What is Irrigoscopy( Contrasting) of the Intestine

Medical institutions use various diagnostic techniques to informively and qualitatively carry out intestinal research. One of the most common methods is the procedure of irrigoscopy. Thanks to her, you can get an accurate clinical picture for various pathologies of the intestine. What is this irrigoscopy, how is it conducted and what does it show - further in the article.

  • What shows
  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • Preparation
  • Diet
  • Purification
  • How is the
  • performed Irrigoscopy and colonoscopy - which is better?

The study of the large intestine using the X-ray method with the use of contrast medium( barium sulfate) is called by irrigoscopy .The method allows to diagnose many diseases of the large intestine( polyposis, fistulas, ulcerative colitis, malignant formations, diverticulitis, Crohn's disease).

The research principle is based on the ability of the intestine to pass through the X-rays. On simple images of the internal organ is not visible, but if you enter into it a contrast and make an X-ray, the intestine can be seen in the smallest detail and see all the changes that are not available for other types of examinations.

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What shows

  • Elasticity and extensibility of intestinal walls.
  • Localization, shape and diameter of the colon.
  • The operation of the buginium damper( intestinal valve), which is located at the junction of the ileum into a thick one. Normally, she misses the contents of the intestine in only one direction.
  • Functional state of various parts of the organ( appendix, small intestine, colon ascending department, descending rectum department).
  • Relief of the mucous membrane. This indicator is decisive in the examination of diverticulosis, ulcerative lesions, tumors, fistula, cicatrical narrowing of the large intestine and congenital developmental anomalies.
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  • Pain and discomfort in the anal area.
  • Regular discharge from the anus( pus, mucus).
  • Chronic constipation or diarrhea. Bleeding from the rectum( hemorrhoids).
  • Suspicions of bowel oncology and other intestinal pathologies( fistula, Crohn's disease, etc.).
Read also how to cleanse the intestines with salt water at home http://woman-l.ru/ochishhenie-solenoj-vody/
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  • Cardiovascular pathologies( tachycardia or severe myocardial insufficiency).
  • Pregnancy.
  • Weakened patients in serious condition.
  • Intestinal perforation.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease in an acute period.

Very rarely prescribed procedure for the acute stage of violation of blood supply of the intestine, diarrhea with blood, suspicion of cystic pneumatosis of the intestine.

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Preparation of

The main points for preparing the patient for the procedure are adherence to dietary supplements and carrying out purification measures for the emptying of the large intestine.

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3 days prior to the study, it is necessary to exclude foods that are capable of causing bloating and a stiff stool. These include:

  • porridge( oatmeal, millet, pearl barley);
  • fruits( peaches, apples, apricots, oranges);
  • fresh vegetables and herbs( carrots, beets, pulses, cabbage);
  • bread made from rye flour;
  • kvass, black coffee and sweet fizzy drinks.

Also should be abandoned and meat broths, sausages, fatty fish and meat.

All dishes should be steamed or boiled. It is necessary to eat dietary fish or meat, rice and semolina porridge, dry biscuits or crackers from wheat bread. Allowed weak herbal or green tea, sour-milk drinks, compotes. The day before the procedure, you need to drink 2.5 liters of fluid.

During the last day before irrigoscopy, lunch should be easy, supper is not recommended, it is better to give preference to purified water and tea. On the day of examination, breakfast should be discarded.
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Purification of

To fill the contrast medium with the optimal, and the examination itself is as informative as possible, the large intestine needs to be freed from fecal matter. For this, you can use an enema or laxative tablets.

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Enema should be placed in the evening on the eve of the procedure 2 times at intervals of 1 hour and in the morning until the transparent liquid without admixture of feces comes from the intestine. Before cleaning, it is recommended to drink 1-2 spoons of castor oil. Then at one time in the intestine to introduce about 1.5 liters of fluid.

As a laxative, you can use drugs such as Fleet, Dufalac, Frolaks( Fortrans).They help the patient to comfortably prepare for the procedure and ensure a quality survey. Their reception must be started on the eve of the irrigoscopy and finished on the morning of the examination day.

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How is

Irrigoscopy is a painless and safe procedure. It is carried out with the help of Bobrov's apparatus. It is a small container( volume 1-3 liters) for contrast with 2 silicone tubes attached to it. At the end of one tube there is a pear for air injection, on the other - a tip is put, by means of which a contrast substance is introduced into the rectum.

Before the procedure, the contrast( barium sulfate) is dissolved in water at the rate of 40 grams of barium per 2 liters of liquid, the product is heated to a temperature of 35 degrees. Further, the capacity of the apparatus is filled with the finished mixture and air is pumped into it by means of a pear, creating an overpressure. Under pressure, barium rises and the second tube through the tip is injected into the intestine.

After the preliminary preparations proceed to the procedure itself:

  • The patient lies sideways on an inclined table, knees bends and presses them to the stomach, hands behind her back.
  • Under the control of fluoroscopy, the tip of the tube is introduced into the rectum and barium is slowly supplied. At the request of the doctor, the patient turns over on his back, stomach, side - it is necessary that the barium is distributed in the body at regular intervals.
  • As the large intestine is filled with a barium mixture, a series of sighting and sighting shots is done. The final picture is performed after full filling of the intestine with contrast. Thanks to this technique, called tight contrast, the doctor will be able to assess the location, shape and diameter of the lumen of the intestine.
  • Then the tip of the tube is removed, and the patient is allowed to empty the intestine. After this, a control review is performed, which allows to assess the condition of the mucosa and determine the functional activity of the organ.
  • The doctor then performs double contrast technique. To do this, through Bobrov's apparatus into the intestine, gently pumped the air in order to smooth the folds and examine in detail the wall of the intestine. After removing the contrast on the walls of the body remains a thin layer of barium, it allows you to take a few pictures and see even a small tumor, the appearance of the mucosa and polyps. This method is indispensable in diagnosing malignant tumors in the large intestine, it is the most informative and gives the most accurate results.
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Irrigoscopy and colonoscopy - which is better?

The method of irrigoscopy is painless and is much easier to transfer than the colonoscopy procedure, since the tube with the tip is injected into the intestine at a shallow depth.

However, sometimes it is impossible to cover the hard-to-reach areas of the intestine with the image. Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, the doctor can prescribe two types of examination: colonoscopy and irrigoscopy.

  • May 10, 2018
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