Children with speech defect. Types of speech disorders in children. Correction, correction of speech defects

Speech defects are subject to correction in childhood. Timely lessons with a speech therapist can correct even serious violations.


  • Reasons for speech disorders in children
  • Features of speech disorders
  • Video: Rinolalia, speech formation
  • Video: Speech defects in children
  • Speech disorders speech
  • Video: Speech therapy. Speech disorders in children
  • Violation of written speech
  • Violation of speech rate in children
  • Violation of speech function in children
  • Speech disturbances in preschoolers
  • Teaching children with speech disorders
  • Working with children with speech impairment
  • Video: Alalia( dyspraxia).Speech therapy
  • Games for children with speech disorders
  • Video: Logopedic games with children
  • Correction of speech disorders in children
  • Severe speech disorders
  • Video: Speech disorders in children: tells the speech therapist of kindergarten-school

Man differs from animal ability to think and speak by skillcoherently express what he thinks. But in some cases human speech is indistinct and incomprehensible to others. Some defects in speech are subject to correction, others - accompany a person all his life.

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Child with speech defect incorrectly pronounces sounds

Causes of speech impairment in children

Causes of speech impairment in children:

  • negative influence of some unfavorable factors on the fetus during pregnancy and childbirth
  • lack of communication with the child
  • birth or postpartum brain injury
  • trauma and head injuriesin children younger than 3 years old
  • poor heredity
  • anatomical features, peculiar jaw structure
  • habit of sucking fingers
  • mental trauma
  • fright
  • prolonged tense situation in the family
Fright - one of the causes of speech disorders in children

Features of speech impairment

The speech of a person develops rapidly in the first 3-5 years of life.
Normal speech means a clear pronunciation of the child all the letters.

are the following major speech defects:

  • aphonia - pronunciation of sounds defect
  • dyslalia - manifest defects phonetics
  • stuttering - intermittent rhythm, lack of smoothness
  • bradilaliya - unnatural slowdown
  • tachylogia - too rapid speech
  • rhinolalia - Voice pathology
  • dysarthria - underdevelopment of the nerve connecting the speech apparatus and the brain
  • aphasia - speech loss in CNS lesions
  • alalia - nedoruszvitie speech with brain lesions

Video: rhinolalia forming speech

Aphonia manifest defects in the sound of words

Video: Speech defects in children

speech disorders Speech therapy

main form of correction of speech is speech therapy classes. Before the lessons, the child is examined: his behavior in the game, studying, communicating with other people.

Speech disturbances in a child have a negative effect on his emotional state. The child's interest in classes decreases, he closes in himself.

IMPORTANT: Parents should remember that they are responsible for their child. The sooner speech disorders are detected, the sooner you need to contact a speech therapist.

Speech therapy speech defects in a child are subject to correction with the help of a specialist with

Video: Speech therapy. Violations of speech in children

Violation of written speech

For the first time, parents will understand that the child has problems with writing in the teaching of his literacy.

The discography is an incomplete violation of the letter, it manifests itself in the repetition of the same errors when writing:

  • substituting syllables or individual letters
  • breaking the order of the letters in
  • words by breaking individual words when they are written

Dyslexia is a partial violation of reading. It manifests itself in stable errors caused by the absence of important mental functions.

Violations of written language manifested when teaching letter

Violation of the speech rate in children

Rate of speech - is the speed of speech, its slowdown and acceleration. There is a fast, slow and intermittent pace of speech.

There are several types of violations:

  • speech interruptions - unexpected speech stops, interruption of conversation by silence
  • tachillalia - pathologically fast speech rate, during which there is a breakdown of speech attention. Often accompanied by violations of the
  • motility - unnaturally slow rate of speech, reading and spelling of words

The causes of the disorders can be:

  • intrauterine defects
  • child damage in childbirth
  • prolonged exposure to a newborn baby of harmful factors

Violation of the speech function in children

With proper educationin a full-fledged language environment, as well as in the normal structure and function of anatomical and physiological mechanisms, the child develops the correct pGrigorievich.

IMPORTANT: Speech disorders can occur as a result of psychological trauma and stress in children. Parents need to provide the child with a quiet psycho-emotional background, to protect him from excessive feelings.

Psychological trauma can cause speech disturbance in a child

Speech disorders in preschoolers

The basic speech disorders in preschool children are mutism, alalia and stammering.

IMPORTANT: Identified speech disorders in preschool children require immediate adjustment.

If parents do not take all the necessary measures to normalize the speech of a preschool child in time, he will have difficulties in studying and communicating in school years. In severe cases, speech defects cause the child to refuse oral reading.

Speech disorders in preschool children require immediate correction

Teaching children with speech disorders

For children with speech impairments, a complex logopedic work is provided.

Compulsory corrective measures:

  • elimination of oral and written disorders
  • elimination of mental development
  • vocational training.

IMPORTANT: An important role in the preparation for the education of children with speech defects is the relationship in the work of speech therapists of gardens and schools.

Teachers with special knowledge and experience working with this category of children can significantly improve the results of pupils.

Teaching children with speech disorders

Working with children with speech disorders

Work with children with speech impairment is conducted in a pre-school institution by a speech therapist.

During individual lessons with a child, it is important that other children do not distract him from the process. It is best if the training takes place in a separate room or a special speech therapy corner, equipped with a large mirror.

IMPORTANT: The speech therapist must closely monitor the speech of the child and correct any errors in the speech. The transition to a new material occurs only when the child begins to perform correctly all the proposed tasks.

During the lesson, the teacher speaks the material clearly, loudly, slowly and requires the same from the student. Lessons are held at least three times a week.

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to cause the child's interest in studies. For this you can, for example, tell a story or together with a baby to compose a story, the protagonist of which will be he himself.

Video: Alalia( dyspraxia).Logopedic lesson

Games for children with speech disorders

Playing games with a child with broken speech should be accompanied by emotional movements, demonstration of bright pictures. This will relieve the burden, improve the quality of mastering knowledge, push the child to speech activity.

«Magic Bells». The teacher invites children to listen to the sounds that ringing bells make. When they ring quietly - the children sit on the high chairs, when loudly - running around the class.

"Clever Ball". If the teacher throws a red ball, then, catching it, the child calls any word with a hard sound. If the teacher throws a yellow ball, the baby pronounces the word with a soft sound.

Chistolodki. Children are encouraged to repeat after the teacher or independently devise rhymes, for example: "Sa-sa-sa, where is a wasp?", "For-behind, the goat will come running."

IMPORTANT: The effect of any logopedic game will be the higher, the more the child will be involved in it and interested in the process.

Games for children with speech disorders

Video: Logopedic games with children

Correction of speech disorders in children

  • If at 3-4 years old the child does not pronounce all the sounds is the norm, and if speech disorders are present in a five-year-old child - it is necessary to consult a speech therapist
  • In no case should one turn a blind eye to speech problems in children. The situation can only worsen over time. Timely individual lessons with a child speech therapist will help correct existing speech defects
  • Parents should show patience, because success depends not only on the qualifications of the specialist and the interest of the child, but also on the regularity, frequency and duration of the

IMPORTANT: Often, speech problems in children arisethrough the fault of adults who deliberately or unconsciously distort words when communicating with a child.

Violations of speech in children, resulting from injuries, are corrected in a hospital or rehabilitation clinic.

Correction of speech disorders in children is conducted by speech therapist-defectologist

Severe speech disorders

The most severe speech disorders - alalia, aphasia, stammering and various types of dysarthria.

They arise due to the influence of unfavorable internal and external factors.

Drinking alcohol, smoking a pregnant woman, endocrine diseases of a future mother, toxicosis, incompatibility of blood of the mother and fetus lead to disruption in the development and appearance of speech pathology.

Adverse conditions leading to severe violations of children's speech:

  • stuttering may occur in a child whose relatives have a similar defect
  • underdevelopment occurs in hearing children who are raised by deaf parents

Children with severe speech underdevelopment suffer from:

  • memory disorders
  • unstable attention
  • deviations in the manifestation of emotions
Severe speech disorders in children can occur if the child is brought up by deaf and dumb parents.

Following the clear instructionsm speech therapist, compliance with all the recommendations of a specialist, the regularity of classes, and, of course, the perseverance and patience of parents - all this in combination will lead to the necessary result in the formation of the correct speech in the child.

Video: Violation of children's speech: the speech therapist of kindergarten-school

  • May 10, 2018
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