How not to fall asleep at the wheel? What to drink, not to sleep behind the wheel: funds from sleep

On how not to fall asleep at the wheel, we will tell in this article.


  • How not to sleep behind the wheel at night, how to overcome sleep?
  • What should I do not to fall asleep while driving?
  • Devices against sleep behind the wheel
  • To not fall asleep at the wheel: drugs, pills, sleep remedies
  • Which power engineer is better to drink while driving, which one is more invigorating?
  • Is it possible to drink adrenaline rush while driving?
  • How to cheer while driving?
  • Tips and Feedback
  • Video. Lajfaki: How not to fall asleep at the wheel?

Scientists have found out that four hours of monotonous road conditions reduce the reaction of the driver twice, and eight hours of non-stop travel - six times.

That's why the best way to reduce the risk of falling asleep while driving is rest. But, what if you need to continue moving? There are many ways to cheer up and finish your car insurance without excesses.

How not to sleep behind the wheel at night, how to overcome sleep?

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If you do not work as a truck driver, then driving in the dark can be very tiring for you. On the one hand, the biological clock makes itself felt, and on the other hand, the concentration of attention decreases due to constant tension.

You can overcome sleep by talking with passengers. Of course, for this they must be in the cabin. Truckers use a walkie-talkie for this.

Communication with passengers stimulates the work of the brain. But, can cause the opposite phenomenon. An interesting topic of conversation or a heated argument can distract the driver from the road and reduce his reaction.

Mr. Bean. Humor.

During the conversation, the passenger should monitor the driver's reaction and if he starts to lose his answers and loses the essence of the conversation, he needs to tell about it urgently and cheer him up. If, on the reaction of the driver, the passenger realizes that sleep is inevitable, it is best to persuade the driver to stop for a rest.

During the rest, do exercises for the eyes( only not on the move): wink one by one with your eyes, move your eyes from the road to the instruments, to the side stand, several times look into the distance, and then to the tip of the nose, again into the distance.

If the driver is in the car alone, then instead of communicating with the passenger, you can use audio files. Music, audiobooks, lectures, etc. You can use anything that can cheer. But, some pieces of music and audiobooks can have the opposite effect. Therefore, the selection of such files in your audio library should be approached with a head.

Write your favorite songs on the USB flash drive and turn them on while driving. But, do not just listen, but try to sing along. You need to do it loudly. Thanks to this singing, the lungs will begin to work more intensively and more oxygen will flow into the blood. That will lead to increased brain activity. Sleep a little back.

In addition, during the singing, the muscles of the abdomen and throat tighten, the hearing and memory are strained.

What should I do not to fall asleep while driving?

You can also help prolong wakefulness by using an inconvenient seating arrangement. An uncomfortable position will not let you relax and will keep you in suspense. What can also help to overcome sleep.

Some drivers take sunflower seeds, nuts, crackers, sour apples, lollipops and other products in order not to fall asleep at the wheel. Using them as food during the journey, you can not be afraid that you fall asleep.

Another "secret" method, which is used by truckers in order not to fall asleep at the wheel. They, if they feel tired, stop every 30-50 minutes and wash their face with mineral water. Also, water can moisten the hair and neck. The state of vivacity for half an hour is guaranteed.

If you are on the road for more than 10 hours, then periodically drink a green hour. This useful drink includes tannins, which stimulate the activity of the brain. But, even if green tea does not make you cheerful, its diuretic effect will make you stop often. Such a torn pace will help you to always be concentrated.

Tea for the

Cheerfulness will help to add citrus and coniferous smell. To do this, you can hang in the car a special flavor( "stink").Also, periodic airing of the passenger compartment will not let fall asleep. Cool and clean air will help increase the pulse. What is also good sleep prevention is driving.

In order not to fall asleep at the wheel, you must always rest before a long trip. If you do not feel well, then the trip is better to give up.

Sleep control tools

If you often use a vehicle for long distance travel, you can purchase special electronic devices to help prevent falling asleep while driving. Here are the most popular of them:

  • Stop Sleep. This device in the form of a ring is put on the hand. If the algorithm of the device finds that the person starts to fall asleep it vibrates, emits a signal and wakes it up.
  • ANTISON. The device is attached behind the ear and when the head position changes, it beeps.
  • Eye Tracker. This device is a complete warning system for a tired driver. Her algorithms monitor the position of the head and eyelids. If the driver is tired and begins to fall asleep, the Eye Tracker will quickly signal to him about it by voice, sound or by means of a vibration signal installed in the driver's seat.

To not fall asleep at the wheel: drugs, pills, sleep remedies

It should be understood that falling asleep is a natural process of our body. With mental and physical fatigue, the body starts the process of falling asleep. During sleep, the forces and internal systems are restored. An intensive urban movement or a monotonous country road tires the nervous system, "loads" the eyes and takes away forces.

Use different drugs in order to prolong the waking phase is not the best option. But, sometimes without tablets and other means from a dream to the driver not to manage. They include caffeine, taurine and vitamins. The most important plus of such tablets is that they can be bought and left in the car for a long time. The shelf life of such tablets is usually 2-3 years.

Energy tablets

What can not be said about coffee and other energy drinks. Coffee should be prepared before the trip, and it is advisable to buy the drinks immediately before the trip. The most known drugs that prevent sleep are:

  • "Caffeinimum" and "Caffetin" .Tablets based on caffeine. Can help to stay awake for 14-18 hours. But, taking caffeine also has a negative aspect. This connection strongly "loads" the nervous and cardiovascular system.
  • Tablets with ginseng content .This plant has long proved its effectiveness. Ginseng has a positive effect on brain activity, relieves fatigue and helps to concentrate.
  • Bioscan + Driver .This remedy is made on the basis of an extract of Siberian larch. This product is considered a natural energy. These pills will help cope with drowsiness.
  • Magnesium with vitamin B6 .A great tool to help focus attention. The only negative - it does not give an instant effect. It is best to start drinking magnesium a few days before a long trip.

IMPORTANT: Energy chewing gum is very popular in the US.Initially, they were developed for army needs, but very soon began to spread to the "citizen".There is a chewing gum, which contains up to 100 mg of caffeine.

You can take these medicines only after consulting a doctor. Almost all known drugs from sleep have side effects.

Which power engineer is better to drink while driving, which one is more invigorating?

Energy, in contrast to the above medicines, is more accessible. They can be bought right on the track. Such drinks are sold in cafes and petrol stations. Such energy drinks can include caffeine, taurine, ginseng and other components. They are able to cheer up the body, drive away the sleep and give vitality.

The simplest energy drink is coffee. Caffeine in the composition of this drink acts on the central nervous system as a stimulant. He is able to strengthen mental and physical activity. But, caffeine can not be taken to people with heart problems.

Unlike advertising, energy drinks do not charge the body with additional energy, but mobilize their own energy reserves of the body. What, leads to the fact that with long-term administration of such drugs, nerve cells are depleted. And in order to get the desired effect, each time more energy drinks are required.

Energy drinks are a vivacity of loan

After which time is needed to recover. Excessive use of such drinks can lead to big problems with the energy balance of the body.

IMPORTANT: It is very easy to make an energy drink at home. Pour a couple of spoons of instant coffee into a plastic glass and fill it with Coca-Cola. Stir and drink in one gulp. With this tool you can instantly cheer up. But, to use it for problems with the heart and the nervous system can not.

It should be understood that energy drinks act on everyone in different ways. Some of them "start" from a couple of sips of Red Bull, others will not notice the effect of two cans of popular power engineers.

In addition to caffeine, energy drinks may include:

  • Taurine. Positively affects the nervous system, providing the body with extreme energy under stress and mental stress.
  • Extract of ginseng .Is able to fight with fast fatigue and excessive fatigue. Very often it is prescribed with a decrease in concentration, memory impairment, and also with reduced efficiency.
  • Green tea extract .Used as an additional means to increase strength and energy, as it contains a small amount of caffeine.
  • Guarana .This extract is extracted from guarana seeds. Its addition to the drink increases the caffeine dosage by a factor of 2.
  • Carnitine .This amino acid can increase endurance. Our body produces carnitine itself. But, the additional intake of this amino acid in the body can enhance the effect.
  • Chinese Schizandra .Widely used as an adaptogenic and stimulant for mental and physical overwork.

The most popular energy drinks are:

  • Red Bull .Drink on the basis of caffeine and taurine. Contains vitamins of group B. It is capable to help cope with loads to sportsmen, students, representatives of extreme professions, and during long automobile trips.
  • Adrenalin Rush .The composition of this drink from Coca-Cola includes taurine, natural caffeine, as well as extracts of ginseng and guarana. Has a more balanced composition than all listed in this list. But, the effect of vivacity after using this drink passes very quickly.
  • Burn .Contains a "standard" set of each energy: caffeine, taurine and guarana extract. The effect of taking Burn depends on the body. But, in any case, after a while after taking it you need to rest and restore the body's energy reserve.
  • Monster Energy .Another popular power engineer, the composition of which differs little from the above. In 100 ml of this drink is included 33.81 mg of caffeine. In some countries it is forbidden.

Can I drink adrenaline rush while driving?

Adrenalin Rush is one of the most popular energy drinks

He is very fond of those who need to cheer up. For example, drivers. But, whether it is possible to use it at the wheel. Let's figure it out.

Adrenalin Rush includes compounds that can make the body use its energy reserves. At the same time, it does not contain alcohol and other forbidden compounds. Therefore, this drink can replace coffee. And thanks to taurine, extract of guarana and ginseng, the effect of its use increases. In addition, the action of "Adrenaline Rush" is more prolonged than the action from the drunk coffee.

It is necessary to say at once that use of this energy drink should not exceed 2 cans per day. Moreover, each subsequent bank reduces the effect of the previous one. With frequent use of "Adrenalin Rush" you can not see the effect at all. Therefore, it can be used in extreme and rare cases.

IMPORTANT: The manufacturer of this drink states that it contains natural caffeine, unlike other caffeinated drinks and cheap instant coffee. Where is used caffeine, extracted from waste tea.

Today there is no ban on the use of "Adrenaline Rush" at the wheel. But, it is necessary to understand that the influence of this drink, as well as of other power engineers, depends on the characteristics of the organism. Not so long ago, studies were conducted in which five drivers participated. And only three of them had an excitement. On the other two, this drink influenced rather negatively. Nausea and dizziness appeared.

How to cheer behind the wheel?

To prevent falling asleep at the wheel can only sleep

But, unfortunately, not all drivers listen to their body or can do it. According to statistics, most of the accidents with fatalities are due to falling asleep behind the wheel.

In most developed countries, it is forbidden for a professional driver to drive more than the legal time. The cars are equipped with devices that record the time spent by the driver at the wheel.

The traffic police can at any time gain access to this data and if it is found that the driver has exceeded the established limit, write a fine to both the road user and the company to which the car belongs.

In our country, such devices are not installed in cars. Therefore, drivers try to spend as much time as possible. In doing so, they try to cheer up by any available means.

Drink coffee, change the position of the seat in order to be not very comfortable in it. It helps very well to overcome the drowsiness of tension and relaxation of various muscles, the start of fresh air from the window, washing with cold water.

Some products have a tonic effect. For example, oranges and tangerines. Seeds, sweets, croutons and other "trifles" can also help. But, here the effect is not the products themselves, but their use.

But, of course, the best remedy for sleep is sleep. Stop for a short rest. It's enough 20-30 minutes of drowsiness to cheer up. Strengthen the effect of this rest can be by charging. Then you can get into the car and drive on.

Tips and feedback

Ivan. I know a trucker told me that if he is attacked by sleepiness at the wheel, he picks up water in his mouth and rides. If the fall asleep the water pours out and he wakes up instantly. Not the best way, but the most effective.

Cyril. There is still such an effective way. Sit in the back seat of the children, and on the front, grumpy wife. Turn on the music from the cartoons and give the children more drink. Every 20 minutes a stop for natural needs will kill any sleep.

Video. Lajfaki: How not to fall asleep at the wheel?

  • May 10, 2018
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