Red eyes in adults and children: causes, treatment. The red eye hurts and itches: what to do, how to remove red blood vessels in the eyes?

Is eye redness a physiological phenomenon or a sign of a serious illness? Why there is redness and how to deal with it - read in our article.

Contents of

  • Why are eye proteins with red veins?
  • Red blood vessels in the eyes: causes
  • How to remove red blood vessels in the eyes, how to get rid of?
  • Video: Redness of the eyes: what to do?
  • How to treat red blood vessels in the eyes?
  • Drops from red eyes
  • Folk remedies against red eyes
  • Video: Why do the eyes burst with blood vessels?

The eyes of are a mirror of the soul, but sometimes this "mirror" also reflects our way of life: fatigue, lack of sleep, unbalanced nutrition and various diseases of - all this can be reflected in the eyes with redness. What is the redness of the eyes and why it occurs - read below.

Why eye proteins with red veins?

Excessive redness of eye proteins is a frequent phenomenon that can occur in both adults and children. At the same time, the question immediately arises: is it worth worrying about this? Perhaps this indicates that the eye vessels have burst or fatigue is affecting? Let's try to understand this problem, taking into account the opinion of doctors.

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The cause of redness can be various factors, among which many diseases

Red blood cells are nothing more than blood capillaries. Some people may have more, others less. Buried capillaries - a phenomenon, in general, rare, this requires very serious reasons. Therefore, if you do not experience dry eyes, sensations of a foreign body or other discomfort, you do not have to worry - there are no reasons to worry.

Just in case, visit a doctor-oculist, because experts recommend to check eyesight every year .

Red blood vessels in the eyes: causes

Redness of the eye mucosa( in medicine the term "conjunctival hyperemia" is used) occurs for various reasons. It happens that blush eyes even in babies of at birth, when they start to adapt to the environment of after they left the mother's womb.
The marked reddening of the eyes, as well as the appearance of small bleedings in the proteins, can be caused by the following reasons:

  • chronic lack of sleep
  • overstrain
  • by
  • undercooling
  • by
  • stress taking
  • with muscle tension during attacks of severe cough
  • by
  • injury by wearing
  • contact lenses with
allergic reactionthe redness of the eyes is combined with pain and lacrimation, then immediately consult a doctor

If you do not experience painznennyh sensations, then you can not worry - the redness will soon pass.

However, the presence of pronounced red vessels in the eyes, in some cases, is a sign of the disease and is the reason for immediate contact with the oculist:

  • conjunctivitis , or inflammation of the outer shell of the eyes. This disease is the most common cause of redness of the mucosa. May be a consequence of an allergy or a virus. In the latter case, the ailment is contagious, and it is possible to spread to the close environment of the patient. To avoid spreading the infection, do not touch the eyes with your hands, do not rub them. Strictly adhere to the hygienic rules
  • blepharitis ( inflammation of the eyelash follicles), may be allergic, ulcerative or seborrhoeic. Also quite common disease, caused by various causes. Most often this disease is experienced by women after 40 years old
Reddening of eyes with blepharitis
  • episcleritis, or inflammatory process of the epicleras( connective tissue).The cause of the disease can be both infectious( herpes, tuberculosis, gout), and non-infectious( arthritis, lupus erythematosus, ulcerative colitis).It is accompanied by eye pain while exerting pressure on the eyelid
  • keratitis , provoked by infections or injuries. In this case, the malaise is accompanied by an abundant teardrop e with
  • iridocyclitis , or inflammation of the iris. Differs presence of pain and photophobia
  • glaucoma. Characterized by a violation of the circulation of the fluid, which contributes to the growth of intraocular pressure. Disease, as a rule, occurs in elderly people
  • uveitis, or inflammation of the vascular membrane. Distinguish between acute and chronic forms of the disease. It is accompanied by a narrowing of the pupil, a spasmodic
  • autoimmune disease. Are associated with a malfunction of the immune system. In this case, as a rule, the entire body is injured
. Only the

doctor can determine the exact cause of eye redness. In addition, other serious diseases that are not directly related to our eyes may be affected by the presence of severe redness of the mucosa:

  • of blood vessel disease
  • head trauma
  • hypertension
  • vitamin deficiency
  • gastrointestinal and liver diseases
  • anemia
  • diabetes

In these cases reddening of the proteins is not dangerous, but not necessaryIt is necessary to ensure compulsory treatment of the underlying disease in order to avoid more serious consequences.

How to remove red blood vessels in the eyes, how to get rid?

In case the expressed red eye vesicles in proteins are not associated with the presence of diseases, you can get rid of this problem quickly enough, using such tips:

  • sleep out

Banal, but the commonest reason for "red eyes" is the usual lack of sleep. Try to sleep 7-8 hours a day

Constant nedosyp can be the main cause of eye redness
  • observe personal hygiene rules

Make sure to remove make-up from the eyes before you go to bed. Do not remove eye contact lenses with dirty hands and do not use other cosmetic products

  • ventilate the room as often as possible

Cigarette smoke, operating air conditioners and computers often cause dryness of the eye mucosa

  • discard bad habits

Alcohol and smoking sometimes provoke an increase in redness of eye proteins

  • limittime spent in front of the TV or the monitor screen of the

The strain experienced by the eyes during prolonged viewingin the monitor, has a negative effect on the mucous membrane

  • use eye moisturizing drops

The so-called "artificial tears" improve blood circulation and moisturize the mucous

Use of moisturizing drops will help to eliminate dry eyes, and therefore prevent their redness
  • from time to time, put the coldcompress or ice cubes

Cold helps reduce the vessels

  • Perform eye exercises( look up, down, sideways, increased blinking)

Charge for the eyes is often underestimated, but in vain. After all, it helps to relieve fatigue, which contributes to the narrowing of the blood vessels

  • protect the eyes with sunglasses

Everyone knows that UV rays are very harmful to the eyes. Therefore, try not to forget to wear glasses in bright sun at any time of the year: both in winter and in summer

  • pay attention to what you eat

Add to your daily ration of blueberries, various kinds of nuts, and also seeds.

Video: Redness of the eyes: what to do?

How to treat red blood vessels in the eyes?

Therapy for conjunctival hyperemia of the eyeball should be prescribed exclusively by a physician. It depends on the cause that caused this ailment:

  • for diseases associated with infection, doctors prescribe antibacterial drugs. They are selected individually for the patient
  • with reddening of the mucous membrane associated with taking any medications, use anti-inflammatory drugs. At the same time, the doctor can prescribe glucocorticosteroids and non-steroids
. Only the ophthalmologist
  • can prescribe a treatment for eye redness in the presence of a bursted eye vessel. Therapy is prescribed depending on the causes that caused this condition. As a rule, in such cases there is no acute need for the treatment of
  • for glaucoma, differentiated treatment is used. However, in advanced cases, often resort to surgical methods

Drops from red eyes

Modern medicine offers us a variety of drops from the reddening of the mucous membranes of the eyes. Depending on the cause of the disease, these drugs refer to different groups of medicines:

  • from dryness of the mucosa and eye fatigue( vial, optic, vidisik, vizomitin) - is used when there is insufficient amount of tear fluid. Doctors recommend using these drugs to eliminate fatigue and dry eye, triggered by the influence of external factors not associated with infection. Such drops are sold in a pharmacy without a prescription and can be used without the prescription of a doctor
  • vasoconstrictive( octylus, vizin, naphthyzine) - is widely used to eliminate redness. However, use these medications with caution, because they often take away only the symptoms that mask the underlying, sometimes very serious, disease.
Modern pharmaceuticals offer a large number of eye drops of different action.
  • vitamin-vascular( taurine, riboflavin, taufon) - are prescribed as preventivemeans of dystrophic( usually age-related) changes in the cornea or lens of the eye( cataract, corneal opacity, angiopathy, etc.) or as a therapeutic drug( toovoizliyanie, keratitis)
  • Antiallergic( kromogeksal, alomid, lekronin, allergodil) - contain components antihistamine character that greatly reduce the inflammation of the eye tissue, caused by an allergic reaction to anything. Can be prescribed as monotherapy or in combination with other drugs
  • antibacterial( vitabact, albucid, levomycitin) - are used in inflammatory diseases that were caused by bacteria( blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, etc.).In addition, they also have the antiviral effect of
  • antiviral( tobrex, ophthalmoferon, okoféron) - contain antiviral substances - interferons or interferonogens. Often used for conjunctivitis and keratitis
Use of drops is possible only under the supervision of a doctor
  • dilating pupil - mydriatic( irifrin, fenielphrine) - used for medical and diagnostic purposes for drug-dilated pupil
  • combined( dexa-gentamycin, tiotriazoline) - have a multicomponent composition, which contains anti-inflammatory, antiallergic substances and antibiotics
  • anti-inflammatory( garazone, maxitrol) - are prescribed for inflammations of variousth character of autoimmune, allergic, infectious. Also used for injuries and preparation for the operation of
  • for the cornea of ​​the eye( defiseless, cornealgel) - preparations are directed to eliminate pathological changes in the eye cornea
  • from glaucoma( xalatan, ravatan, tafluprost) - are used to reduce intraocular pressure. These medications are one of the main methods of non-surgical therapy for glaucoma
. Do not drip several drugs at the same time - this can lead to unpredictable consequences.

You should be aware that eye drops require compliance with the basic rules:

  • drops are prescribed only by a doctor. Self-prescribed medications can significantly worsen the condition of
  • Do not substitute the funds prescribed by your doctor yourself for other
  • when taking several medications for the eyes between their appointments take breaks of at least 15 minutes. Use the order of application of medicines that the
  • doctor recommended to you consider the shelf life of medications. Strictly adhere to the recommendations on the
  • package. Store the medications as indicated in the
  • instructions. Use slightly warmed drops, because the chilled ones exert an irritating effect on the mucosa.
  • Remove contact lenses from the eyes before applying the medication. You can use them after the procedure only after 20 minutes
  • to avoid infection, wash your hands thoroughly before using drops and do not touch the eyes with the tip of the
  • bottle. Do not forget: you can not use strangers to avoid infection

Folk remedies

In case the symptomsserious eye diseases are absent, you can apply folk methods of getting rid of red eyes. Proven by years means help to eliminate puffiness and improve blood circulation.

Chilled sachets of tea not only relieve redness, but also relieve fatigue from the eyes of

To eliminate the redness of proteins help compress applied to the eyelids. For their preparation use:

  • ice cubes
  • grated raw potatoes wrapped in gauze fabric
  • crushed fresh cucumber
  • brewed and cooled tea bags
  • frozen infusion of oak bark, chamomile flowers or calendula
  • cotton swabs soaked in olive oil
  • warmpuree from potatoes
  • chopped parsley greens
  • crushed leaves of Kalanchoe
  • puree from grated green apple

Also extremely useful in case of problems of red eye contraceptionbaths with alternate use of hot and cold water.

However, do not forget that all means can be used only after excluding the possibility of eye diseases. Self-medication can be dangerous!

Video: Why do the eyes burst blood vessels?

  • May 10, 2018
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