Treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children and adults

Molluscum contagiosum is a parasitic virus disease, manifested by specific rashes on the skin and mucous membranes, it is one of the types of dermatosis. The disease has a chronic character, and can manifest itself repeatedly over several years, giving the patient some discomfort.

  • Causes of

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        Causes of

        Causes a large DNA-containing poxvirus, similar in structure to herpes and smallpox viruses. The causative agent affects only the person, getting into the body through microdamages of the skin. The virus of molluscum contagiosa is quite resistant to the environment and can persist for a long time in the dust of the premises, as well as in sand, water.

        Transfer methods:

        • Contact - from contact with the skin and mucous membranes of the patient, including during intercourse.
        • Household - when using the things of an infected person, all members of the family are often exposed to the disease.

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        Factors contributing to infection are:

        • Skin lesions - cuts, pimples, dermatological diseases( especially accompanied by itching, wetting or dryness).
        • Decreased immunity against a background of any diseases( current or recent).
        • Non-compliance with personal hygiene.
        • Visiting places of mass gathering of people( gyms, swimming pools, ponds).
        • Age from 1 to 10 years.
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        Symptoms of

        The incubation period of the disease is from 2 to 6 weeks, in rare cases - up to 7 months from the time of infection. Manifestations primarily occur at the site of infection in the body. For example, if it happened during intercourse, the rashes will be located on the inside of the thighs, genitals, abdomen. At household transfer shellfish more often amaze hands and face.

        The development of the disease occurs with the following symptoms:

        • Single appearance on the skin of small( 1-2 mm in diameter) painless, dense nodules of spherical shape.
        • The onset of mild itching, which does not cause much anxiety and does not interfere with sleep( in some cases this symptom is absent).
        • Growth and softening of tumors, turning them into hemispherical bubble-papules with a depression in the center, flesh-colored or pearly pink, the size of a pea.
        • Isolation from the damaged papules of a whitish or yellowish curd like that of a shellfish mollusk, which is why the name of the disease occurred.
        • Repeated self-infection - an increase in the number of rashes when combing.
        • The virus can affect any part of the body, except the palms and the feet. When brought into the eye causes chronic conjunctivitis.
        • After a few months, the nodules often disappear on their own - the disease acquires a latent form, activating again under the influence of provoking factors( reduced immunity, pregnancy).
        • It is possible to fuse the papules with each other and a massive skin lesion without worsening the general condition.
        • The disease is characteristic of the upper layers of the skin and does not affect the internal organs.
        • A person with a molluscum contagiosum is contagious to others during a rash.

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        Depending on the nature of the course of the disease, the following forms of its development are distinguished:

        • Typical( simple) - when concentrating a small number of tumors in one place.
        • Generalized - characterized by an ever-increasing number of papules affecting the remote parts of the skin throughout the body.
        • Giant mollusk - the size of the nodules reaches 2 centimeters.
        • The miliary form is multiple small papules.
        • Complicated - connect secondary infection, manifested by reddening around the rash, erosions, purulent contents of the vesicles.
        • Atypical( pedicular) - nodules located on the pedicle.
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        To diagnose a visual inspection of a dermatologist is enough - a specific rash usually does not cause doubts. However, sometimes they resort to a histological examination of the contents of the papules.

        Differential diagnosis is performed to exclude syphilis, chicken pox, various forms of warts, condyloma, epithelioma, red flat lichen and other diseases.

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        Treatment of

        To date, there are no methods in medicine to completely eliminate the contagious mollusc virus. If the immune system is strong enough, the symptoms pass independently for 6-12 months. Therapy is also aimed at eliminating rashes and should be performed in conditions of sterility and with the guarantee of maximum painlessness.

        The treatment methods are:

        • Curettage - mechanical removal of molluscs by tweezers or a Folkman spoon followed by treatment with an antiseptic( hydrogen peroxide, iodine, Fukortzin, manganese, alcohol solution of Chlorophyllipt).The procedure is somewhat painful, with a large scale of rash possible the use of local anesthesia.
        • Cryodestruction - the use of liquid nitrogen, causing cold tissue necrosis.
        • Radio wave method - elimination of rash elements by exposure to radio waves.
        • Electrocoagulation( electrocution) - treatment with an electrocoagulator followed by irradiation with an ultraviolet lamp for better healing of the skin.
        • Laser - a painless method that allows you to remove nodules without negative consequences in the form of spots and scars. Especially relevant when the face is affected.
        • Chemical method - moxibustion with special agents( cantharidinum, salicylic acid).
        • Drug therapy - the use of ointments and creams with antiviral activity( Oxolin ointment, Acyclovir, Panavir, Feresol, Tebrofen ointment, Topical cidofovir, Imiquimod).It is an alternative, rather long treatment, used more often to children.

        Complete eradication usually requires several approaches at monthly intervals to remove new formations. Depending on the location of their location and the sensitivity of the skin, a combination of different methods of exposure is possible.

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        In some cases, after removal of nodules, doctors prescribe antiviral medications that promote immunity( Viferon, Isoprinosin).

        Pay attention to the popular and effective means for children and adults, which increase the body's immunity and help fight viral infections
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        The child

        The appearance on the skin of mollusks is most typical for children 1-12 years old. This is due to the following factors:

        • Breast babies are still protected by the mother's immunity, and their own sufficiently resistant protective functions the body acquires only after 10 years.
        • The skin of children is thinner and softer than in adults.
        • Excessive activity often results in injuries and skin damage.
        • Preschoolers do not always comply with the rules of personal hygiene.

        If a molluscum is found in a child attending a pre-school, he should stop going to the garden until the rash is eliminated. Schoolchildren are recommended to bandage lesions in order to prevent the spread of the virus. At the same time, it is desirable for all the children of the collective to undergo a medical examination, and epidemics are not uncommon.

        Toys, household items used by the patient, must be carefully disinfected. Clothing( in particular, underwear), as well as bedding should be changed daily, washed at high temperatures and ironed on both sides.

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        In pregnancy

        Activation of an existing infection or primary infection with molluscum contagiosum can occur during pregnancy against a background of weakened immunity. Usually this does not affect the course of pregnancy and fetal health, but transmission to a child can occur during childbirth or with subsequent contact with the mother's skin.

        Treatment is performed immediately after the diagnosis of the disease, taking into account contraindications for some procedures. Shortly before the birth, the pregnant woman should undergo a preventive examination aimed at revealing repeated rashes in hard to reach areas.

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        Treatment at home

        Some methods of traditional medicine are effective in treating molluscs. However, they should be used after consultation with a doctor:

        • Kashitsa from cloves of garlic, which should be rubbed lesions 4-5 times a day.
        • Purity is a fairly poisonous plant, the fresh juice of which has a cauterizing effect on nodules.
        • Alcohol tinctures of calendula and eucalyptus - the lubrication of tumors with these preparations contributes to their disappearance.
        • Self-extrusion of nodules - used only in case of confirmation of diagnosis and training procedure by a doctor. Tools are tweezers and a needle, which are treated with alcohol.
        • Cherry leaves - crushed raw materials squeeze out, squeezing out the juice, which is applied to the wounds left after removal of the papules. The agent promotes the fastest healing of the skin.
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        Prevention of

        To prevent contamination with molluscum contagiosum, the following rules should be observed:

        • Carry out a thorough examination of the baby's skin, especially when visiting children's institutions and playing in the sandbox.
        • Observe the rules of hygiene( wash hands with soap, wear shoes in public places, do not use other people's things, household items, toys).
        • Monitor the condition of the skin - nourish and moisturize them, in time to treat the disease.
        • Strengthen the immune system - this prevents infection, as well as recurrent manifestations of the disease.
        • If there is a patient in the house, you should limit his physical contact with family members - provide a separate bed, individual clothes, towels, dishes. Until full recovery, sex with the infected person is excluded.
        • If mollusc appears on the skin of a child, it is necessary to take measures to prevent injury to rashes( friction, scratching).Foci of infection should be covered.
  • May 10, 2018
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