What is the essence of IVF?Indication for the use of in vitro fertilization?

ECO - the opportunity to have children for those couples who previously had not dreamed about it. But how safe is it? On the subtleties of the birth of children from a test tube - later in the article.


  • Infertility treatment by in vitro fertilization
  • Preparing for in vitro fertilization
  • In vitro fertilization
  • VIDEO: Truth and myths about IVF, how are they doing?
  • Stages of in vitro fertilization
  • How many times can I do IVF?
  • VIDEO: Indications and contraindications ECO
  • Problems of in-vitro fertilization
  • Clinics of paid and free ECO
  • Eco in Russia, statistics
  • How and when to do eco?
  • VIDEO: Conception in vitro. ECO.ICSI.

If a married couple for any reason can not have children, this is a real tragedy. Fortunately, today the medical level is at a level where it is possible to help in this situation. An alternative to childlessness or adoption was in vitro fertilization.

Infertility treatment by extracorporeal insemination

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The method of in vitro fertilization is used in couples who, for infertility reasons, can not conceive a child naturally. Extracorporeal( lat: extra-out, body-body) is also known as fertilization:

  • ECO
  • in vitro fertilization
  • fertilization in vitro
IVF is the chance for couples to finally become parents.

All these names reflect the technology of application of this method to some extent:

  • first the woman extracts the egg from the body
  • produces her fertilization in vitro
  • contains the embryo in the test tube for a while
  • is then re-implanted into the uterine cavity where its further development takes place.

IMPORTANT: This method is an opportunity to overcome infertility and give the opportunity for couples to become parents

Preparing for in vitro fertilization

  • In vitro fertilizationSince the second half of the 20th century, it is safe for a woman, a man and a possible future child( children)
  • . However, it is very expensive, and not all couples can afford such a way of conceiving the
  • . However, all those who decide on suchstep, must know the basic stages of its implementation
In a special center or clinic, the couple carefully prepares for the IVF procedure.

The couple contacts the appropriate center or clinic, where she must undergo certain preparatory stages before IVF.

Doctors determine the causes of infertility and the advisability of replanting. It is possible to produce it after:

  • of an ectopic pregnancy
  • of inflammation
  • violation of permeability of the fallopian tubes

IMPORTANT: A man has no contraindications to the procedure

A number of studies of both partners, including ultrasound of female reproductive organs, clinical tests, AIDS, hepatitis, venereal diseases,a blood test for hormones.

For men, there is a spermogram. In case of indications( impaired spermatogenesis), a special treatment can be prescribed for a man.

Before the IVF, the couple gives a number of mandatory tests.

Before starting the IVF procedure, the woman should be given an injection or hormone therapy that stimulates the maturation of the follicles. On average, this course of superovulation lasts from two weeks to 20 days.
This is necessary in order to get several eggs and increase the chances of in vitro fertilization.

IMPORTANT: If a donor egg is used, then hormonal preparation is not required.

Extracorporeal insemination technology

  • After the studies and preliminary hormone stimulation of ovulation, the follicles are punctured. For this purpose, out-patient follicles are removed through the vagina from the ovaries with the help of a special needle
  • . The extraction process is controlled by an ultrasound machine and performed with the
  • patient's anesthesia. As a rule, several follicles are extracted in order to have several oocytes. The oocytes are then washed and placed in a test tube and fertilized in vitro with the available spermatozoa
  • . Sperm is obtained on the same day as the puncture of the follicles to the woman. They also need to be rinsed from the semen and to separate the best quality spermatozoa
. The egg is fertilized in a special laboratory.

The place of fertilization of female gametes in vitro is an embryological laboratory. Used modern equipment and special solutions.
A few days( 2-6) after the procedure, the embryo is stored in a test tube placed in the incubator.
At this stage, the baby from the test tube is contained in Petri dishes. The temperature is 37 degrees. The content of CO2 in the atmosphere is 5-6%.Then it is ready to move into the uterine cavity.

IMPORTANT: Fertilization from a test tube has many chances of a multiple pregnancy, because, as a rule, several oocytes are fertilized at once.

VIDEO: Truth and myths about IVF, how are they doing?

Stages of in vitro fertilization

Stages of oocyte fertilization.
  1. Embryos or embryos obtained by IVF are examined for the presence of certain disorders of cellular development, inherited genetic pathologies, before being transferred to the uterus.
  2. Transfer of embryos to the uterus. It is produced through the cervix. The doctor uses a special elastic catheter. Usually, two embryos are transferred, otherwise a multiple pregnancy can occur, which a woman can not tolerate. The transfer procedure is not very time-consuming, and the woman remains functional even on the day of the
  3. procedure. The onset of pregnancy. After transferring the embryos to the uterine cavity, a pregnancy test is performed after 12 days.
    The probability of pregnancy with IVF is 30-35%.In this case, to bear fruit before delivery is possible only in 18% of cases of
  4. Birth. Childbirth in the case of successful in vitro fertilization and gestation takes place taking into account the factor of the cause of infertility women. As a rule, the birth is the same as with natural insemination
Embryo embryo.

How many times can I do IVF?

Since the onset of pregnancy after artificial insemination occurs only in a third of cases, repeated attempts of the entire procedure are possible. When repeated attempts of IVF are often used, those ready embryos and spermatozoa that have not been used before.

Unfertilized embryos can be stored frozen for up to 55 years. The number of attempts is determined by the doctor, based on the individual characteristics of patients, and their willingness to do so.

VIDEO: Indications and contraindications ECO

In vitro fertilization problems

Despite the obvious progressiveness of the method of in vitro fertilization, it is impossible not to mention the possible problems associated with it.
These problems can be of a medical nature, either ethical or religious.

Pregnancy on first attempt IVF may not occur.

Medical problems IVF:

  1. During the preparatory period for artificial insemination, a woman receives an excessive dose of hormones, which can adversely affect her health, and lead to spontaneous abortion.
  2. During ovarian puncture, bleeding of
  3. is possible during follicle transfer. During embryo transferin the uterine cavity, the onset of a multiple pregnancy is possible. In some cases, embryo reduction is used, which may have consequences in the miscarriage of the remaining embryos.
  4. IVF can cause abnormalities in fetal development and the birth of a child with genetic defects( heart, gastrointestinal, intestinal, cleft lip)

The ethical and religious problems of IVF:

  1. The unnatural method of conception
  2. The destruction of excess embryos
  3. The problem of donation and surrogate motherhood
  4. The results of in vitro fertilization( As already noted, a successful IVF procedure becomes only one third of all cases.twins and triplets may be born, since two or more eggs are often fertilized)

Clinics of paid and free ECO

  • In Russia, inUkraine, Slovakia and some other countries, the IVF procedure costs much less than, for example, in the US or Britain. In Russia, for example, the whole process of artificial insemination can cost approximately +/- 150 thousand rubles.
  • . As a rule, IVF is conducted in private clinics, although in Russia there are targeted programs for free IVF.Free of charge, only a few clinics in the major cities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don and Yekaterinburg can perform such a procedure
  • . Lists of private clinics dealing with IVF can be found on the Internet. There it is also worth reading and reviews, assess the chances of success of the procedure on the basis of statistics, check the availability of the necessary base and technological conditions, the cost of manipulation and necessary medications, reviews about doctors. Private clinics ECO can be found almost throughout the geography of the country.

Eco in Russia, statistics

Some private clinics show statistics of successful in vitro fertilization higher than describe medical statistics. This can be explained by various reasons: from the improvement of the skills of gynecologists, embryologists, cryomedics in the procedure of artificial insemination, the improvement of equipment and sprays, to ordinary advertising.

As a result of IVF, the probability of several babies born is high.

How and when to make eco?

  • Eco is conducted for couples who despaired of conceiving a child naturally due to various reasons, the most important of which is the infertility of one of the partners
  • However, this procedure may have some contraindications.
    Among them - mental illness of one of the partners, defects and deformations of the uterine cavity, not allowing implantation and attachment of embryos, tumors of the uterus and ovaries, malignant formations of other organs in the anamnesis.

VIDEO: Conception in vitro. ECO.ICSI.

  • May 10, 2018
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