Retention cyst on the lip: a hidden danger inside you

Life is unpredictable. Sometimes she throws us down the face - we fall, and then the lips are damaged from the impact on the teeth. Men and children "stumble" on each other's fists in a fight.

Women often burn their lips, tasting the food they prepare. People older and older wear dentures that do not always satisfy the needs of the body or are in need of repair or replacement.

In addition to the prosthesis, there are also braces, the wearing of which also does not always do without obtaining micro-traumas. And the person has a habit to bite his lip, expressing emotions. ..

Contents of

  • Retentio means: locked
  • "Capsule" means: bag
  • About the location of
  • How it looks and what the
  • may lead to "Diagnosis" means: recognition of
  • Laseror a scalpel?
  • To be treated "in a popular way" it is not necessary
  • To not have to be treated

Retention is: locked

The fact remains that one way or another the lip is damaged. And the lip is not just one of the gate leaves leading into the body. Like the entire oral mucosa, the lip is a vast field of minute glands located beneath the surface of the mucous membrane, producing saliva.

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In addition to the salivary glands of large: paired( parotid and submandibular) and one unpaired - sublingual, saliva and small glands of the lips and cheeks are secreted into the oral cavity.

What is iron? It looks like a small flask with a narrow neck. The enlarged part of it is the department that produces saliva, the neck serves as a duct through which the saliva enters the oral cavity.

Saliva production of each of these glands is insignificant in volume, but there are dozens of them per square centimeter of area,

Salivary glands

therefore the mouth, moistened with saliva, is almost always moist.

The system works very simply. The "bulb" filled with saliva is reflexively contracted( compressed) and the saliva is squeezed out of the gland. Moving along the duct outward, the saliva enters the mouth. It happens and so it should happen. But it does not always happen.

For some reason, the duct of the small salivary gland on the lip becomes impassable, it closes and is sealed. The cause of this may be a scraping after:

  • burn;
  • injury( damage to a large or even minor);
  • of the transferred illness or operation;
  • due to smoking or other chronic cauterization of the lips( alcohol, spicy food).

This can be a degeneration of the mucous membrane of the lip with compaction or keratinization of the mucosa: an oncological process, a metabolic disease.

The same result can lead to problems in the microregular. One of the reasons is a blockage of the duct with a stone-calculus of a microscopically small size, but sufficient to become a stopper in the neck-duct of the gland.

Either it can be a cork of saliva, for some reason, changed its composition and properties, thickened with the slackened epithelium of the gland.

No matter what causes the congestion, the important thing is: the saliva produced by the gland has nowhere to go - the way out is locked for it. It is closed with some cork or walled up with a deaf wall of the cicatrix.

The iron that does not exits, but continues to work, turns into a cyst( "bubble" in the Greek translation) - a cavity filled with content that has become unsafe for the body. A disease is called the retention cyst of the lower or, which happens much less often, the upper lip.

"Capsule" means: bag

Each of the small salivary glands is inside the capsule - a bag or, rather, a bag of dense connective tissue that separates it from adjacent structures of the mucous membrane.

The presence of a capsule in the gland is important for both the condition of the whole organism and for the treatment of the ailment that has arisen.

The stagnant, thickened and long-changed biochemical and enzymatic properties of saliva due to the capsule can not cause infection or poisoning of the body - it is isolated from it.

Bag-capsule allows you to remove the source of danger for the body( and inconvenience to human life) once and for all, without returning and repeating the passed.

About location of

The location of the retention cyst on the lip depends on the causes of its occurrence.

It is formed on the inner surface of the lip that comes into contact with the teeth, if it is a lesion:

  • due to an incorrect bite;
  • wearing bite-correcting systems;
  • from the use of faulty dentures.

If the cause is a chronic burn during smoking, the retention cyst is located on the upper( and partly outer) surface of the lower lip - a place subject to rubbing by a smoking pipe.

How it looks and what the

can lead From the depth of the damaged( and healing hem), the lump or ball starts to grow slowly, absolutely painless, dense and not rolling in the thickness of the lip when it feels( it is one with it).

In addition to gradually increasing the size of the blister on the lip, the patient does not observe anything.

But at some point, in addition to cosmetic displeasure, the cyst begins to cause and purely mechanical inconvenience( when talking and eating).

Over time, from the friction of the teeth, the "bumps" of the cysts begin to be damaged by them and cause first short-term, and then more and more significant inflammatory phenomena on the lip, turning into an abscess and abscesses.

The cyst can:

  • bleed;
  • ulcerate;
  • is ill-disposed;
  • from the local phenomenon to become the cause of the disease of the whole organism.
The retention cyst is especially dangerous for the smoking population. The mucous membrane of the lower lip, constantly fired by smoking tobacco and rubbing the tube or cigarette, is able to quickly malign.

In view of the fact that a benign neoplasm may turn out to be lip cancer, the application for medical( and dental) care in the case of the formation of the retention cyst of the lip should be as early as possible. A histological examination of any excised tissue is a mandatory rule of surgery and dentistry.

"Diagnosis" means: recognition of

To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is important to establish the cause of the disease, the characteristic shape of the neoplasm, the absence of significant deviations in the composition of the blood in its study.

Instrumental diagnostic methods are:

  • probing the gland duct;
  • of the gland;
  • sialogram.

These methods give an idea of ​​the structure of the gland, the presence of a stone in its duct and allow to exclude malignant neoplasm.

The final diagnosis is made after a histological examination of the material obtained during the operation.

Laser or scalpel?

Due to the presence of the capsule, the retention cyst is simply excised from the lip along with its contents.

Cyst removal on the lip is performed:

  • by the traditional method( using a scalpel);
  • using laser surgery;
  • using an ultrasonic or radio frequency scalpel.

The use of laser allows to achieve complete sterility of the wound and to avoid postoperative edema, leads to faster healing and the absence of complications. An operation of this kind takes an average of about 40 minutes, is performed under local anesthesia.

As a result of the operation( cystectomy), the cyst, together with the capsule and the inside contents, is removed from the lip.

And - regardless of the life of the cyst - the excised material is necessarily sent for histological examination( study for malignant degeneration).

There is no other method of treatment for the retention cyst of the lip, other than the surgical one, at the moment. Only the removal of the gland together with the capsule( vyluschivanie it from the lips) can lead to a full recovery.

Not treated

With an attempt to pierce or cut a cyst and squeeze its contents, there is a significant risk of complications.

It can be:

  • relapse( return of the disease to its original state);
  • deformation( cosmetic defect from the formation of adhesions inside the lip);
  • infection of the body( up to sepsis);
  • development of Lip Cancer.
It is also not recommended to apply a lubricant, moxibustion and other actions to a sore on the lip of an unknown nature.

To avoid the need to treat

Prevention of the disease is:

  • disposal of harmful household habits ( from smoking, from the abuse of cauterizing mucous membrane with sharp dishes and drinks) and personal( snacking lips, cheeks, tongue);
  • adherence to the hygiene rules of concerning teeth and oral cavity: fitting wearable and replacing worn out prostheses, correction of bite and teeth sanitation;
  • prevention of injuries and burns of the lips .

If this rule is observed, this disease can be avoided. When a disease has already developed, it is necessary to examine and treat the dentist, independent treatment is not justified and is inadmissible in any case.

  • Mar 05, 2018
  • 47
  • 2097