What edible mushrooms grow in autumn in the beginning and end of September, October, November: photo, list, names. What are the latest edible mushrooms you can meet in the fall in November: photo, list, names

List and overview of fungi that grow in September, October and November.


  • How fast do edible mushrooms grow after the rain in the fall?
  • What edible mushrooms grow in autumn, at the beginning and end of September: photo, list, names
  • What edible mushrooms grow in autumn, at the beginning and end of October: photo, list, names
  • What edible mushrooms grow in autumn, early and late November: photos, list, names
  • Which edible mushrooms are the latest in November: photo, list, names
  • At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn?
  • VIDEO: Edible mushrooms in autumn

Mushrooms are a useful product containing a huge amount of protein. They are suitable for preparing pies for filling, in the first and second courses. In addition, from mushrooms make excellent harvesting for the winter in the form of caviar, pate or salt. Of course, you can buy mushrooms in the market, but the most delicious and nutritious are considered forest varieties.

How quickly do edible mushrooms grow after the rain in the fall?

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Mushrooms are the fruits of mycelium and mycelium growth. In general, under the ground for several meters, the mycelium grows like a web. From time to time it gives fruit. These are the mushrooms that we collect. The greatest harvest of mushrooms is observed in autumn after rain.

Mushroom growth time is 2 weeks. But most often you can see the fungus on the 5th day. At this time there is a leg, which connects mycelium and the cap. Initially, the cap is small, but after 2-3 days its size is rapidly increasing. That is, after the rain, you can go to collect mushrooms in 1-2 weeks.

How fast do edible mushrooms grow after the rain in the fall?

What edible mushrooms grow in autumn, at the beginning and end of September: photos, list, names

September - a month rich in mushrooms. This time is considered to be the peak. The most interesting, it is at this time is the procurement of mushrooms. In the forest, you can find summer mushrooms, which until then were very fruitful in July and August.

List of mushrooms September:

  • Honey mushrooms
  • false chanterelle
  • mokruhu
  • Ryzhikov
  • Porcini
  • Syroezhko
  • Chanterelles
  • greenfinch
Honey mushrooms
false chanterelle
False mokruha

What edible mushrooms grow in autumn, at the beginning and the end of October: photo,list, names

At this time, the number of fungi is reduced. The fact is that the nights are getting relatively cold. But at this temperature mushrooms last longer until their maturity. Summer mushrooms at this time is not so much. It's time for varieties that love moderate temperatures. The most interesting thing is that at this time it is best to harvest mushrooms. They are very long kept.

List of October mushrooms:

  • Winter agarics
  • Tracks
  • Goatskins
  • Rowers

You can occasionally find mushrooms and boletus. They grow infrequently, their time ends.

Winter mushrooms

What edible mushrooms grow in autumn, at the beginning and end of November: photo, list, names

In November it's already quite cold and from the summer abundance there are quite a few mushrooms. Basically, these are persistent varieties that germinate on tree trunks or stumps. Since freezing is observed on the surface of the soil. Usually, together with the first snow, the mushroom season ends. Occasionally on the trunks you can see oyster mushrooms.

List of November fungi:

  • Zelenushki
  • Mashrooms
  • Oyster mushrooms
  • Gray ryadovka
Oyster mushrooms

What edible mushrooms are the latest in November: photos, list, names

At the end of autumn, in the forest, not so many mushrooms, not only edible, but also poisonous. The mycelium gradually ceases to bear fruit, since the temperature is low enough. In November, few people collect mushrooms, as this is the time of rains and first frosts. At this time in the forest is very dirty. Few people like to walk in the mud and pick their way through wet leaves, looking for mushrooms. At this time there are quite a few mushrooms that can be eaten. They have an essential feature - a hard hat. Therefore, among the mushroom pickers there are few who like these mushrooms.

The latest mushrooms:

  • Hygrophor
  • Gray chaff
  • Pink varnish
  • Winter chalk

All these mushrooms have a dense texture and a fibrous cap.

govorushka gray
Pink varnish

At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn?

Very hot weather is not for mushrooms. Generally mushrooms love humidity and moderate temperature. The ideal temperature is + 10 + 20 ° C.If summer or autumn is very dry, then you should not expect a good harvest of mushrooms. But even if there are heavy rains in autumn, the mycelium will "get wet."In this weather, too, there is no good harvest.

Ideal to consider September, at this time a lot of summer mushrooms and there are fans of coolness. At this time, you can see butter mushrooms, podberezoviki and white mushrooms. They can be found even during frosts. It is believed that the fungal development requires a temperature of + 5 + 10 ° C.This is the minimum temperature. At what temperature do mushrooms grow in the fall?

Despite the decrease in average daily temperature, a large number of mushrooms can be collected in autumn. They are not inferior to summer ones in their taste qualities.

VIDEO: Edible mushrooms in the fall

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