What is keratosis of the skin and how to treat it?

Keratosis is a group of non-inflammatory skin diseases characterized by excessive thickening of the stratum corneum and a delay in normal exfoliation. Expanding, keratinized tissue can cause discomfort in the form of itching, bleeding cracks, erosions, ulcers.

  • reasons
  • Types and
  • symptoms Hereditary
  • acquired
  • Senile
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Conservative therapy
  • Removing keratitis
  • Treatment folk
  • funds from
  • children during pregnancy
  • Prevention


main factors causing skin keratosis are:

  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Age changes.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Failures in the work of the nervous system.
  • Endocrine pathology.
  • The lack of vitamins and trace elements.
  • The presence of tumors of internal organs.
  • Influence of external factors - ultraviolet, radioactive, chemical, mechanical effect.
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Species and symptoms of

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  • Ichthyosis( diffuse keratoma) is a disturbance of keratinization with various manifestations ranging from small scaling to the appearance of scales resembling fish on the skin.
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  • Follicular( or pilar) keratosis - is the formation in the hair follicles of horny plugs that inhibit hair growth. It includes diseases such as hair follicles( small dense nodules of pinkish color), Kirl's disease( wart-like growths).
  • Keratodermia of the palms and heels - the appearance of symmetrical horny layers of yellow or brown, surrounded by a purple border. Over time, painful bleeding cracks appear on the surface of the layers, and lesions can spread to the back of the hands and feet, as well as to the elbows and knees. Most often the disease begins to manifest itself in early childhood and progresses over the years.
  • Porokeratosis Mibelli - formation on the body of gray nodules conical, dense to the touch and with a horn stopper in the center. Gradually, these nodules form on the skin an annular plaque with a diameter of up to 3-4 centimeters, with a westernization in the center and a horny roller along the periphery.
  • Congenital polykeratosis is a disease that combines the symptoms of various forms of keratosis. It is accompanied by the defeat of the nervous system, bone tissue, as well as other anomalies, among which - the change of nails, teeth and hair.
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  • Infectious - accompanies such diseases as syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, leprosy.
  • Symptomatic - occurs with endocrine disorders( menopausal changes in women), pathologies of the nervous system( palmar-plantar keratoderma).
  • Paraecological - typical for some malignant neoplasms of internal organs.
  • Professional - is caused by the action of mechanical, chemical, radioactive substances. For example, in x-ray doctors from the defeat of hands by X-rays, from asphalt pavers from contact with oil products, epithelioma and dermal horn from chimney sweeps.
  • Mechanical - represented mainly by calluses on the hands and feet.
  • Vitamin - lack of fat-soluble vitamins( groups A, B and C) leads to skin damage, most often - on the extensor surfaces of the extremities.

Read also about the causes, symptoms, types and treatment of seborrheic dermatitis http://woman-l.ru/kak-lechit-seborejnuyu-ekzemu-ili-seborejnyj-dermatit/
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Represents age-related violations of keratinization processesepidermis and dysfunction of secretory capacity of sebaceous glands. There are the following types:

  • Actinic( solar, senile) - caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. It manifests itself in the form of uneven skin bodily or brown, covered with scales. Such keratomas can degenerate into cancers.
  • Seborrheic - has the appearance of dry or fat flat patches of corporal, brown or black, with a diameter of 2 or more centimeters, reminiscent of the wart and appear most often on open areas of the face, neck, back or hands.
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To determine which type of neoplasm belongs to which type and how to choose the treatment methods, a dermatologist will help. Very important is differential diagnosis - keratoses resemble other skin diseases. For this purpose:

  • Visual inspection.
  • Laboratory investigations - histology is performed during surgical treatment and at the probability of keratogenesis.
  • Instrumental diagnostics - dermatoscopy( examination under magnification), biopsy( sampling), ultrasound.
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Treatment of

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Conservative therapy

Usually conducted in a hospital and includes:

  • Medication - at risk of keratoma regeneration, malignant cytotoxic agents and antitumor antibiotics are used.
  • Local therapy - special creams and ointments containing urea, vitamins A and E, and preparations based on alpha-, hydroxy-, salicylic, lactic acids( fluorouracil, Diclofenac, Imiquimod, Solkoderm) contribute to the softening and exfoliation of keratotic areas.
  • The diet should include foods rich in vitamins A, B, C, as well as fats. Be sure to comply with the drinking regime to prevent dehydration and dry skin.
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Keratosis removal

Carried out with a pronounced cosmetic defect, significant size or lack of conservative treatment results:

  • Cryodestruction - removal with liquid nitrogen, suitable for single keratomas.
  • Laser removal - evaporation of layers of the affected skin with a laser beam.
  • Radiosurgical excision is the most optimal method, suitable for any type of keratom and does not leave any scars.
  • Electrocoagulation - removal of small formations with an electron knife with minimal trauma.
  • Photodynamic therapy - application of a photosensitizing agent and exposure to a light wave of a certain length leads to tissue necrosis.
  • Curettage( scraping) of the sac of the hair follicle - used for follicular keratoses.
  • Surgical method - performed with a large size of the keratinization center, as well as to remove nearby tissues in case of its degeneration.
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Treatment with folk remedies

There are methods for eliminating small areas of keratosis at home. They can be used only with the approval of a dermatologist:

  • Aloe - rubbing juice or compresses with frozen leaves help to eliminate manifestations of the disease.
  • Walnut oil - helps slow the growth of the growth.
  • Purity - greasing with plant juice or special ointment reduces the size of keratoma.
  • Baths with broths of medicinal herbs( chamomiles, turns, sage, calendula) soothe the skin, relieve itching.
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In children

Most often, children are prone to follicular keratosis. Usually it does not require treatment and passes on its own after puberty. For appearance( a pinpoint rash in the form of a lot of prickly nodules), the disease is called gooseflesh. During exacerbations, especially during the cold season, the elements of the rash turn red and can itch.

Relieve status helps:

  • Exfoliating and moisturizing the skin, removing itching with the help of special creams and ointments.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Drinking enough vitamins, liquids.
  • Avoid contact with allergens.
  • Restriction of stress and excessive psychological stress.
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During pregnancy

Hormonal changes can provoke the appearance( or increase) of seborrheic keratosis in pregnant women. Such manifestations do not affect the condition of the fetus and usually disappear after childbirth. However, to avoid the possibility of the appearance of other skin lesions, similar in symptoms to keratoma, consultation with a dermatologist is desirable.

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To prevent the appearance of keratosis, some rules will help:

  • Avoid the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation - do not sunbathe from 10 to 16 hours, cover unprotected skin, use sunscreen.
  • Do not expose newborns to sun exposure, children's sunscreen products are designed for children from 6 months.
  • Inspect your skin for the appearance of tumors, monitor the size of the already existing ones.
  • Avoid contact with corrosive chemicals.
  • Do not wear tight clothes and shoes.
  • In time to treat diseases.
  • Properly eat and lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • May 10, 2018
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