At what age can you give a baby kissel, is it useful? Kissel for children up to one year and after the year: recipes

The article tells about the benefits of jelly for children, as well as how to cook it.


  • Is it useful for children?
  • When can I give the baby a kissel, at what age?
  • How to cook a kissel from starch to a baby with blueberries for up to a year and after a year?
  • Kissel from cranberry recipe for children up to a year and after the year?
  • Kissel of apples for children up to one year and after the year
  • Raspberry jelly for children
  • Kissel made from frozen berries for children
  • Oatmeal kissel recipe for children up to one year and after the year
  • Milk jelly for children
  • Banana casser for children
  • Kissel afterpoisoning for a child prescription
  • Is it possible to kissel for diarrhea to a child?
  • Video: Cook jelly from frozen berries
  • Video: Kissel from dried apricots. Step-by-step instruction
  • Video: How to cook oatmeal jelly?

Kissel is a traditional Russian drink, the history of which is estimated for centuries. However, this does not prevent him from attending the tables in our time.

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Kissel - a useful drink

Is it useful for children?

You can talk about the benefits of jelly for a long time. It is useful not only for adults, but also for children.

The benefits of the jelly are as follows:

  • The unusual starch composition of the kissel envelops the baby's stomach wall, which helps protect the baby's stomach from damage to new, maybe even heavy food.
  • The maintenance of fiber promotes disposal of locks( at not too big maintenance of starch).
  • Kissel helps to adjust the work of the stomach with dysbiosis, to adjust the digestive system, to clean from harmful microorganisms, from harmful toxins.
  • The starch content contributes to the maximum preservation of the beneficial properties of berries and fruits from which jelly is prepared.
  • For children with low body weight, the caloric content of the jelly can promote weight gain.
  • Kissel has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • The composition of the jelly is able to remove excess cholesterol from the body.

IMPORTANT: Depending on the composition of the kissel, its healing properties also change.

  • Kissel has a restorative effect, tonic, helps in the fight against hypovitaminosis, beriberi.
  • Kissel helps cope with colds. For example, cranberry and crimson.

Together with the benefits of jelly, it is worth mentioning the cases when it is better to limit its use, or to exclude from the diet at all:

  • Kissel should not be given to children with excessive body weight, tk.a high carbohydrate content will only contribute to a greater weight gain.
  • Kissel should be limited in the diet of children who suffer from diabetes, or who have borderline values ​​of the level of sugar in the blood. You can only stop your choice on oatmeal without sugar.
  • Do not give children a kissel, which includes berries and fruits, which can cause allergies in the child.
  • In the diet of the child, industrial jelly should be excluded in the form of briquettes and powders with a doubtful composition.
Kissel at home

When can I give the baby a kissel, at what age?

Some experts say that you can begin to inject jelly into the baby's ration already from six months old , however, it's worth sticking to some rules to make the kid drink jelly with pleasure:

  • This drink is capable of provoking constipation, therefore, it should be administered under strict supervision of the child's reaction to the drink.
  • Also it should be noted that it is possible to prepare kissels for such small children only from products already familiar to the baby so as not to provoke allergic reactions.
  • The beverage should be sufficiently fluid in consistency, so that the child does not have difficulty in using it.
  • Kissel should only be fresh.
  • It is worth remembering the age restrictions for some products, for example, blueberry jelly should be given to children only closer to the year.
  • For jelly, you should choose berries and fruits that grow in our latitudes.
  • For the preparation of a jelly for a child up to one year, sugar is best not used, or used in very limited quantities.
  • Introduction of jelly, like any other complementary foods, should begin with a few drops a day, observe the reaction.

IMPORTANT: Children under one year of age should be given no more than twice a week.

For children after the year, kissel can be given more often, and also use a wider range of fruits and berries for its preparation.

Kissel can be given to children up to the year

How to boil a jelly from starch to a baby with blueberries for up to a year and after a year?

Blueberry jelly is able to improve eyesight, work of the gastrointestinal tract, and also can overcome various kinds of infections. Also, blueberry jelly can save a person from diarrhea.

For the preparation of blueberry jelly you will need:

  • 2 l of water
  • 300 g of blueberry
  • 4 tbsp.sugar( the amount of sugar can be increased and decreased)
  • 4 tbsp.starch( at the rate of 2 tablespoons starch per 1 liter of water)

To prepare blueberry jelly it is necessary: ​​

  • 2 liters of water to bring to a boil, then add 200 g of blueberries, sugar.
  • On a small fire, boil the drink for no more than 10 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, in a separate vessel, starch is diluted in cold water to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Constantly stirring boiling water with blueberries, pour a thin stream of starch - this will help to avoid the formation of lumps.
  • Kissel leave to simmer on a small fire for about two minutes. Stir the drink constantly.

After the kissel is ready, it should be slightly cooled and served to the child.

Blueberry jelly - the best remedy for diarrhea

Kissel from cranberry recipe for children up to a year and after a year?

Cranberry jelly helps children very well in fighting viruses during colds and flu.

To prepare cranberry jelly you will need:

  • 2 l of water
  • 300 g of cranberries
  • 6-7 tablespoonssugar( the amount of sugar should be adjusted at your own discretion)
  • 4 tbsp.starch

To prepare cranberry jelly it is necessary: ​​

  • Cranberries should be washed, dried, crushed with a blender, or wiped through a sieve.
  • Bring water to a boil, add cranberry mass, sugar. Leave to simmer for about 15 minutes.
  • Take a glass of broth, cool it to room temperature, and then dilute the starch in it.
  • Drink again bring to a boil, and then, constantly stirring, pour a thin starchy cranberry mixture. Boil the drink on low heat for about 2 minutes.

After preparation of the jelly, you should cool it a bit, and only then serve it to the child.

Thick cranberry jelly

Kissel from apples for children up to one year and after the year

Apple jelly is a storehouse of vitamins. Apple jelly helps improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, helps with hypovitaminosis and beriberi.

For the preparation of apple jelly you will need:

  • 2 l of water
  • 6 apples
  • 6 tbsp.sugar( the amount of sugar should be adjusted depending on the sweetness of apples)
  • 4 tbsp.starch

For the preparation of apple jelly it is necessary: ​​

  • Put water on the stove and bring to a boil.
  • While the water boils, you need to peel apples from the peel, remove seeds and septums, and then grind it in a blender, or grate it, or cut it into slices( it all depends on your preferences).
  • Add apples to water and bring to a boil. Meanwhile, starch is diluted in cold water to a homogeneous mass, and once the beverage boils, pour it there with a thin stream. In this case, the jelly should be slowly stirred to avoid the formation of lumps.
  • Kissel should puff for about two minutes.

After the kissel is ready, you should let it cool down, and then you can serve it to the baby.

Apple jelly for baby

Raspberry jelly for children

Raspberry jelly is a delicious and very healthy drink. Raspberry jelly can help cope with colds.

To prepare a raspberry jelly we will need:

  • 2 l of water
  • 2 tbsp.raspberries
  • 7 tbsp.sugar( sugar should be added at your discretion)
  • 4 tbsp.starch

To prepare a crimson jelly it is necessary: ​​

  • Put the water on the stove and bring to a boil. Meanwhile, rinse raspberries, if necessary, then the berries should be wiped through a sieve or crushed with a blender to get rid of pits( the necessary consistency depends on the age and preferences of the baby).
  • As soon as the water begins to boil, pour raspberries into it, sugar.
  • Then, in cold water, dilute the starch to a homogeneous consistency, and immediately with a thin stream, constantly stirring the beverage, pour starch into it.
  • Allow the jelly to leave for no more than two minutes, turn it off.

Once the drink is ready, you should give it time to cool down a bit, and then you can give it to the baby.

Raspberry jelly

Kissel from frozen berries for children

Preparation of jelly from frozen berries practically does not differ from the preparation of jelly from fresh berries. Frozen berries can be defrozen beforehand, and you can put them in water and in frozen form - it all depends on the type of berries and on the desired consistency of jelly.

If you want to get a homogeneous drink, you do not have to limit yourself to grinding the berries with a blender, using a sieve, etc. You can pre-berry berries, then throw in water, bring to a boil, strain the resulting broth, and only then add sugar, starch.

In addition to the fruits and berries discussed in the sections above, you can prepare a jelly from:

  • Frozen ashberry. Rowan will help cope with liver diseases, is a choleretic and laxative.
  • Frozen cherries. Cherry is a powerful antiseptic, should be used in inflammatory processes.
  • Frozen currants are a storehouse of vitamins. Currants improves the work of capillaries.
Frozen berries for jelly

Oat jelly recipe for children up to one year and after the year

Oat pudding is able to strengthen the baby's body, fill it with the necessary vitamins, microelements. Oat jelly improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves gas formation and intestinal colic, is indicated for dysbacteriosis.

To prepare oatmeal, you will need:

  • 1 tbsp.oat flakes
  • 1,5 tbsp.water
  • 1 tbsp.milk
  • 2 tbsp.sugar
  • pinch of salt

To prepare oatmeal, you need:

  • Pour oat flakes with water, cover, leave to swell for about six to eight hours( this can be done at night).
  • In the morning, the resulting infusion strain, and then squeeze.
  • Add the necessary amount of milk, salt and sugar, and then send to the plate and boil the jelly until the desired density.

After the jelly has cooled, it can be served to children.

Oat pudding

Milk jelly for children

Milk jelly - insanely delicious jelly. It is useful to everyone, except for those who have an allergy to cow's milk.

For the preparation of milk jelly we will need:

  • 2 tbsp.milk
  • 2 tbsp.starch
  • 2 tbsp.sugar
  • pinch of vanillin( optional)
  • pinch of cinnamon( optional)

For preparation of milk jelly it is necessary: ​​

  • Bring milk to a boil with constant stirring, when bartering, remove it.
  • Dissolve the starch in cold milk, pour it into boiling milk with a thin stream, add sugar.

After preparation, the drink should be slightly cooled, add vanillin and cinnamon to it, and then can be served to children. Also in the milk jelly you can add nuts, dried fruits, jam, syrup, etc.

Dessert - milk jelly with jam and nuts

Banana jelly from cough for children

Banana jelly can help a child get rid of not only cough, but also of bronchitis. To prepare this miracle cure, you will need:

  • 1 banana
  • 1 tbsp.boiling water( water)
  • 1 tbsp.sugar

IMPORTANT: For medicinal purposes, this drink should be consumed in a warm form every 2 hours for half a cup.

For the preparation of banana jelly it is necessary: ​​

  • Mash the pulp of banana to a homogeneous mass. You can use a blender.
  • Thoroughly place the resulting mass with sugar
  • Pour a glass of steep boiling water, cover and let stand for about 30 minutes.
  • Then the received drink can be filtered and given to the child.
Banana jelly

Kissel after poisoning for a child prescription

After poisoning, kissel is simply necessary for any organism.

Kiseli due to its viscosity can adjust the work of the stomach and intestines. With this miraculous drink, you can even replace one feeding a child, for example, dinner.

For the restoration of the body, the poisoning field will suit absolutely any jelly, the main thing is its viscosity.

Kissel after poisoning

Is it possible to kissel for diarrhea to a child?

Due to the fact that during diarrhea the body, and in particular the gastrointestinal tract is weakened, it should not be too heavily loaded with his work. Food during diarrhea should be reasonably thought-out.

For these purposes, jelly is perfect. Kissel is very easy to digest by the product, and yet very nutritious.

As a sorbent in the kissel is starch, which is able to absorb and remove from the body of dangerous toxins.

In addition to the enveloping properties of jelly, it is also a sedative for the gastrointestinal tract.

Kissel is a delicious remedy for diarrhea.

Drink jasmine with pleasure, cook it for your children. Do not be ill!

Video: Cook jelly from frozen berries

Video: Kissel from dried apricots. Step-by-step instruction

Video: How to cook oatmeal jelly?

  • May 10, 2018
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