Coffee Scrub

  • How does the coffee scrub work?
  • Coffee scrub from cellulite
  • Coffee body scrub
  • Facial scrub coffee
  • Contraindications to the use of coffee scrub

Coffee scrub today is quite popular for skin care of both body and face. Thanks to its availability, multifunctionality and pleasant aroma, this cosmetic product has in its arsenal almost every woman, regardless of whether it was cooked at home or bought in a store. Let's find out how to properly use a scrub from coffee.

How does a coffee scrub work?

There is a widespread belief that a scrub made from coffee, acts at the expense of the smallest particles of coffee grounds - they exfoliate the skin. However, this is not quite true. The main active substance of this cosmetic product is caffeine. Using it, you can effectively fight fat deposits, and even with fading skin and swelling.

As a part of the scrub, the main active ingredient, caffeine, has a vasodilating effect, which increases the blood flow and accelerates the metabolism. It promotes skin rejuvenation and fat splitting. That's why coffee scrub is often used as an anti-cellulite remedy, which also helps to lose weight.

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Scrub from the coffee grounds is also useful in that it stimulates the removal of excess fluid from the cells, providing a smoothing and toning effect on the skin. Since coffee is also rich in natural antioxidants, the skin after applying the scrub becomes not only more beautiful, but also younger. We can say that the coffee remedy is not just a scrub, but also a mask for the skin of the face and body.

Cellulite coffee scrub

To scrub the cellulite effectively and effectively, it is important to know how to properly prepare and use it.

Advice on the use of coffee scrub against cellulite:

- for the preparation of scrubs you can use only natural coffee( in this case, instant coffee will not produce the desired effect);

- you can use ground natural coffee, and the coffee grounds left after the drink;

- the most effective is considered unroasted green coffee( it has the highest caffeine content);

- it is desirable to use fine grinding( in case of sloppy actions with coarse grinding, it is easy to injure the skin);

- anti-cellulite coffee-based scrub is recommended to be applied several times a week.

The recipe for the burning coffee scrub from cellulite

Natural coffee beans showed high efficiency in combating the "orange peel".To make a scrub, you need to take 100 g of coffee beans( preferably green) and grind them into dust. Then add to it 30 ml of tincture of hot pepper( it is sold in any pharmacy) and mix well. If the mixture comes out dry, you can add a little more olive oil. Cook the scrub in a jar and place for a week in a dark place.

Scrub is best used when bathing. It must be applied to problem areas with massage movements and rub the skin for 5-10 minutes. When there is a slight redness, you can complete the procedure. After this, it is recommended to take a shower and wipe the skin with ice cubes.

The recipe of a coffee mask-skraba against a cellulitis

In house conditions it is possible to prepare and a useful mask-skrab from "improvised" agents. If you just finished a freshly brewed natural coffee, do not rush to throw away the remaining coffee grounds after it. From it you can prepare an effective mask that can overcome cellulite.

In warm mineral water, you first need to dilute the clay to get a mass with the consistency of sour cream. Then add as much coffee grounds to it. After taking a bath, when the skin on the problem areas is easily decocted, massage movements need to apply a mask-scrub to these areas. After an hour wash off with warm water.

Body Scrub for Body Scrub

The body scrub of coffee is used in the same way as the coffee beans against cellulite. During the shower or bath, the skin is well cleansed with a gel or soap, is steamed, after which a coffee scrub is applied to it. But in this case, the remedy can be applied not only to zones with cellulite, but also to other problem areas( waist, abdomen, arms and legs).After applying the scrub is recommended to use and moisturizing cream for the body.

Recipe for smoothing scrub from body coffee

For preparing the product you need 2 tbsp. Spoons of medium grind coffee should be poured with a small amount of water. It should form a thick coffee mass. The main thing is not to pour water. Then add to the mixture another 1 tbsp.a spoonful of honey( not thick) and 2 tbsp.spoons of olive oil. All ingredients must be carefully grinded with a spoon.

A coffee scrub can be used while taking a bath or shower, after cleaning the skin( it must be moist).The remedy is best applied once a week.

Recipe for coffee scrub from stretch marks

In 1 tbsp.spoon of natural ground coffee add 5 tbsp.spoons of apple cider vinegar. It is important that the vinegar is natural( no more than 5%).Ingredients to stir and put on the cleared and steamed skin there where stretch marks are appreciable. Within 2-3 minutes you need to massage the problem areas. Then, if desired, you can wrap around the food film and leave it for 15-20 minutes. The wrapping enhances the effect of scrubbing.

When the film is removed, you need to rinse the skin with warm water and apply a moisturizer on it. You can use a special tool against stretch marks.

Facial scrub coffee

Recipes for facial scrubs can be very diverse, but do not rush with experiments. First you need to study the assortment, then choose the best option for your skin type and after that start using it. A coffee scrub is prepared simply and quickly, regardless of the ingredients that it contains.

Recipe for the scrub of coffee for dry and sensitive skin.

Mix 2 tbsp.spoons of ground coffee beans with 100 g of brown sugar and almond oil( the mass should be thick).Apply to cleansed face, rub with light movements, after a couple of minutes, rinse with warm water.

Recipe for scrub from coffee for oily skin

In 2 tbsp.spoons of natural yogurt without additives to intervene 1 tbsp.spoon of ground coffee. Stir and continue to act according to the traditional pattern.

Recipe for coffee scrub for problem skin

Melt honey and add coffee grounds or ground coffee, cinnamon and brown sugar to it. All the ingredients must be taken in equal parts. With the help of mineral water it is necessary to bring the mass to a thick state.

Cleanse the face and apply a scrub to the skin. After massaging, leave the remedy on your face as a mask. After a while, rinse with warm water. Scrub helps eliminate black spots and inflamed pimples.

Contraindications to the use of coffee scrub

Since coffee is a potent agent that can penetrate deep layers of the skin, it is not recommended to use:

- for serious skin diseases;

- for coffee allergies;

- for too sensitive skin.


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