses reduce dizziness and vomiting
    • Try not to travel by public transport during the working journey
    • Regularly ventilate the apartment. It is best to do this 2 times a day.
    • Drink a broth of dogrose. It raises hemoglobin and improves well-being
    • Get out of bed 10 minutes after you wake up
    Turns your head

    Do not worry. Excitement increases dizziness and toxicosis. Consult a gynecologist.

    VIDEO: Causes of dizziness in pregnancy

    • May 10, 2018
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