How to cook and use a honey cake for a child

Treating cough in young children is not an easy task. Some drugs are allergic, others do not fit the age category. Honey cake - one of the types of compress, which is attributed to more gentle methods, compared with banks or mustard plasters. Honey has long been famous for its useful properties. Produced by bees, the product is used to treat respiratory diseases and colds. The preparation of such a flat cake does not take much time and effectively helps in eliminating the first signs of the disease.

  • Benefits of
  • Recipes of
  • Recipes of
  • Mustard with honey
  • Honey with salt
  • Honey with flour
  • Honey with potatoes
  • Honey with vodka and puree
  • Methods of application
  • Contraindications

Benefits of

Ingredients are always available and affordable.

Cakes are characterized by the following properties:

  • The product does not contain flavorings and dyes, which means it will not damage the baby's skin.
  • The heal compress evenly warms the treated area and speeds up the process of liquefying sputum.
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  • Thanks to the influence of honey cakes, the child sweats, which contributes to a quick recovery.

  • After several procedures, the inflammation completely goes away.
  • At the initial stage of the disease the remedy helps to cure after three applications.
  • The medical cake is used to eliminate residual dandruff that persists for a long time, although other manifestations of the common cold have disappeared.
  • Its plus in the absence of harm and the minimum number of contraindications.
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Recipes of

It is not difficult to make a cake of honey at home. With sweet amber, you can combine flour, salt, potatoes and mustard. All methods have an identical effect. The choice depends on your preferences, the presence of the baby allergies and the available products at hand.

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Mustard with honey

To make the product, you need to take vegetable oil, honey, flour and mustard powder. All ingredients are taken in the amount of one teaspoon. Just mix the food and the cake is ready.

It is necessary to leave it on the back or chest of the patient for 3 hours. This recipe does not allow you to keep a healing compress all night, as it is possible to burn a delicate baby skin.

Also find out what antibiotics can be used for severe coughing in adults and children
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Honey with salt

Equalproportions( 1 teaspoonful), mix honey, flour, vegetable oil and add a pinch of salt. Prepare a clean bandage or gauze to fix the compress. The received weight lay on a matter and put to a breast. After the procedure, you need to remove the remnants of salt from the skin, and honey should be well absorbed. Warming will be more effective if the honey cake lasts on the body all night.

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Honey with flour

This mixture perfectly cures a cough that was caused by pneumonia or bronchitis. Well relieves of wheezing and inflammation in the throat. For cooking, you need 20 grams of flour, vegetable oil and honey. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and mix thoroughly. Put the mass on the chest, to strengthen the effect covered with a plastic bag.

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Honey with potatoes

To get a healing cake you need to boil a couple of potatoes in a uniform. Peel potatoes and grind them in a bowl. Add to it in equal proportions vegetable oil, honey and mustard powder. Apply the mixture on the bandage, keep on the chest or back up to 3 hours.

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Honey with vodka and puree

This option contributes to a faster recovery in the treatment of cough, but the constituent vodka is contraindicated in too young children. For cooking, boiled potatoes must be crushed to a uniform consistency and add to it 1 teaspoon of dry mustard and honey and a little vodka. Apply the compress to the chest or back and leave until cooling.

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Method of application

Before starting treatment, always consult your doctor. It is necessary to strictly observe the proportions, especially in recipes with mustard, so that the baby does not get burned tender skin in the chest and back.

How to put honey cakes to children:

  • The consistency of the honey mixture should be soft, but not too liquid to form a cake from it.
  • Before the procedure begins, apply a cream or baby oil to the child's skin.
  • It is necessary to form a cake from the mass and lay it on a bandage or gauze.
  • Put on the chest or back of the baby, from top to wrap the patient with a scarf, a warm diaper or a towel.
  • Put the baby in bed and cover with a blanket.
  • Cake can not be placed on the chest in the heart area.
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Therapy is performed no longer than 5 days. It is possible to prolong the session, there will not be any special harm, but the effect will not come from the honey in the first days of treatment. In acute forms of the disease you need to contact a specialist.

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It is recommended to check the baby for allergy to honey before using the medicinal mixture. To do this, a drop of honey should be applied to the body of the child. If the skin becomes inflamed or starts to itch - the patient has an intolerance to this product, a medical cake for coughing is contraindicated.

And also the procedure will have a negative effect at a high temperature of the patient.

It is forbidden to put the product on damaged skin - wounds, cuts, swelling. This will irritate the already inflamed areas.

Contraindications include the presence of the child:

  • Skin dermatitis.
  • Leaving.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Eczema.
  • May 10, 2018
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