Norm and significance of Luteinizing hormone in women and men

Luteinizing hormone( LH) is a sex hormone produced by the pituitary gland. He is responsible for the functioning of the sex glands in women and men. Under its action, women develop progesterone in the body, and testosterone in men. Under his control, the follicle ripens in the female body, ovulation occurs. Therefore, its development is necessary for the fertilization and normal development of pregnancy.

  • When and how to takeanalyzes
  • Norm

    For the female, male and child organisms the norms are different.

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    Female by age

    instagram viewer
    Age Quantity, mU / l
    1-7 days <0.7
    8-15 days <0.7
    1-3 years 0.9-1,9
    4-5 years 0,7-0,9
    7-8 years 0,7-2,0
    9-10 years 0,7-2,3
    11 years 0,3-6,2
    12 years 0.5-9.8
    13 years 0,4-4,6
    14 years 0,5-25
    15 years 0,5-16
    16 years 0,6-21
    17-18 years 1,7-11
    19-before the climax 2,3-11
    After the climax 14,2-52,3

    Depending on the cycle phase:

    Cycle name Number(from the 1st day of the month to 12-14th) 2-14
    Ovulation cycle phase( from day 12 to day 16) 24-150
    Lutein phase of the cycle(from the 15th to 16th day and until the next monthly period) 2-17
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    In men,

    Men have a score of 1, 5 to 9.3 international units per milliliter( mU / ml).Luteinizing hormone enters the bloodstream impulsively, so its level may fluctuate depending on the time of day. Normally, the content of the hormone should remain within this framework throughout life. In the male body, it serves as a regulator of testosterone, because under its influence, the required amount of active spermatozoa is produced.

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    In children

    Before adolescence( 11 years), the level of the hormone in the blood ranges from 0.03 to 3.9.This norm is typical for both boys and girls, because at this age, sex differences do not affect the production of luteinizing hormone. In boys over the age of 11, the hormone level becomes similar to that in adult men.

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    When assays are prescribed for

    The hormone is recommended for testing by a specialist( gynecologist, andrologist, endocrinologist).There are diseases and conditions in which it is necessary to know the level of blood in the luteinizing hormone. In children, such conditions are:

    • accelerated sexual development or its delay;
    • significant lag in growth.

    I assign a test for women for the following reasons:

    • disorders of the menstrual cycle( no monthly bleeding, meager menstruation);
    • suspected of infertility;
    • endometriosis;
    • bleeding not related to menstruation;
    • miscarriage;
    • polycystic ovary;
    • active growth of facial and body hair;
    • in preparation for in vitro fertilization( IVF), which allows you to know the exact day of ovulation;

    Men are given a surrender analysis when:

    • reduces libido and male activity;
    • suspected of infertility.
    Also learn about the definition and the rate of the stress hormone Prolactin in women
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    How to prepare for the

    analysis Men do not need special training, they can pass the analysis inany day of the month( in the morning and on an empty stomach), but on the condition that there are no infectious and other acute diseases.48 hours before the event, you should not drink alcohol in any form, overwork.

    For women, this procedure is complicated by the day of the menstrual cycle. How to prepare a woman for the luteinizing hormone test:

    1. It is best to go for analysis 6-7 days after the start of menstruation, unless the doctor instructs otherwise.
    2. The sample is taken in the morning on an empty stomach( you can drink only water, excluding even tea and coffee).
    3. 48 hours before the scheduled analysis, exclude completely the consumption of alcoholic beverages, even tinctures and medicines for alcohol.
    4. One hour before taking the test, quit smoking.
    5. A day before the procedure it is desirable to lead a quiet lifestyle, athletes should exclude training, rest more and do not worry.

    If a patient takes any medications at the time of the hormone test, then it is necessary to warn your doctor about this because many medications can distort the results of the tests, especially the hormone-containing ones. It is better to take a break in taking medication or to postpone blood collection until the end of treatment.

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    Reasons for increasing

    Female body:

    • polycystic ovary;
    • by endometriosis;
    • kidney disease of different etiology;
    • pituitary tumor;
    • severe stress;
    • overwork;
    • fasting.

    Male body:

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    • severe stress;
    • heavy physical exertion;
    • kidney disease and as a consequence, kidney failure;
    • tumors of the pituitary gland;
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    Reasons for lowering

    Decreased level of lutropin in the body is not the norm and requires close attention.

    In men, the content of the hormone in the blood may decrease due to:

    • deficiency of the sex glands or tumors located in them;
    • deficiency of gonadotropic hormones;
    • effects of certain medications;
    • inflammation of the testicles leading to gonadal atrophy;
    • stress and diseases of the nervous system.

    In women, a reduced level of luteinizing hormone may be a consequence of:

    • elevated prolactin levels in the blood;
    • primary or secondary amenorrhea;
    • weak functioning of the pituitary or hypothalamus;
    • pathology due to genetic predisposition;
    • obesity;
    • stress;
    • smoking;
    • taking certain medications.
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    How to improve

    The most common method of therapy is the appointment of a hormone-containing drug by the doctor in polycystosis or the preparation for in vitro fertilization. In other cases, prescribe medications containing estrogen, androgen or progesterone. If the increase in the hormone is associated with tumoral processes, it is often performed surgical manipulation.

    In the treatment of infertility appoint drugs that in its composition have lutropin( Pergonal, Luveris, Chorionic Gonadotropin).

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    How to lower

    Adjusting the level of lutropin depends on the reasons that led to its reduction. Modern pharmaceuticals offer a number of drugs that have prolactin, estrogens, androgens. They are aimed at normalizing the work of the genital organs and glands, normalizing all metabolic processes in the body.

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    With properly selected therapy, men and women manage to cope with violations of the hormonal background within 2-3 weeks.

    Only a doctor will be able to determine the cause of the decrease or increase in the level of luteinizing hormone in the blood and to prescribe adequate treatment, to engage in self-medication, neither with a decrease, nor with a rise, it is impossible!
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    Ratio of LH and FSH

    FSH( follicle stimulating hormone) is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland, the main function of which is to produce estradiol. Controlling the level of follicle-stimulating hormone, specialists can determine the cause of hormonal failure.

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    Norm and ratio of

    In women, the FSH level is within 10-12 international units per 1 milliliter, which rises with the onset of menopause. In the childbearing age, its high content interferes with the fertilization of the oocytes.

    The norm of FSH in a male body, as a rule, depends on its age. In boys up to a year the level of follicle-stimulating hormone is 3.5.During puberty( 11-14 years), its number is in the limit of 0.36-6.29.For men over 21, the range is from 0.95 to 11.95.

    It should be remembered that deviation from the norm in one or the other direction is an occasion to undergo an additional examination.

    The ratio of these two hormones is variable and varies depending on the phase in which the female body is located. The ratio of LH / FSH 2.5 is considered to be normal, it can significantly decrease or increase, but if the ratio is less than 0.5 this indicates the development of diseases.

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    When and how to take tests

    Many FSH factors affect the level of FSH: bad habits, stress, age. Different levels and gender.

    Before taking the test, you should stop using alcohol, smoking and heavy physical exertion.

    Man, if he is healthy, there are no complications of chronic diseases, there are no infectious diseases and viral, can undergo analysis at any convenient time.

    For women, blood is taken from the vein 3 times within 30 minutes. The analysis should be collected in the morning on an empty stomach and in the first phase of the cycle.

    • May 10, 2018
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