The technique of dubage with mineral water at home for cleaning the liver and gallbladder

Each organ of the human body carries this or that function. The liver and kidneys are considered to be the body's filters. To avoid the development of most diseases, periodically the liver needs to be cleared of accumulated bile and toxins. Dyubazh is a procedure that allows the removal of harmful accumulated substances from the body and the normal functioning of the liver in a short time.

  • What you need for the procedure
  • The essence of the procedure
  • Methods for cleaning
  • Liver djubage with mineral water
  • With mineral water and chicken eggs
  • Using sorbitol
  • Using magnesium
  • Indications
  • Body preparation
  • Methodology
  • Frequency
  • Contraindications

What?it is necessary for procedure

For home independent carrying out of a liver djubazh it is necessary to get:

  • a pair of bottles of mineral water. For example, Borjomi, Mirgorod, Narzan or Smirnovskaya;
  • sorbitol( a substitute for sugar, sold in pharmacies and in departments for diabetics);
  • sea salt.
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The essence of the procedure

The procedure is to flush the liver by taking mineral water inside. For the best effect, magnesium, sorbitol, salt, iodized or marine salt are added to the water.

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Methods for cleaning

There are several ways to clean the liver:

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Liver djubage with mineral water

It is necessary to leave the water open at night, so that gases come out of it. Then a teaspoon of sorbitol powder is added to it. In the morning before breakfast, a glass of this liquid should be drunk, lying on your back and attaching a warm water bottle in the area of ​​the liver. After 20 minutes, take a second glass of liquid, put the heating pad back on, now you need to turn over on your right side and lie for half an hour or two.

The procedure is conducted for 18 consecutive days on a specific schedule. The day of application of the drink alternates with two subsequent days of rest.

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With mineral water and chicken eggs

This washing increases the secretion of bile, but the procedure is not pleasant.

It is necessary to break two chicken eggs and drink yolks on an empty stomach. For 20 minutes leave a half-liter bottle of mineral water open, and then drink it completely. Wrap up warmly and lie down until there is a urge to go to the toilet.

Learn also about the use of hepatic collection for liver purification
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Using sorbitol

The procedure requires preparatory measures. For three or four days you need to lead a quiet lifestyle, eat as many apples as possible, drink apple juice. Before lunch, you can eat only porridge without salt, boiled on water in a liquid form, and you can eat rough vegetables and apples. After dinner, there is nothing to eat.

Cooking solution. In half a cup of boiled water, cooled to room temperature, put a tablespoon of sorbitol powder and mix. In the vicinity of eight o'clock in the evening we drink water, we lay down in an even position on the right side, we put the heating pad closer to the liver. In a couple of hours, the effect will come.

For diseases of the intestine, colitis, ascites, hypersensitivity sorbitol must be replaced with broth of bearberry.

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With the application of magnesium

This serious procedure is required for people suffering from frequent congestion of bile, cholecystitis, dyskinesia.

To prepare a solution in the pharmacy you need to buy magnesium sulfate powder, in the morning, dilute it with 70 milliliters of warm water and immediately drink. Apply a warm warmer in the area of ​​the liver, lie on your right side and do not get up for 1.5 hours. At first the effect may seem weak. It is recommended to repeat this procedure 3-4 times a week.

The second method is not more difficult than the first, it should be used if your weight is more than 70 kilograms. It is necessary to dissolve in a glass of water 60 grams of magnesia powder, then drink. Taste qualities of the substance will remind the sea water, so you can drink it with ordinary mineral water or add a little lemon juice.

It is better to purge magnesia on Saturday to be home on Sunday, because the laxative effect can occur the next day after the manipulation.
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The procedure, although it is allowed to conduct a house, has still a recommendation character.

Dyubage is recommended for several reasons:

  • is unhealthy, yellow skin;
  • yellowed eye whites;
  • problems with stools;
  • increased pain in the occiput and temples;
  • tingling in the region of the liver, in the right hypochondrium;
  • presence of a raid on the back of the tongue;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • is a causeless alarm.
  • loading. ..

It should be remembered that not all cases listed symptoms are a consequence of problems with the liver. Therefore, before carrying out the manipulation it is necessary to undergo examination and consult with a specialist.

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Preparation of the body

3 days before dubazh it is necessary to switch to vegetable products, fresh and boiled vegetables, vegetable broths.

On the day of carrying out it is better not to eat at all, or limit yourself to accepting liquid porridges without salt on water before lunch. Acceptable acceptance of a large amount of warm liquid - tea, compote, water.

It is also necessary to remove the organism from the purification state. It is necessary to prepare juice from apples, carrots and beets in advance. Contraindicated alcohol, smoked and fried, canned food, spicy seasonings and sauces. The diet should be observed 2-3 days after the procedure.
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Procedure for

There are 2 schemes for dubage:

  • A gentle option involves carrying out the procedure during the day. Preparation begins for 3 days, from midday to evening, the procedure is carried out, during the next day there is an exit.
  • The long course is designed for a month. Its use for the body is in great doubt, before conducting it is necessary to consult with a doctor.
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Frequency of

In cholecystitis( in the acute phase), manipulation is carried out for 3 consecutive months, once a week. For prevention it is recommended to do dubazh 4 times a year, that is, 1 time per season.
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It is forbidden to perform the procedure:

  • to people suffering from acute cholecystitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis;
  • to the ulcer;
  • for diseases of the duodenum;
  • with weakened immunity, during influenza and colds;
  • for pregnant and lactating women.
  • loading. ..

It is believed that dyubazh will help remove the stones from the kidneys. However, it will simply set them in motion and the results of such influence may be unpredictable.

Any procedure requires careful consideration of the matter and a comprehensive study of the possible consequences. Therefore, it is only after taking the tests in the hospital and consulting with the doctor that you can decide for an independent dubage.

  • May 10, 2018
  • 29
  • 162