What to do if a newborn has a hiccup after feeding

Hiccups after feeding are a phenomenon often encountered by parents of newborn babies. Reducing the diaphragm - a portion of the muscle tissue on the border of the thoracic and abdominal cavities - provokes a hiccup sound and short-term movements of the chest. This gives some inconvenience to the baby, so parents need to know what to do in such a situation and how to avoid it.

  • Causes of hiccups
  • What to do

Causes of hiccups

There are several mechanisms for triggering the contraction of the diaphragm in toddlers:

  • Hiccups after feeding in newborns arise due to the peculiarities of the structure of the digestive system. Walls of the stomach and intestines of the baby are still fragile, and therefore when overeating or getting into the gas tanks, the wandering nerve is easily stretched and pinched, which in turn provokes a contraction of the diaphragm.
  • Hiccup after a meal in infants is a natural physiological process, as a result of which the air that has accumulated in the stomach exits. When the baby starts to drink the milk that comes in, he involuntarily swallows the air. In this case, you need to let your baby catch your breath and continue feeding. If the mother feeds the child from the bottle, then the nipple must be filled with milk, this will reduce the chance of air entering the stomach. The size of the nipple opening should be small.
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  • Thirst. Drying mucous enough to moisten with water and hiccough will pass.
  • Subcooling and emotional stress also apply to hiccups. The child is very easy to scare by a sharp movement or an unexpected change in the situation.
Read also why a child hiccups in the womb http://woman-l.ru/pochemu-rebenok-ikaet-v-utrobe-materi/
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What to do

To help a kid get rid of hiccups, you can if you know the reason. If the child is frozen - you need to warm it, if it's a thirst - to give water. It is necessary to watch how the baby eats and, to avoid hiccups, hold it after feeding in an upright position or put it on his stomach to release air from the stomach. If the matter is in emotional tension, then you need to distract the kid with a song or a game.

Young parents who already know how to stop a hiccup in a newborn after eating should understand that the same phenomenon in a one-year-old child can be a pathology. If the hiccup arises every time after eating and lasts long enough, the child began to sleep badly, often crying or worrying without cause, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

As a result, additional tests for infection with worms may be prescribed. After removal of helminths from the body, all of the above symptoms pass.

If during pregnancy there were complications or the child had hypoxia, additional procedures are prescribed: X-rays and ultrasound examination to study the state of the brain and spinal cord.

If the above hypotheses on the origin and treatment of hiccups are not confirmed, you should also consult a gastroenterologist who examines the work of internal organs: pancreas, liver and digestive system.

In rare cases, hiccups occur as a result of a viral infection, for example, ARI.As a result of the inflammatory process, which irritates the diaphragm, muscle contraction occurs.

  • May 10, 2018
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