Elasticity and elasticity of the skin - the main indicators of youth and beauty of women. The skin turgor, its tone is the internal pressure of the cells in combination with the strained state of the cell membranes. It is an indicator of the body's water balance and the ability of the epithelium to resist mechanical influences.
- Reasons for the decrease
- Determination of skin turgor
- How to improve
Of course, every beauty wants leather to retain its qualities as long as possible. However, as the epidermis ages, it becomes more difficult to retain moisture and the skin turgor weakens. He needs help from the outside, because beauty is easier to maintain regularly than it is then difficult to restore.
Reasons for reducing
Turgor provides the skin with the ability to recover after deformation. Not the least role in this matter is played by the hormonal balance. The tone of the epithelium depends on the level of the female hormone estrogen in the body, which, in turn, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. It is the collagen and elastin fibers, like rubber, that return the skin to its original shape and appearance after deformation. Stretching the fibers causes skin to become wrinkled, wrinkles and wrinkles appear.
In addition, a decrease in skin turgor can occur due to:
- inadequate hydration, reduced hydration( ability to attach water molecules) or inability to retain water in epithelial cells;
- oxygen starvation;
- intoxication of the body;
- chronic stress, lack of sleep, physical and emotional stress;
- chronic diseases of internal organs( kidney, liver, GIT, endocrine system);
- permanent dysbiosis, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, which dehydrates the body;
- hobbies are debilitating diets or starvation;
- bad habits, etc.
Definition of skin turgor
With normal tone, the facial skin looks smooth and smooth. Mimic folds during conversation, smile are also quickly and easily smoothed out. Over the years, the elasticity of the skin gradually decreases more noticeably, the turgor decreases. And, unfortunately, it is impossible to stop this process, but to slow down is quite realistic.
How to determine the skin turgor? Collect the skin on the back of the hand in a small crease, lift it slightly up and release it sharply. If the fold is smoothed almost immediately - the skin condition is excellent. If it took more than 5 seconds to completely smooth out, then the turgor is reduced and the skin needs urgent help.
How to improve
To consume enoughliquid( not less than 1.5 liters per day).However, it is important not only to "water" the skin, but also to keep the moisture inside it. In this process, hyaluronic acid is involved. It is found in many tissues( connective, epithelial, nervous) and body fluids. As the GC can not do without water, so water is retained in the skin by the molecules of hyaluronic acid, which is necessary to maintain a natural turgor.
Regularly undergo a hormonal examination, treat chronic and infectious diseases.
Try to be less nervous, regularly and efficiently eat, sleep, often walk outdoors, play sports.
In the rest should help cosmetic and physiotherapy procedures:
- creams, scrubs, peels and masks to improve skin turgor based on vitamins A and E, hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin, coenzyme Q10, etc.;
- regularly( at least 1 time per week) to carry out facial massage yourself or take massage courses from a cosmetologist;
- for the whole body suitable contrast shower, hardening, baths with broths of medicinal herbs or aromatic oils, wraps, general massage;
- mesotherapy, ozonotherapy, cryoprocedures, photolifting and myostimulation of the epithelium by microcurrents improve microcirculation of blood in capillaries, increase the elasticity of their walls, preserve the youthfulness of the skin.