How to treat allergy to animal hair? How does the allergy to the animal's hair appear in the child?

Find out which animals can cause allergies in children. What signs suggest that a baby is allergic to wool and how to treat this ailment.


  • Symptoms and symptoms of allergy to animal hair in a child
  • How allergy to wool in a baby
  • manifests Allergy to cat fur: how is it manifested
  • Allergy to dog hair - symptoms
  • Breeds of cats and dogs with hypoallergenic wool
  • Allergy to camel wool
  • Allergyon sheep wool in a child
  • Allergy to guinea pig wool
  • Allergy to rabbit fur
  • Allergy symptoms to goat hair
  • Treatment of allergy to animal wool
  • Tablets fromallergies to animal hair
  • Allergy to animal hair - photo
  • Video - animal allergy to kids

Many children dream of a four-footed friend. They ask their parents to give a cat or a dog for their birthday. But we must know that lovely, beautiful animals, unfortunately, not everyone brings joy.

There are kids who simply can not be next to a four-legged miracle in one room because of an allergy. Moreover, it can be an allergy not only to small hair of a fluffy friend, but also to the secretory proteins of the skin, urine and even saliva.

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Signs and symptoms of allergy to animal wool in a child

Symptoms of allergic reactions in toddlers appear much faster than in adults. The guys are just fifteen minutes of communication with a fluffy friend and all the signs on the face.

Common symptoms of :

  • shows a red skin rash, besides, a strong unpleasant itch is felt in the area of ​​all the rashes
  • there is a severe cold, the baby begins to sneeze, cough, the temperature is not observed
  • irritated mucous, watery eyes
  • fingers are poured,arms, legs
  • breathing becomes severe

Local symptomatology

  • unnatural circles under the eyes
  • in the lower eyelids, folds that were not previously seen
  • chest becomes unnatural roundform
  • appearance unusual for the form of a transverse strip right near the tip of the nose

How the allergy to wool in infants

manifests Newborn babies are even more sensitive to such manifestations than children after a year. In the presence of an allergenic reaction to animals in babies there is ubiquitous rash on the body, mucosal disorders, as in respiratory diseases.

IMPORTANT: If unwanted symptoms appear, remove the source of irritation( cat, dog).Give the animal to relatives and friends.

Allergy to cat fur: how is

  • manifested Allergenic reactions to cats are almost twice as common in life as in dogs. Many people mistakenly think that all sorts of irritations in a person arise from the wool of these lovely creatures.
  • This opinion is erroneous, because the fault may be cellular proteins on the body of a pet, and on the mucosa, etc. Symptom is manifested in different ways. Depends on the immune system of the child
  • Some babies need to stroke the cat, play with it and only after half an hour, the hour will show irritation. Babies with weak immunity feel a fluffy stimulus faster, they allergic to an instant. These children do not need to contact the cat. It is enough to go into the room where there is four-legged

Immediately there will be unpleasant sensations:

  • stuffy nose, sneezing, copious rhinitis
  • tears will flow from the eyes
  • can zaspershit in the throat
  • reddening skin, there will be rashes in the form of acne

IMPORTANT: If you find that your baby has an allergy to cats, then try to avoid all contact of the child with these animals. And without fail, go to the doctor-pediatrician. After all, baby will need medical treatment of this ailment.

Allergy to dog hair - symptoms

However, the symptomatology of the allergenic reaction in the body to dogs differs little from the symptoms of irritation on cats. Sensations completely unpleasant, manifested by swelling, heavy breathing, runny nose, shortness of breath, vomiting, dry, incessant cough, changes on the skin.

To determine that this irritation is specifically for dogs can only be laboratory tests. In the future, the patient is required not to contact the four-fingered friends. If you visit friends who have a dog, then immediately take money for allergies.

Breeds of cats and dogs with hypoallergenic wool

If you have allergic manifestations only on the animal's coat, and not on the secretory proteins of the quadrupeds, that is dogs and cats that will not cause you any adverse reactions.

Cat of the breed "Devon Rex"

Faithful representatives of this breed almost do not shed, they often love one master. Cats are densely located, short, thick wool. It looks like a suede. Rarely allergic to these quadrupeds.

Breed of cats - Sphynxes

Almost everyone has ever seen or heard about these wonderful animals. Unusual kind of cat breed "Sphinx" has no hair at all, sometimes short hair grows on the nose of a beauty. She is very fond of attention, affection.

Breed of dogs - Xoloitzcuintly

This breed of quadrupeds is bred in Mexico. Small dogs without wool are considered hypoallergenic.

Dogs of breed - Poodle

are very friendly, loyal creatures with original curly hair. They practically do not shed, their wool does not hover in the air.

Bedlington Terrier

Beautiful, calm, kind very intelligent, friendly, fast dogs, love their owners. Wool is hypoallergenic, but requires care - trimming.

Breed - Bichon-Frize

Adorable little doggie. It does not completely shed. Usually they are white. Wool thick is somewhat like human hair.

Breed of dogs - Chinese Crested

These dogs are without wool, so molting is not terrible for them. Only, consider that it requires careful care. The dog has a very delicate skin, is prone to drying out due to the influence of external weather factors.

Dog of the breed - Maltese

For ladies who are very fond of little dogs with long, beautiful hair. By the way, the vegetation of the dog needs a certain care. Suitable for allergy sufferers. Wool is not susceptible to molting if you fulfill the requirements for caring for it.

Allergy to camel wool

Many, after looking at this item, will say: "And here are camels, we have them only in zoos."Do not forget that almost everyone has in the house products made from camel wool - blankets, for example. Fibers of small wool, getting on the skin, can cause allergic irritations.

Manifestations are almost the same as for the wool of other animals:

  • affects the respiratory system
  • disrupted normal functioning of the mucous membranes
  • spots and rash appear on the skin

IMPORTANT: When removing the source( allergen), be careful, because you may not be present in the houseonly blankets made of camel wool, and also other items, products( sneakers, knitting threads, sweaters, even socks).

Allergy to sheep's wool in a child

This is a rare kind of allergy. It does not occur very often. The reason may be poor quality processing of sheep's wool. It arises from the direct contact of the baby with the object-stimulus. Manifestations do not keep you waiting:

  • is affected by skin areas that were in contact with sheep's wool
  • suddenly begins a sharp, dry cough
  • runny nose, sneezing
  • sore throat
  • appears lacrimation
  • puffiness arises

No need to delay to give antihistamines, eliminate allergen.

Guinea Pig Allergy

Before starting this animal in the house, test in the clinic - whether you are allergic to it, then not to give friends or relatives guinea pig. After all, in any case in the event of a negative reaction, you have to get rid of your pet. And for children - it's extra tears, frustrations, experiences. And, completely, unpleasant sensations:

  • skin itch, dryness
  • heavy breathing, sharp, dry cough
  • strong rhinitis

Allergy to rabbit fur

On "woolen covers" of this little fluff, allergenic irritations are extremely rare. Because it does not emit almost any odors, it does not irritate human receptors. But on the mucous membrane, urine, protein on the body of a rabbit, an allergy is a frequent phenomenon. If one of your relatives, the kids felt bad, namely:

  • found it difficult breathing
  • the nose became clogged, the rhinitis began, the sneezing of
  • changed the skin condition - there was a terrible itch, pimples
  • flowed eyes, began to turn sour

then do not start betterrabbits and begin to treat allergies.

Signs of allergy to goat hair

There is nothing remarkable about the goats' hair allergy. Still in five minutes - in the worst case or in thirty - at best, all the allergy symptoms described in the previous paragraph will appear. The patient will urgently need help, treatment. And of course, immediately it is necessary to stop contacting the source of the allergenic reaction.

Treatment of allergy to animal hair

  • Mild seizures of this pathology are recommended to treat with conventional nasal, antihistamine drugs. If the attacks are strong, then you need to call an ambulance. Doctors inject drugs that are used only by prescription, they have a more effective effect than those that are bought without the appointment of a doctor
  • To completely get rid of the disease, you need to undergo an immunotherapy course. The essence of it is that the patient is injected under the skin with a minimal dose of the stimulus. The body starts to fight with it, so it lasts several months, until the allergic reactions disappear

Tablets from an allergy to animal hair

If a variety of irritations develop, complex treatment should be started. As mentioned above, you will have to get rid of the allergen, in addition, start drinking antihistamine tablets and if necessary, use creams, ointments from skin rashes.

Please note that an allergist must prescribe them. Most often, cetirizine , suprastin , claritin , cetrin , fexadin , and the like are most commonly used for treatment.

Allergy to animal wool - photo

After reading the information, you will now know how to act in case your loved one needs help in the event of a sudden allergic reaction to animals. To see the symptomatology more clearly, see the photos below.

Rashes on the skin

Rashes in children

Allergic rhinitis

Video - allergy to animals in babies

  • May 10, 2018
  • 34
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