When diagnosing catarrhal diseases, specialists increasingly include various medications in the therapy regimen. In doing so, they take into account the patient's condition and the cause of the pathology. Most often in the treatment of colds involve antiviral, immunostimulating and symptomatic medications. Acyclovir remains one of the most popular medicines. And although not so often, but it is used in the treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza.

Contents of

  • 1 Uses and actions of
  • 2 Indications
  • 3 Admission rules
    • 3.1 Helps in the treatment of cold and flu

Benefits and actions of

Acyclovir acts as the main component. This ingredient managed to show high efficiency when eliminating herpes viruses. This drug is actively used in the treatment of herpetic lesions of mucous membranes and skin. The effect of this defeat is influenced by the herpes simplex virus.

With the help of Acyclovir, it is possible to create reliable protection against the penetration of a new rash, as well as to reduce the pain syndrome.

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The drug is actively included in the treatment of diseases that occur when the body is affected by various types of herpes. This includes a cytomegalovirus infection, shingles and chicken pox.

acyclovir for colds

On photo-acyclovir for cold

Use Acyclovir can be used for complex therapy with severe form of immunodeficiency, for example, with HIV infection.

If an acute respiratory infection has been diagnosed, this medication is rarely used. And this is due to the fact that the active components of the drug have a slight therapeutic effect. But there are a number of situations when a doctor makes a decision and appoints Acyclovir in ARVI for both adults and small patients.

It is also possible to use medicament to prevent herpes when the ailment is present in the anamnesis. When the defenses of the body are reduced, the herpes can again appear. With the flu, colds, the immunity decreases, when using the drug it is possible to protect the body against repeated infection.

On the shelves of pharmacies today you can find Acyclovir in a wide range, taking into account the form of release. It can be ointment tablets, cream, powder for injections. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, the drug is used in tandem with other types of medications.

In video, everything about acyclovir:

Using the drug in tablet format, the main component is rapidly introduced into the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. When involved in the process of enzymes, which is produced by a pathogenic virus, the drug component penetrates into tissues and is activated. Under such conditions, the main component of the drug is able to penetrate into the damaged cells, is embedded in the DNA of the virus, as a result of which the reproduction stops.


Acyclovir is an effective remedy that cures unpleasant symptoms and the cause of the flu and cold development. It should be used when there is a disease of the viral etiology, which affects the skin.

Instruction for the use of medication suggests that it is advisable to use the medication in the following cases: acyclovir ointment

  1. Treatment of diseases of the infectious nature of the dermis that have arisen as a result of primary herpesvirus damage.
  2. If we consider Acyclovir Acos, then its task is to suppress repetitions of the infectious process in people with reduced protective forces.
  3. The tablet form of the drug is provided for the treatment of chicken pox and lichen.
  4. Ointment with Acyclovir is used in the treatment of keratitis, the occurrence of which is associated with the penetration of the infection.
  5. For the prevention of colds and flu. And although the drug in question is not particularly effective in eliminating viruses that cause colds, in some cases the doctor can prescribe it as a prophylaxis. In addition, the use of Acyclovir is justified in the treatment of mild to moderate chills.

Is it possible to get pregnant with aspirin for colds? For those who want to understand if aspirin can be pregnant with a cold and how this tool can help with this problem, it will help to understand this information.

How is the prevention of flu and colds during pregnancy, and what home remedies are the most popular and effective, is described in the content of this article.

It will also be interesting to understand how to take Ibuprofen for a cold: http: //prolor.ru/g/lechenie/ ibuprofen-pri-prostude.html

You may also be interested to know whether it is possible to drink Amoxicillin for colds.

Rules for the admission of

The dosage of the drug and the duration of therapy are determined taking into account the degree of catarrhal disease and how old the patient is. You should carefully read the instructions. Otherwise, it can lead to the development of serious complications and the transition of the disease into a chronic form. Thus, the treatment will be much more difficult.

Given these recommendations, Acyclovir is used according to the following scheme:

  1. If treatment of infections of the skin or mucous membranes that have arisen due to herpes is required, then children and adults can take medication at 200 mg 5 times a day. Between receptions should observe a time interval of 4 aces. Apply the medicine within 5 days. For preventive purposes for influenza, acute respiratory viral infection, medication is taken by 200 ml 4 times a day, observing a time interval of 6 hours.
  2. If complex treatment is required in case of severe form of immunodeficiency, Acyclovir should be taken 400 ml 5 times a day.
  3. In the treatment of varicella in adult patients and children with a body weight of 40 kg and above, the dosage of the drug will be 800 mg 5 times a day. If the weight of the child is less than 40 kg, the dosage is given taking into account the body weight. At 1 kg account for 20 g of the drug. Children receive admission 4 times a day for 5 days.
  4. To cure herpes zoster children can use Acyclovir with 4 years. Dosage will be 800 mg 5 times a day, the time interval is 6 hours. If the child is from 2 to 6 years, the dosage will be 400 ml 4 times a day. For treatment of herpes zoster in children under 2 years of age, use the drug 200 ml 4 times a day.

On the video application of the ointment acyclovir:

Does it help with the treatment of cold and flu

This question is of interest to many patients who are going to resort to drug treatment for colds. Use the drug is fashionable only when in 5-6 days the cold does not leave the body or there are serious complications. Before this, the body will try to cope with the infection on its own.

For those who want to know more about whether Remantadine can be taken with a cold, and how effective this remedy is for another disease, it is described in great detail in this article.

And here's how the cold cures during lactation, and what can be used from medications, will help to understand this information.

What drugs that relieve the symptoms of colds should be used in the first place, and what names can be given for these medicines, is described in this article.

And here's how to drink Biseptol for a cold, and in which case you can still use such funds, you can learn from this article.

Which anti-inflammatory herbs for colds should be consumed in the first place, and how to choose such a tool can be read from this article.

Acyclovir does not have a strong therapeutic effect in colds, therefore it is used more often as a prophylaxis.

Acyclovir is an antiviral drug whose goal is to arrest various viruses that lead to the development of herpes. In rare cases, medication is prescribed for the therapy or prevention of colds and flu. But as medical practice shows, using a medicine for severe cases of colds is not effective. But all these moments should be agreed with the attending physician.