Treating the calcaneal spur at home

If you have a spur on the heel, you need to use all available methods to treat it. After all, this violation can significantly complicate your life. It is most rational to seek help from a doctor, but you can try to get rid of the heel spur at home. For the treatment to be effective, it is important to understand the symptoms and causes of development of the heel spurs on the feet.

  • Symptoms and causes
  • Treatment
  • Compresses and rubbers
  • Soft crushing
  • Massage
  • Insoles

Symptoms and causes

According to statistics, calcaneal spur, or fasciitis, is considered quite a common disease. It is diagnosed in 26% of patients aged 42 to 47 years, and in advanced age, calcaneal spurs occur three times more often.

If you look at the X-ray of the foot with a spur on the heel, you can see a sharp protrusion that is located on the lower surface of the heel bone. In this case, the outgrowth can be very small or reach medical standards of impressive sizes - 12 mm. Thus, the heel spur can be described as spiny bone-tissue growth, which is most often found on the plantar surface in the calcaneus.

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The main symptom of the development of fasciitis is a painful pain syndrome, which can manifest itself in different ways:

  • uncomfortable sensations when walking;
  • with severe pain in the heel area when lifting in the morning from bed;
  • spontaneous pain in the heel, even without strong physical exertion on the foot;
  • with increasing painful sensations in the heel area towards evening;
  • sensation of "hammered nails" in the heel.

With build-ups on the heels, gait can be broken, as the weight of the body is transferred to the socks. The person begins to limp.

It should be noted that in 90% of patients the cause of development of the calcaneal spur is longitudinal flatfoot, which changes the load on the tendons and bones in the foot zone. The heel spur can also develop for other reasons:

  • excess body weight;
  • disorders in metabolic processes of the body;
  • calcaneus injury;
  • impaired circulation of limbs;
  • chronic diseases.

To determine the stage of development of fasciitis, it is necessary to perform the necessary diagnostic measures: ultrasound diagnosis or radiography

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Treatment of

The treatment of fasciitis is aimed not at removing the spur itself, but at reducing inflammation and reducing painful sensations. Cure this disease can be medication, with the help of physiotherapy procedures, as well as folk remedies.

Consider the most popular methods of non-traditional treatment of fasciitis, which will help quickly, and most importantly, permanently get rid of this ailment.

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Compresses and rubbers

The action of compresses and rubbers is aimed at reducing inflammation and reducing pain. Consider the most frequently used products and recipes for the treatment of this ailment:

  • Household soap. For a compress it is necessary to grind soap and melt the resulting mass on fire. Then the warm mixture should be laid on the fabric and placed on the heel.
  • Potatoes. For treatment, grate raw potatoes and apply to a diseased heel.
  • Dough and honey. On the heel, apply a thin layer of honey and apply on top of the dough, which is mixed with water and flour. You can fix such a compress with a plastic bag. It is recommended not to remove the compress during the day. The procedure is repeated daily until complete cure.
  • Salt and water. To prepare salubrious saline solution in hot water with a volume of 5 liters, it is necessary to dissolve sea salt with a mass of 1 kg. You need to soar your feet in the water until it cools completely.
  • Roots of iris violet. For a compress, you need to grind the roots of flowers with a mass of 20 grams and add 10 ml of sunflower oil to the resulting mixture. Healing mass is applied to the heel, the heel turns into cellophane, and the toe is put on top.

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Soft crushing

You can use peas to get rid of bone growth, which is poured into the sock. You need to wear it before the symptoms disappear.

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You can remove the heel spurs with a raw egg and vinegar. To prepare a healing mixture, the raw egg should be poured with vinegar and placed in a cool place until the shell is softened. Next, the egg should be cleaned and its contents combined with the used vinegar and a spoon of vegetable oil. The resulting mixture must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the heel with a spur. After several procedures, the spur should resolve.

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This method of treatment normalizes blood circulation, restores salt metabolism, reduces muscle spasm. For massage you can use special massage mats and rollers. Use for the holding of massage techniques of pressing, stroking and kneading. If you do not have special massage aids at hand, use a normal felt cloth, which is recommended to rub the diseased heel. You can boil potatoes in a peel, put it in a basin and actively knead your feet until it is completely cooled.

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In this disease, it is very important to relieve the diseased joint with the help of orthopedic insoles, which can be made from improvised means. For their manufacture it is recommended to cut out a dense insole of dense rubber in the shape of a horseshoe with a hole in place of the formed spur. A wound bundle of birch bark or cotton wool is also placed under the diseased heel. Insoles from horseradish leaves or burdock are especially useful, as they effectively improve blood circulation.

During the treatment it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, do not forget about the need for timely diagnosis and correct diagnosis. In the event that treatment does not help, you need to go to a medical facility.

  • May 10, 2018
  • 57
  • 209