Hernia, cervical and thoracic spine: symptoms, signs, causes. Treatment of a hernia without surgery: medication and exercises

Hernia of the spine is a pathological condition of the body caused by defects or displacement of the intervertebral disc. Most often, this ailment develops on the basis of osteochondrosis. Also, various congenital or acquired injuries, tumor and tubercular tissue damage are caused to the hernia of the spine.


  • Is it possible to cure a spinal hernia without surgery?
  • How to relieve pain in spinal hernia
  • Nutrition for a spinal hernia
  • Back gymnastics for a spinal hernia
  • Medication for a hernia of the thoracic spine
  • Medication for a hernia of the lumbar spine
  • Medication for a hernia of the cervical spine
  • What exercises can not be done with a spinal hernia?
  • Complex of exercises for the treatment of cervical hernia
  • Exercises in the lumbar hernia
  • Exercises for a thoracic hernia
  • Can I do a massage with a herniated spine?
  • Herniated spine: tips and feedback
  • Video: Intervertebral Hernia: Operate or Treat?

The displacement of the intervertebral discs can lead to a violation of the circulation. With hernias of the cervical region, the flow of blood into the brain may be impaired. Most often, disc displacement is noted in the lumbar spine, less often in the thoracic spine.

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Is it possible to cure a spinal hernia without surgery?

Today, there are many ways to get rid of this ailment. And the operation is only one of them. If you find this problem in the early stages, then you can get rid of it by conservative methods of treatment.

IMPORTANT: The intervertebral disc consists of a jelly-like core and a solid outer layer. Hernia can appear when the outer layer is destroyed. Parts of the core can seep through the crack or other "defect" of the affected outer layer. Also, one of the forms of this disease is the protrusion of the disc( while its structure remains intact and intact).

Let's consider the treatment of hernia in conservative ways, depending on its type:

Most treatments without surgery are possible at home. But, each of them has its own contraindications. Therefore, it is very important to consult with your doctor before using them.

There are many ways to treat the ailment described. To restore the functions of the spine can be used:

  • Medicaments
  • Stretching spine
  • ultrasound
  • electrical nerve stimulation
  • Acupuncture
  • Massage
  • Yoga and physiotherapy
  • compresses
  • Specially designed and braces

In the treatment of diseases of the spine may be used such medicamentous preparations as:

IMPORTANT: It is not possible to use medication without consulting a specialist. Professional treatment of this problem can be obtained from a neurologist.

Another effective method of treating this type of hernia is spinal distension .For this purpose, special tables are used, on which the patient is laid. With these tables, you can increase the distance between the discs and reduce the pressure on the nerve endings that can be affected by such a disease.

Today, you can carry out this procedure not only in a specialized clinic, but at home

For this you need to purchase a special table. But, it can be used if the specialist approves such treatment.

To resolve this problem without surgery, can be used for percutaneous electrical stimulation of nerves .At its providence, in the areas of localization of the hernia, electric current is passed. His impulses stimulate nerves and eliminate pain. Since the intensity of the currents is minimal, this procedure does not require the use of anesthesia.

IMPORTANT: For chronic problems with the displacement and destruction of disks, this procedure is ineffective.

Another procedure that helps get rid of pain in the spine is ultrasound therapy .With this treatment, you can eliminate muscle spasms and increase blood flow. With the use of ultrasound, healing of the damaged intervertebral disc can be accelerated and the symptoms of the disease can be alleviated.

Acupuncture , Traditional massage and Stimulation of bioactive points , Yoga , Therapeutic exercise , Hot and cold compresses are considered alternative treatments for the intervertebral hernia. They can be used both separately from traditional treatment, and together with it.

Special corsets and bandages

also proved to be very good for the above problems. They can be used both for the prevention of this ailment and for enhancing the effect of treating such hernias.

Conservative treatment methods can not completely eliminate this problem. But, with their help, you can effectively eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

How to relieve pain syndromes with a hernia of the spine

Most often, pain symptoms in the intervertebral hernia are removed with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs .Such medicines not only "dull" the pain, but also eliminate the inflammatory processes that often occur with a hernia localized in the lumbar region. When using such drugs, enzymes involved in the synthesis of inflammatory mediators are inhibited.

To increase the effect of the use of medications it is important to reduce mobility( within 2-3 days) and to refrain from physical exertion( within 7 days).

IMPORTANT: Drugs such as "ZSEBEREX" , "Piroxicam" , "Ketoprofen" and "Sulindak" are able to maintain their effect during the day after their admission. But, they have a large list of side effects. So, not everyone can come.

In the case of pain arising from the intervertebral hernia it is important not to engage in self-medication, but to entrust your health to a specialist

This is especially true for the choice of painkillers.

Which drugs can be removed pain syndromes for the described problem:

  • "Diclofenac" .Ointment, which is used for pain arising from a hernia of the lumbar spine
  • "Movalis" .Effective modern drug for the removal of pain caused by damage to vertebral discs and hernias. Unlike "Diclofenac" to achieve the effect of using this drug, small dosages of
  • "Napprixen" are enough. The drug with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect. It is able to reduce pain in the joints and in the hernia of the spine
  • "Indomethacin" .The product effectively eliminates pain in the spine and joints of
  • "Surgam" .Another anti-inflammatory drug that is effective in vertebral hernia

IMPORTANT: Unlike analgesics for oral administration, ointments act locally and do not interfere with the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The best ointments for the removal of pain syndromes in hernia of the spine are: "Voltaren emulgel" and "Fastum gel" .

"Voltaren emulsifier" .The composition of this drug includes the active ingredient diclofenac sodium. This substance effectively and quickly relieves pain in the intervertebral hernia. Multiple studies confirm not only the effectiveness of this tool, but also its safety.

"Fastum gel" .The drug is based on ketoprofen. It also includes substances such as lavender oil, neroli and menthol.

IMPORTANT: If you are intolerant to the components of a particular ointment, they may cause itching, swelling, vesicles, scales, and other side effects when in contact with the skin. With such manifestations, you must immediately abandon the use of such a tool.

In addition to medications for the removal of pain syndromes caused by such a disease, you can use:

  • Massage .With this procedure, you can relieve muscle tension and improve blood circulation. The procedure for therapeutic massage should be performed only by a doctor.
  • Hypericum oil of St. John's wort .The oil is warmed in the palms and gently rubbed into the area of ​​pain localization
  • Honey grind .In places of pain, a mixture of 100 grams of natural honey and 1 tablet of mummy is rubbed. Fir oil is applied to the affected area before applying this product. Then a honey mixture is applied. Surplus honey should be removed and put on a sore spot warming cream. After that it is necessary to be wrapped up with a warm blanket
  • To remove a pain from such a hernia it is possible with the help of a warming compress using horse fat .To do this, frozen horse fat is rubbed on the grater. Then the chips are spread on a polyethylene film and applied to a sore spot. The patient is wrapped up. Keep such a compress for at least an hour

Nutrition for a spinal hernia

To prevent intervertebral hernia, as well as to treat this problem, it is important to eat foods in which a lot of vitamins and trace elements are concentrated.

Special attention should be given to products rich in magnesium and calcium

That is, those elements without which it is impossible to achieve bone health.

Below is a table showing the most important vitamins and minerals, as well as the products in which they are contained, which are necessary for normal operation of the spine.

  • In vertebral hernia, as well as in the treatment of any other disease, nutrition should be balanced and full. It is important to eat vegetables and fruits in sufficient quantity. Such products are the main suppliers of vitamins for the body
  • . As one of the factors in the development of the described problem is excess weight, it is important to eat so as to bring your body in order. It is advisable to refuse dishes with a high content of animal fats. They need to be replaced with useful olive oil
  • To preserve more useful substances in foods, they should preferably be prepared by baking and quenching methods. If you do not already have a steamer, then it's time to buy this kitchen appliance. Cooked with its help, dozens of times contain vitamins and minerals than fried and even boiled food.
  • . If you have a diagnosis of an intervertebral hernia, you should abandon such bad habits as excessive drinking and smoking
Alcohol and nicotine adversely affect cartilage tissue

IMPORTANT: As a support for the intervertebral hernia, you can use a decoction of yarrow. It should be taken one tablespoon before eating. This plant contains compounds that can "support" the spine.

Drinking regimen is also important. Between meals, you need to drink up to 2.5 liters of clean water a day.

Back gym with spinal hernia

Gymnastics can become an effective weapon against hernia of the spine. But, only at the initial stage of the development of this disease. The main purpose of the complex of exercises used for such purposes is:

  • Strengthening the muscle corset
  • Muscle stretching
  • Spine stretching
  • Correct arrangement of the spine

It is very important to perform gymnastic exercises for the described problem to feel your body. If there are first signs of pain or discomfort, you should immediately stop doing this or that exercise. With any herniation of the spine, it is unacceptable to perform twisting exercises.

All exercises must be done smoothly, without sudden movements and at a frequency of no more than 6 times in one approach.

Gymnastics with a hernia of the spine is divided into two parts:

  • Spine stretch
  • Strengthening of the muscular corset

For stretching the spine you can use such exercises as:

  • Stretching on an inclined surface .A wide shield must be placed so that one side of it is higher than the other by 1-1.3 meters. The length of the shield should correspond to the growth of the patient. He must lie on the shield and hold on to it with straps. Thus it is necessary to relax a back and lay about 10-20 minutes
  • Walking on all fours .It is necessary to stand on all fours and try to move around the room, without bending arms at the elbows of the
  • Spinal column extension on the stool. A pillow is installed on the stool. On it it is necessary to lay down a stomach and as much as possible to relax
  • Stretching .You need to lie on your back, hands along your body. You need to pull your toes and simultaneously touch the chin of the chest

To strengthen the muscular corset you need to perform the following exercises:

  • Pelvic lift .You need to lie on your back, hands along your body. We bend our knees and try to raise the pelvis. At the top, it should be delayed for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times
  • Back deflection .We lay down on the stomach and lift the upper body as high as possible without the help of hands. If the exercise is given easily, it can be complicated by the simultaneous lifting of both the upper and lower parts of the body.
  • The left arm is the right leg. We are on all fours. We lift first the left leg and the right arm and fix the position for 5-7 seconds. Then raise the right leg and left arm and also fix the position

IMPORTANT: It helps very well to create a muscular corset for diseases of the spine - swimming.

Medical treatment of hernia of the thoracic spine

To treat such a disease can only be integrated

And the use of special medicines is only one of the methods of such treatment. To remove the symptoms of hernia and stop the factors of its development can be with the help of such drugs:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs of non-steroidal type .With their help, you can reduce pain syndromes and inflammatory processes in the tissues of the body. Depending on the location, the intensities and types of hernia use NSAIDs such as: "Celecoxib" , "Piroxicam"
  • Muscle relaxants .Hernias and muscle relaxants are indicated for treatment: "Midokalm" , "Liorasal" , etc. They allow you to relieve muscle tone and reduce pressure on the damaged area of ​​the spine
  • Glucocorticosteroids .If the hernia is accompanied by edema, then it can be removed with the help of such glucocorticosteroid preparations as: "Metipred" , "Belosalik" , etc. With their help, you can accelerate the metabolism in the affected tissues and relieve the pain syndrome
  • Biogenic stimulants .Stimulate natural regenerative processes in the body can be with the help of biogenic stimulants: FIBS , "Plazmol" , etc. These drugs are administered subcutaneously
  • Chondroprotectors .Restoring the structure of cartilaginous tissue can be achieved with the help of such chondroprotectors as: "Glucoses" , "Arthra"

Medication for hernia of the lumbar spine

The described disease is a potential threat to humans. Therefore, when it occurs, it is very important to get help in time. Including with the help of drug treatment.

Very often the intervertebral hernia is diagnosed at serious stages of the disease
  • And usually, the patient looks for help in case of intolerable pain syndrome. Remove which can only be possible with drugs that have a strong analgesic effect
  • Often, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be effective. The most popular of these is the "Diclofenac" .Also, "Voltaren" , "Naklofen" , "Panoxen" and the like can be used in the treatment of such an ailment. Such medicines represent gels and ointments that can quickly cope with the pain and return the patient the mobility of
  • . This kind of hernia can be treated with the help of muscle relaxants. With the help of such drugs you can remove spasm of the muscles of the back and to stop the pain syndrome. The muscle relaxants interact well and supplement the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • . As an emergency aid for a spinal hernia in the lumbar spine, blockade can be used. But, its effect goes through 18-24 hours. Therefore, recently this method of pain relief is used only as a last resort
  • For the treatment of defects in the cartilaginous tissue of the spine chondroprotectors can be prescribed. These drugs can repair cartilage tissue, including in the lumbar spine. Chondroprotectors do not cause contraindications, and besides, they can enhance the effect of other medications used to treat such hernia

Medication for hernia of the cervical spine

Hernia of the cervical spine is not only accompanied by severe pains, but can also lead to serious health problems.

Whendetection of such problems is important not to delay and immediately seek professional help. In most cases, such a hernia can be cured with the help of conservative methods of treatment and special medications.

  • For the treatment of this ailment, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used. Especially popular with the hernia of the cervical spine are: "Indometacin" , "Flurbiprofen" or "Diclofenac".With their help, you can remove the edema and get rid of the painful syndromes
  • Also with this problem analgesics are shown. Such as: "Spazmalgon" and "Ketorol" .Use analgesics very carefully, since most of them have the addictive effect and negatively affect the rest of the human body.
  • You can use the muscle relaxants : "Midokalm" , "Sirdalun" , etc. They selectively act on the lesion without violating the permeability of impulses along nerve fibers

Since the hernia of the cervical spine is often accompanied by nausea, dizziness and numbness, then to eliminate them, you can choose the drugs that will help cope with neuralgic these symptoms.

What exercises can not be done with a spinal hernia?

The use of exercise therapy has a beneficial effect on the treatment of the intervertebral hernia

. In a complex of exercises with this ailment, slow and smooth exercises are introduced that do not strain the muscles and remove their hypertonicity.

And that's why some exercises that affect the back muscles can not be performed by patients with the described ailment. These exercises include:

  • Squats with a barbell or press feet .In these exercises, the main load is on the muscles of the legs. But, excessive load on the back muscles also takes place. Especially in deep squats. That is why, with protrusion and spinal hernia, they should be abandoned
  • Exercises on the straight legs of .Straight legs when doing many physical exercises redistribute the load up the body. Often such a load suffers from a loin. In order to unload the back of the foot you need to bend in the lap
  • Twisting .To aggravate the herniation of the intervertebral disc, it is possible with the help of torsion exercises. Such exercises can be performed on a gymnastic ball, benches for rocking the press and even some movements in yoga.
  • Exercises with free weights .Unlike simulators, exercises with free weights can severely damage the spine. When performing them, you first need to lift the bar from the floor or from special stands. At the time of such a rise, the back is strongly loaded in the area of ​​the waist
  • Jogging .Strangely enough, running can also cause an exacerbation of the intervertebral hernia. One of the functions of intervertebral discs is cushioning. Compression - decompression during running heavily loaded spinal cord. Particularly affected by this burden are people who already have a hernia

Complex of exercises for the treatment of cervical hernia

Use exercises for the treatment of a hernia of the cervical spine can only after the removal of the pain syndrome.

The complex of exercises is selected based on the type of such an ailment

But, there are exercises that are suitable for treating all problems with the cervical spine.

  1. We sit down on a chair and tilt our head alternately in different directions. Perform this exercise should be very slow and stop with the first pain symptoms. At the extreme points, you can linger for a few seconds.
  2. Lay down on your back, stretch your legs and spread your arms across the width of your shoulders. Chin trying to reach his chest. We return to the starting position
  3. We sit down on a chair and throw our head back. We hold it for a few seconds and return to its original position
  4. In the sitting or standing position. We inhale the air and at the same time try to touch the head to the shoulder. Exhaling we return to the original position
  5. We sit down on a chair. With an open hand we try to put pressure on the head in the area of ​​the temple. The head should be resisted and not allowed to do this.
  6. We put our hands on the forehead and tilt our head forward. At the same time, the hands should be pressed in the opposite direction and do not let the head bend

Exercises for the lumbar hernia

The lumbar hernia is also very treatable with the help of a specially designed complex of exercises:

  1. We lay down on the back, and we raise our arms to the sides. Raise the left hip and pull the feet to the right, and turn our head to the left. After a few repetitions, change the position and do the same in the other direction.
  2. We lay down on our backs and rest our feet and hands on the floor. We try to raise the pelvis up. We do this several times
  3. We lay down on the back and try to raise our legs at a 90 degree angle to the body.

Very well help in the treatment of lumbar hernia - a horizontal bar or a Swedish wall:

  1. We grab the crossbar with our hands. Try to bring your knees closer to your stomach. We execute several times
  2. We grab the crossbar. Twist around the vertical axis. First in one direction, and then in another

IMPORTANT: If discomfort occurs from performing an exercise, it is necessary to abandon it.

Exercises for a hernia of the thoracic part

In the complex of measures for the help in the hernia of the thoracic spine also includes special gymnastics:
  1. We sit down on a chair. On inhalation, we lift the stomach, and on exhalation we lower it. This exercise needs to be done very slowly. Number of movements per approach 3-4 times
  2. Perform sitting on a chair. Hands put on the sides of the palms to the body. We pass our breaths along the body to the armpits, letting our hands drop in exhalation. Repeat 2-3 times
  3. We sit down on a chair. Trying to keep the shoulder blades. Do this exercise is necessary with an average speed of 6 times
  4. In standing or sitting position. On inhalation, we lift our arms above our heads, and on exhalation we lower them. We perform this exercise with an average speed 3-4 times
  5. In standing or sitting position. We raise one arm up, and the second one is taken back. Change hands alternately. Number of movements 4-6.Speed ​​average
  6. In sitting or standing position. Circular motion of clavicles first in one direction, and then in a friend
  7. In standing position. It is necessary to pick up a stick, and place the palms on the width of the shoulders. We make circular motions with a stick to the right and to the left. The number of repetitions 7-10 in one and the other side
  8. In standing position. We take the stick with an average grip. And slowly, inhale, we raise her over his head. On exhalation we lower it. Do this 3-4 times

Important: With the hernia of the thoracic spine, you can not perform exercises on the muscles of the press. Most of these exercises can lead to the displacement of the spinal discs.

Can I do a massage with a herniated spine?

At the time of exacerbation of this disease, massage is contraindicated. But, as soon as the pain starts to go away, massage can be used to relax the muscles of the back and increase blood circulation at the site of the localization of the hernia.

But, you need to understand that this procedure only affects the muscles and can not lead to the restoration of damaged

spine discs. When a spinal hernia can be used:

  • Classic massage .This procedure consists of stroking movements, rubbing and kneading muscles. But, when using such a massage, it is important to exclude the effects on the spine of
  • Vacuum massage .Such a procedure can be carried out with the help of medical cans and special devices( aspirators).They are imposed in the area of ​​localization of pain. Back pressure is created, which keeps the jar or nozzle of the vacuum massager. Moving the jar or the aspirator nozzle over the body can achieve a massage effect.
  • Hydromassage .With the help of water pressure it is possible to carry out a gentle vibrating massage. Hydromassage removes unnecessary strain on the spine and can help reduce pain from hernia
  • Acupressure .To relieve muscle spasm, you can press your fingers in places of pain localization. But, such a massage should be carried out only by a specially trained person. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite effect of
  • Self-massage .Use this kind of massage is possible, but only if the muscles in the area of ​​pain localization will not be greatly strained. That is why self-massage with special hand massagers is better to exclude

IMPORTANT: The massage is very well combined with curative gymnastics and complements the effect of its action. In order to achieve a positive result, you need to go through 10-20 massage sessions.

Herniated spine: advice and feedback

Katya. This year her husband was removed hernia. I had to put the implant, because the nerve channel was very narrow and the nerve was constantly pinched. A lot of money was spent on kinesitherapy and all sorts of blockades. But, when the leg began to grow dumb, they decided that everything would be enough to endure, and agreed to an operation. It's good that they decided, the doctor said that eventually the nerve would atrophy, and even the operation would not have helped. Like this!

Irina. The nephew was first treated with hoods. But, he already gave up on the third procedure and decided on the operation. Replaced the drive, now everything seems to be fine.

Video: Interverting Hernia: Operate or Treat?

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