Endometriosis of the uterus: symptoms, signs, causes. Types of endometriosis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

What are the symptoms of endometriosis? How to treat it? What preventive measures?


  • Types of endometriosis of the uterus
  • Symptoms and signs of internal endometriosis of the uterus
  • Causes of endometriosis of the uterus
  • Diagnosis of endometriosis
  • Can endometriosis of the uterus be cured?
  • How to treat endometriosis of the uterus medically? Drugs for the treatment of endometriosis
  • How to treat endometriosis of the uterus with folk remedies?
    • Beet juice
    • Herbs for douching
    • Clay compresses
  • Can I get pregnant with endometriosis of the uterus?
  • Prophylaxis of endometriosis
  • Consequences of endometriosis of the uterus
  • Video: Dr. Elena Berezovskaya - Endometriosis

Types of endometriosis of the uterus

Endometrium are cells that lined the inner surface of the uterus. They are rejected and come out during menstruation. But sometimes for some reason they can not leave the body. Instead, they are abnormally implanted in some tissues, where they should not be allowed, and begin to expand there. So there is endometriosis. There are several types of this disease.

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  1. Genital .With it, endometrial cells do not leave the genital area, but are introduced and expanded right into them. Foci can occur in the uterus itself, and in the ovaries, and in the pelvic peritoneum. If the endometrium began to grow right in the uterus, it can acquire a rounded shape and a size characteristic of the initial stage of pregnancy.
  2. Extragenital .From the fallopian tubes, the endometrium can penetrate into the abdominal cavity, and defeat the navel, intestine, and other organs. In this case, the foci of this disease greatly complicate the work of the organs in which they are located.

Symptoms and signs of internal endometriosis of the uterus

Almost half of women who suffer from this disease, it is asymptomatic. Others take his symptoms for the usual premenstrual syndrome. Nevertheless, you need to listen carefully to the sensations of your body. The pain in the lower abdomen, which we often write off to the peculiarities of the female nature, can be indicative of many things.

So, endometriosis may be accompanied by the following manifestations of :

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen of .It differs from the usual menstrual pain syndrome for a number of features. It can occur long before the beginning of critical days. Listen to yourself 1-2 weeks before the month. With the onset of bleeding, this pain does not pass. Its peak comes about on the second day of the cycle. This pain is not taken away by ordinary non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen.
  2. Painful urination of the .Endometriosis can affect the urinary tract. Then emptying the bladder will be accompanied by discomfort, and even pain.
  3. Isolation of blood with feces , painful defecation. Often endometrial cells affect the intestine and disrupt its functioning. Nevertheless, when this symptom is detected, it is necessary, first of all, to exclude the possibility of intestinal diseases. For this purpose it is necessary to be surveyed at the corresponding expert.
  4. Pain of extra-cyclic nature .Usually, pain is due to the fact that endometrial cells remain still sensitive to hormones. Hence, every month they will provoke bleeding in the affected organs. And it becomes the cause of inflammation and pain syndrome. Nevertheless, the foci of endometriosis can be so large that pain will also occur outside of menstruation.
  5. Painful sexual intercourse .Endometrium can also take root in the wall of the vagina. Then the intercourse will become painful.
  6. Infertility .Not always endometriosis prevents the onset of pregnancy. But this disease disrupts the normal work of female organs. Result of this can become infertility.

Causes of endometriosis of the uterus

Why women have endometriosis, doctors have not yet figured out. For some reason, menstrual flow, rather than leaving the body, can penetrate the abdominal cavity. Endometrial cells can be located abnormally and inside the uterus. There are factors that increase the likelihood of this disease:

  • complicated delivery
  • births over the age of 30
  • cauterization of cervical erosion by electric current
  • caesarean section

Any damage to the uterus before the menstruation is fraught with the fact that the endometrial cells will penetrate into the "wound" and take rootthere.

Diagnosis of endometriosis

It is very difficult to diagnose this disease. This task is complicated by the fact that routine examination, tests and even ultrasound can not give a definitive conclusion.

When examined, the doctor can not inspect all internal organs. Analyzes do not show this disease. Spikes of endometriosis tissue are not visible on ultrasound, unless they are in the finger thickness.

The only reliable method that helps to establish an accurate diagnosis is laparoscopy. In fact, this is a small surgical operation. Thus in a wall of a stomach the small aperture( no more than one and a half centimeters) is made, and the stomach is inflated, as if a balloon, with carbonic gas. So the doctor has a space for manipulation. A tube with a camera is inserted into the hole. The doctor examines suspicious areas and takes a piece of material for examination. After this, the laboratory makes a conclusion whether the suspicious area is the focus of endometriosis.

The paradox is that such a complex invasive examination can itself lead to the formation of adhesions. In addition, this is a very expensive procedure. It requires hospitalization for a week. Therefore, it is impossible to hold it all in a row.

Is it possible to cure endometriosis of the uterus?

Endometriosis is easily curable. Moreover, almost a third of all women who have this diagnosis, it passes without any medical intervention. But if you give up on this disease with your hand in the hope that you will be in that third of lucky ones, you can wait for serious complications. Endometriosis foci can even degenerate into cancer cells.

Modern medicine has a large arsenal of tools for fighting endometriosis. Often doctors take wait and see tactics. But it is suitable only for those who have discovered the disease by accident, the foci are small in size, and moreover do not cause any inconvenience.

Surgical methods of treating this disease are also possible. Let's say you underwent laparoscopy and were diagnosed with endometriosis. The next laparoscopy session will be conducted for the purpose of treatment.

But surgical methods of treatment are used only in the most neglected cases, if the tablets did not help. Much more often endometriosis can be cured medically.

How to treat endometriosis of the uterus medically? Drugs for the treatment of endometriosis

In order to relieve pain, doctors prescribe painkillers. But they treat only a symptom, but not the disease itself. To cope with endometriosis, medicine uses hormonal drugs.

Sometimes doctors prescribe regular oral contraceptives. This is a traditional treatment regimen. Nevertheless, no reliable studies have been carried out to confirm the efficacy of this drug to combat pain and foci of the endometrium.

In another treatment regimen, doctors prescribe medications containing progesterone. From them, the production of estrogens decreases in the body, and the growth of the endometrium ceases. The course lasts no less than six months, more often - nine months.

If your doctor prescribes drugs containing the synthetic hormone danazol, then he is using an out-of-date treatment regimen. Now all over the world have refused this medication, as it has many side effects: weight gain, facial hair growth, baldness and others.

How to treat endometriosis of the uterus with folk remedies?

If your doctor decided to take expectant management in the treatment of endometriosis, you can help the body to get rid of this disease with the help of traditional medicine. In any case, you must remain under the doctor's supervision. If he decided to use medicines, do not discard them. Traditional medicine offers the following.

Beetroot juice

Take the beetroot, grate it and squeeze out the juice. Leave it to stand for 4-6 hours. Then drain the juice without sediment and drink 50-100 ml 2-3 times a day. You need to start with small doses, gradually increasing them. For greater efficiency, you can defend carrot juice in the same way, mix with beetroot in equal proportions and consume.

Herbs for douching

  • 30 g of eucalyptus leaf
  • 1 cup of boiling water
  • Pour the herb with boiling water and insist on a water bath for half an hour
  • Cool and add water to make a glass of liquid
  • Now it needs to be diluted in a 1: 4 ratio
  • Douching once a day,in a day
  • Carry out 10-14 procedures

Clay compresses

  • Pour water with gray or blue clay
  • Let stand, drain excess liquid
  • Consistency should resemble sour cream
  • Approximately half a kilogram of this mass should be putto the fire and wait until it boils. Then cook another 2-3 minutes
  • Place the mass on the oilcloth or cellophane
  • Make a cake in a couple of centimeters thick
  • As soon as it stops burning, attach to the belly between the navel and the pubis
  • From above, you can wrap yourself in something warm and lie down in bed

Procedure does notshould exceed two hours. During this time the clay will draw in itself a disease. The next day we need fresh clay.

Can I get pregnant with endometriosis of the uterus?

Endometriosis is a common cause of infertility. However, it is not a guarantee that you will not become pregnant. This disease greatly reduces the likelihood of conception, but not in all cases.

Prophylaxis of endometriosis

The causes of endometriosis are not precisely defined. Therefore, preventive measures are difficult to name. Nevertheless, we know some factors that increase the risk of getting this disease. They should be avoided.

It is necessary to observe all the restrictions that gynecologists impose on the period of menstruation. You can not engage in physical education. Intensive studies can promote the formation of micro-traumas, in which the foci of the endometrium can take root. Certain exercises - for example, inverted poses in yoga of the "birch" type - contribute to the dropping of blood into the abdominal cavity. Be attentive to yourself during your periods. Do not let gynecological manipulations take place on the eve of critical days.

Consequences of endometriosis of the uterus

Often, endometriosis causes infertility. In addition, it can provoke the formation of cancer cells. Sometimes, to get rid of the foci of the disease, you have to remove the female appendages. The pressure of the foci of the endometrium on the abdominal organs can cause unpredictable consequences - from intestinal obstruction to inflammation of the bladder.

Video: Dr. Elena Berezovskaya - Endometriosis

  • May 10, 2018
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