Tips on how to quickly and easily get rid of cartoon at home

Curcus is one of the most common types of dyslasia( disturbed sound production), in which the patient does not pronounce the "p" and / or "ry" sounds. On the question of whether it is possible to get rid of cartilaginousness, usually a positive response follows: cartilage is eliminated during sessions with a speech therapist or regular independent exercises.

  • Types
  • Reasons
  • Treatment
  • Sound Automation
  • Exercises
  • Prevention


Only about 1% of people suffer from cartilage in adulthood, among children this percentage is higher. Mapping is divided into several types depending on what its mechanism is.

  • Physiological kartost meets only in children. It is caused by the underdevelopment of the muscles of the tongue and other organs responsible for the articulation of sounds. By 5-7 years passes by itself thanks to the development of the child and strengthening of the muscles.
  • Functional cartilage is not accompanied by any disturbance in the structure of the articulation organs or their poor development. The nervous system and the hearing aid also function normally. Functional cardability can accompany a person all his life, but it can be treated with special exercises.
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  • Mechanical or organic cartilage is the result of birth defects in the structure of the articulatory apparatus( anomalies in the structure of the palate, lips, tongue and so on).In some cases, it is surgically removed, in the absence of treatment, accompanies the patient all his life.
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Reasons for

Curl has many causes, the most common ones are as follows:

  • shortened bridle of the tongue;
  • weakness of the muscles of the tongue;
  • trauma to the tongue or palate;
  • partial paralysis of muscles responsible for articulation;
  • pedagogical neglect.
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Treatment of

Many patients are interested in the question of how to get rid of cartilage to an adult. The principles of combating this problem are the same as those of children, with the only difference that an adult usually needs more time to stop barking.

Treatment is based on exercises that strengthen the muscles, stretch the bridle of the tongue and form the development of the pronunciation skill of sounds.

The main methods used during the treatment are:

  • massage;
  • vibration of the tip of the tongue;
  • exercises on the development of pronunciation skills and automation;
  • exercises to strengthen the muscles.
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Automation of sound

Automation is the final stage of learning the correct pronunciation. Automation means developing a skill when the patient has already learned how to pronounce the sound:

  1. Automating the sound "p" represents a set of exercises, starting with the pronunciation of individual syllables containing a combination of -dr-.Such syllables in the Russian language are udr-, odr-, adr-, nucleus-, etc. Then it is possible to proceed to the pronunciation of words with given syllables: "depressing", "vigorous", "drape", "fighter", etc.
  2. Then the patient goes on to use other syllables and words with the sound "p": pa-, ur-,ir-( "rainbow", "ore", "world", etc.).
  3. In the third stage, you should say the words with the sound "p" in the middle of the word, then - at the end and at the beginning( "carp", "nightmare", "shell" respectively).
  4. Then follow the words with two or more sounds "p"( "prophecy", "break").
  5. At the final stage of automation, the patient pronounces longer phrases and sentences with "p" sound, as well as special poems and tongue twisters.

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Exercises of

Patients who are interested in how to get rid of cartilage at home can learn simple exercises for which no control or specialist help is required:

  • "cleaning teeth" .The patient is smiling broadly, holding the tongue on the inside of the teeth first in one direction, then in the other. He holds first the teeth of the upper jaw, then the lower one. The pace of exercise is gradually accelerating. When the muscles of the tongue get tired, the exercise stops;
  • clinking language ( in children this exercise is called a "horse").The patient clicks his tongue, imitating the sound of hoofs on the pavement, gradually speeding up the pace;
  • pronunciation of the sound "f" with the tongue .The tongue lies on the lower lip, the patient tries to exhale the air with force, pronouncing the sound "f" and achieving as much as possible a strong and uniform stream of air;
  • "turkey" .The patient quickly pops out and puts his tongue back, licking his lips and making a sound like the voice of a turkey.
  • loading. ..

All of the above exercises are suitable for both adults and children, but in children the effect is achieved faster due to softer ligaments and the fact that the muscles continue to develop.

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Tongues are needed mainly at the automation stage, when the patient is already able to pronounce the sound. For any child or adult, any tongue twisters that have a large number of "p" sounds in combination with other consonants will work:

  • He said the fast-talking, he made out that he would speak all the quick-tongues and re-speak. But zaskorovovshis, vycrogovaval that all the tongue twisters do not talk, do not re-speak;
  • Polvdora snouted a pig beloryla, blunt, dug, undermined, dug, but burrows did not dig. That's why she snorted for her to dig.
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Prevention of

Cardiac prevention should be done at an early age, even before the child enters school. In most cases, regular lessons with the child, performing exercises to strengthen the speech apparatus, learning the tongue twisters allow this speech disturbance to be prevented. Since it is not always possible to quickly get rid of cartagmeness, prevention can greatly facilitate the life and socialization of the child in the future, preventing the development of dyslalia.

  • May 10, 2018
  • 54
  • 185