What are the best contraceptive choices? The best birth control pills after 25, 30, 35, 40 years

Guidelines for the selection of contraceptives for women of different ages.


  • How does a doctor pick up birth control pills?
  • How to pick up birth control pills without a doctor, by yourself?
  • Non-hormonal contraceptives
  • Non-hormonal birth control pills of the new generation
  • What contraceptive pills are taken after intercourse, for how many hours?
  • Which are better to choose birth control pills in 20 years?
  • What are the best choices for birth control pills in 25 years?
  • What are the best choices for birth control pills in 30 years?
  • What are the best choices for birth control pills in 35 years?
  • What are the best choices for birth control pills in 40 years?
  • VIDEO: Contraceptive pill

Contraception is a set of procedures aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancies. Now there are many contraceptives, undoubtedly the most popular are condoms. Women often use non-hormonal tablets.

How does a doctor pick up birth control pills?

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There are several criteria by which the doctor chooses birth control pills:

  • Age of the patient
  • Was born or not
  • Migrated diseases
  • Weight of a woman
  • Presence of diabetes
  • Body type of a woman
  • Gynecological ailments

Wrongly selected drugs can cause gynecological ailments and even infertility.

How to choose the contraceptive pill

How to pick up the pill without a doctor, independently?

The easiest way to buy non-hormonal tablets. But the most common are low-dose hormone tablets. In them, the content of hormones is minimal, so they do not do any harm, provided that the woman is absolutely healthy. If there are any chronic ailments, it is better to seek medical help from a doctor.

It is necessary to evaluate menstruation. If the discharge during menstruation is meager and last only 3-4 days, then the organism is dominated by gestagens. But if the monthly abundant and last 6-7 days, then estrogens predominate. There is a special table that will allow you to choose the right pills.

Table for the selection of birth control pills

Non-hormonal contraceptives

It should be noted that they are not taken orally, but are injected into the vagina before sexual intercourse. They are available in the form of candles, gels and tablets.

The most common non-hormonal contraceptives:

  • Patentex Oval. As part of the drug, nonoxynol, which simply makes the sperm still. Accordingly, she can not get into the uterus
  • Pharmatex. Used before sex and protects against the most common sexually transmitted infections
  • Gynecotheca. The active substance is benzalkonium chloride, which makes the vaginal lubrication not carried out for sperm. Has an antibacterial effect
Non-hormonal contraceptives

Non-hormonal birth control pills of the new generation

These drugs contain substances that reduce the motility of sperm. In addition, they thicken the secret of the vagina, making it not held for sperm. Do not take pills every day. They are used before sex. Suitable for women who do not have a permanent partner.

Names of non-hormonal tablets:

  • Traceptin
  • Pharmatex
  • Ginacotex
Non-hormonal birth control medications

What contraceptive pills take after sexual intercourse, for how many hours?

These contraceptives are called emergency. They are also called pills next day. It is necessary to take the drug no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse. There are two types of drugs: based on levonorgestrel and mifepristone. These are hormone pills that inhibit ovulation, make cervical mucus very dense and interfere with the production of progesterone. Accordingly, even a fertilized egg will not be able to attach to the uterus because of the structure of the endometrium.

Names of tablets for emergency contraception:

  • Postinor
  • Escapel
  • Mifepristone
  • Escinor F

Note that such preparations contain a "horse" dose of hormones, therefore, they adversely affect your health. It is allowed to take no more than 4 times a year.

Emergency contraceptives

What are the best choices for birth control pills in 20 years?

It is best to use non-hormonal drugs. These are condoms, gels and candles with substances that inhibit sperm. Concerning hormonal tablets, they should be prescribed by a doctor, having carefully studied the medical history. In addition, it is desirable to pass tests for hormones. Young girls are usually prescribed low-dose drugs.

List of hormones for young girls:

  • Jess
  • Jarina
  • Novinet
  • Jeanine

These medications are prescribed not only to prevent pregnancy. Microdosed hormone tablets allow you to adjust the monthly and adjust the balance of hormones. Often appoint at irregular monthly.

birth control pills in 20 years

What are the better choices for birth control pills in 25 years?

At 25 years old, if you do not have children, it is better to take micro-dosed COCs. They contain a minimum of hormones, while you can adjust the frequency and regularity of menstruation.

Name KOCS for girls 25 years of age:

  • Lindineth
  • Regulon
  • Trikwilar
birth control pills in 25 years

What are the best choices for birth control pills in 30 years?

  • At this age it is worth switching to mini-drugs. The content of hormones in them is slightly higher than in the microdosed ones. At the age of 30, the hormonal background varies slightly among women. Minidozirovannye preparations are ideal for giving birth to women
  • They interfere with the onset of pregnancy and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the genital organs. The risk of fibroids, endometriosis and other ailments is much lower than in women who do not accept COCs.
  • It is at this age that you should switch to mini-pills, if you have long periods and very abundant. In the mini-pills only one hormone is progestin. It thickens the cervical mucus and helps during the months to completely exfoliate the endometrium. You can take nursing mothers
birth control pills in 30 years

What are the best choices for birth control pills in 35 years?

After 35 years about 50% of all pregnancies end in abortion. Not every woman wants to become a mom at that age. Moreover, many representatives of the fair sex have the ailments of the endocrine system, excess weight and chronic diseases of internal organs. Tablets should be safe and help cope with ailments. The minimum content of hormones is 20 mcg.

Common contraceptives for women of 35 years:

  • Silest
  • Femoden
  • Marvelon
birth control pills in 35 years

What are the better ways to choose birth control pills in 40 years?

Many gynecologists in mature women are prescribed mini-pili. This is due to the content of one hormone - progesterone. After all, most women of this age are given a lot of estrogen, which contributes to excessive growth of the endometrium.

Because of this, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, uterine cavity polyps develop. It is progesterone that helps to cope with these ailments. The hormone thickens the cervical mucus and inhibits ovulation.

Mnipipili for women of 40 years:

  • Kontinuin
  • Exlujuton
  • Charozetta
birth control pills in 40 years

As you can see, hormonal contraceptives should be prescribed by a doctor. Even if your girlfriend is perfectly fit pills, this does not mean that they will not harm you.

VIDEO: Contraceptive pill

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