The female name of Alain - which means: a description of the name. The name of the girl Alyona: mystery, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characterization, fate, origin, compatibility with masculine names, nationality
The meaning of the name Alain. A detailed description of the origin and characteristics of the owners of this name.
Famous people, celebrities with the name Alena: photos
Video: ALENA.Meaning and Interpretation of the name
Alena is a feminine, refined and attractive woman who, even in old age, remains a young soul. The owners of this name are very cheerful, energetic, sociable and friendly. They easily come into contact with strangers and what is most interesting, sometimes even turn their enemies into true friends.
What does the name of Alain mean according to the church calendar?
Although some sources consider the name of Alain Slavic, it is absent in the church calendar. This is due to the fact that it was worn by a woman who practiced magic. And since in the XVIII century it was strictly forbidden, she was simply excommunicated and deleted the name from the calendar. That's why if you decide to name your daughter by this beautiful name, then at the baptism her will be called Elena.
This name will be translated as Light or Shining. In case you do not want your child to be given this name, then if you want, you can choose in the Sweethearts another. True, you must remember that in order for your child to truly receive heavenly protection, it is better to give preference to those Holy women who are worshiped either on the girl's birthday or at the last day's next day.
The patron saint of the name of Alain
Although it was mentioned above that the name of Alain is not in the Church Sweet Fathers, the Holy woman bearing this name once existed. Some sources claim that she was brutally tortured, and then killed by her own father only because she did not worship the pagan Gods, but she faithfully believed in the Most High.
At first, my father tried to persuade my daughter to obey the same divine laws as he did, and when I realized that it was useless, I took sin into my soul and deprived my own child of life. Later he realized that he created, took Christianity and built a chapel in honor of his murdered daughter. In this chapel there is still an icon on which Elena Bruxellesque is depicted.
The patrons of Alain according to the church calendar are:
The Holy Equal to the queen Elena
Elena Diveevskaya
Elena The Martyr, the daughter of the apostle Alpheus
Elena The princess of the Russian
The Reverend Elena Serbskaya
The secret of the name of Alain
Little Alyona are always very kind girls, who in everything and always obey the elders. At preschool age they are ideal children. They are very intelligent, diligent, hardworking and sociable. As a rule, the holders of this name begin to read and count before entering school, and some even study foreign languages.
For this reason, parents lead them to the first class with great confidence that their child will please them with exceptionally good grades. But as practice shows, at school the Alions stop learning and all this period simply force themselves to do what is supposed to be done. But still, such an attitude toward learning does not prevent them from choosing a prestigious profession and getting a good job.
In this case, they are helped by their natural charisma, lively mind and sociability. If you get the impression that the girl who wears this name is a fluffy rabbit, then you are deeply mistaken. In case she realizes that she is at least the slightest danger, she almost instantly turns into a cunning and quirky tigress, which can hurt anyone who tries to encroach on her peace of mind.
What is the nationality of Alena?
There are many different versions of the appearance of this beautiful and sonorous name. Some sources claim that it has Slavic roots and began back in the days when tribes wandered around the world. One of them was called Alyona. Since it was very warlike, mighty and courageous, the name derived from it was deciphered as Overcoming or Conquering.
There is also a version that the name Alain has Jewish roots and originated from the word Alon. It also denoted the power and was translated as a strong oak. In addition, some sources claim that this name has also Old Russian roots. In times of paganism, people worshiped the Goddess Alena, who was considered the master of the morning dawn. And to please her, they began to call their daughters in her honor, thereby promoting the spread of this name throughout the land.
Alena: value and popularity
I want to say right away that Alena's name is not very popular among young parents. Some of them consider it too uninteresting, while others are frightened by the fact that it is not in the modern church calendar. In view of all this, this name is not included even in the 50 most popular names in our country. As practice shows, most of all Alenas were named girls in the period from 1970 to 2000.