Treatment of cervical erosion by cauterization

Cervical erosion is a defect in its mucous membranes, which is often treated with cauterization. True erosion is the reddening of a small diameter on the epithelium around the cervix, which quickly passes into the next stage. The most common is false or pseudo-erosion, in which smooth epithelial cells are replaced by cylindrical ones.

Causes of
  • Causes of
  • Symptoms of the disease
  • Than
  • is dangerous Indications
  • Contraindications
  • Types of cauterization
  • After cauterization
  • Complications
  • Pregnancy after cauterization
  • Prevention
  • Sometimes there is congenital erosion that occurs during adolescence or adulthood with hormonal changes in the body and passes by itself,and sometimes - only after pregnancy and childbirth or other hormonal splash.

    Causes of

    • Hormonal changes in the body( puberty, the onset of sexual activity, pregnancy, taking hormonal tablets or contraceptives).
    • The beginning of an intimate life at an early age, frequent and promiscuous sexual intercourse or, on the contrary, the preservation of innocence until adulthood and rare sexual acts.
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    • Inflammation of the sex organs, sexually transmitted infections.
    • Acute viral infections.
    • Injuries, mechanical or chemical damage to the mucous tissues of the vagina and uterus( abortions, reproductive or genital surgeries, use of contraceptives that cause allergic reactions).
    • Failures in the work of the endocrine and immune systems( irregular menstrual cycles, diseases of the thyroid gland or adrenal glands, deficit of immunity).
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    Signs of the disease

    In most cases, a woman does not even suspect that she has cervical erosion, as the disease usually does not manifest itself. It is difficult to detect it by symptoms and the diagnosis is made by a doctor with a gynecological examination.

    However, certain signs should be cause for concern. These are pulling pains in the lower abdomen and any bloody discharge in the period between monthly bleedings, especially intensifying after sexual intercourse. Symptoms of erosion also include abundant whitish discharge, irregular menstrual cycle.
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    is dangerous. Erosion can cause inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system, a means of penetration into the body of pathogenic bacteria( candidias, trichomonads, etc.) or infections, including HPV( human papillomavirus), HIV.In some cases, erosion causes female infertility or develops into a cancerous tumor.

    With adequate and timely treatment of erosion, there is almost always a complete cure, sometimes the disease can go on by itself. However, if the disease progresses( erosion increases in size, the epithelial tissue deteriorates, bloody discharge appears), intensive therapy should be started immediately.

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    Moxibustion is the main method of treating erosion and other inflammations of the cervix, a method of removing cysts and polyps, precancerous lesions, for example, cervical dysplasia, transformation zones, postoperative granulomas. The procedure is also performed to eliminate the consequences caused by human papillomavirus. In addition, moxibustion is prescribed to stop suddenly bleeding, or after procedures such as polypectomy, biopsy or conization of the cervix. Cauterization is not a method of treating cancer.

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    Moxibustion is categorically contraindicated during pregnancy and for women who have never given birth. It is not recommended to perform the procedure during acute inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs, if there is a suspicion of cancer, if the erosion is so large that it is technically impossible to remove.

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    Types of moxibustion

    Depending on the type of erosion, its size, location, individual characteristics of the patient's body, concomitant diseases and pathologies, the method of cauterization and further treatment will depend. Cauterization is an invasive method of treatment, so treat surgical intervention. As a result of the procedure, a wound is formed, which eventually is tightened by a healthy layer of epithelial cells.

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    Kinds of moxibustion:

    • Electric current( diathermocoagulation, diathermoconation).The first method( coagulation) is used in mild cases, when a pathological site of small size or there is a slight change in epithelial tissues. Conization - excision of the upper layer of the mucous membrane of the cervix by an electric knife, is used, for example, for dysplasia. The procedure is performed without general anesthesia no later than a few days before the menstrual period. Restoration of tissues occurs after 2-3 months. Possible complications: bleeding from the wound, exacerbation of inflammation, malfunctions of the menstrual cycle, stenosis( narrowing) of the cervical canal with the formation of adhesions, scar formation.
    • Radio waves. Cauterization is carried out by ultrahigh-frequency electromagnetic fields. The method is inaccessible and rather expensive, so it is not widely used. It has a regenerating and hemostatic effect on the tissues, removes inflammation, fixes the borders of the wound. Practically does not leave scars and has very few complications. The consequences of the procedure go through 1,5-2 months.
    • Laser( carbon dioxide or helium-neon).A sufficiently high-precision and effective method that does not leave scarring and does not violate the menstrual and reproductive functions of the body is sufficient. It is shown to young nulliparous women. The procedure is performed on the 5th-7th day of the cycle without anesthesia. Healing takes place 1-2 months. Consequences: In rare cases, increased bleeding or secondary infection of the affected tissue.
    • Liquid nitrogen( cryodestruction).Cauterization( freezing) is carried out with the help of liquid low-temperature nitrogen, which is capable of causing necrosis( necrosis) of the tissues of the pathological site. Absolutely painless procedure, non-contact, is carried out without anesthesia on an outpatient basis for 8-10 days of the cycle, practically does not leave scarring. Recovery occurs after 2-3 months. The only drawback: there is a risk of insufficient freezing of the altered cells in depth, which can cause a relapse of the disease.
    • Argon( argon-plasma ablation or coagulation).It is recommended not yet giving birth to women, because they practically do not leave scarring, and the epithelial tissues of the cervix remain elastic. The procedure is carried out without anesthesia for 5-10 days of the cycle. Healing occurs in about 2 months with minor discharge.
    • Solkovagin( chemical moxibustion of erosion).When the preparation is applied to the epithelium, instantaneous loss of vitality of pathological cells is observed, at a time when healthy cells are insensitive to Solkovagin and remain untouched. A protective layer forms from the dead cells, which begins to flake off and leave about a week later. Painless procedure, performed on the 7-10th day, tissue repair - after 1-2 months. The method is not applicable if the body has sexual infections.
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    Read also about folk methods of treating cervical erosion at home
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    After cauterization

    Almost after any kindmoxibustion can cause unpleasant symptoms:

    • Immediately after the procedure there is a feeling of dizziness, weakness, hot flushes. In this period, it is advisable to lie down and rest for a while.
    • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen, which can be removed with analgesic drugs.
    • Abundant discharge from the vagina, with or without smell, colorless or dyed in pink, yellow, brownish color. Bloody discharge is rare, and if you have them, you should immediately contact your doctor. For early wound healing and tissue repair, suppositories with sea buckthorn, propolis, Dalmaxin, to prevent inflammation, prevent bacterial and fungal infection - Terzhinan. The prescription of generic antibiotics and hormonal drugs is in most cases unjustified.
    • At least a month after moxibustion, it is not recommended to lift weights, use tampons, douche or lead a sexual life( this can injure the cervix that has not yet healed, cause bleeding and infection), exercise should be avoided and, if possible, emotional. It is desirable to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, completely eliminate hot baths, baths, saunas, swimming in water reservoirs, swimming pools.
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    Complications of

    The cauterization procedure is performed in the second half of the menstrual cycle. The formed wound heals long enough( up to 2.5 months) and can become a place of penetration into the body of pathogenic bacteria. At the wound site usually remains a scar that can disperse during childbirth and cause new trauma and infection.

    After electrocoagulation the probability of recurrence of recurrence is 3-14%, after cauterization by laser - 4-25%.The effectiveness of chemical cauterization of erosion is slightly lower, but in any case gives good results.

    Possible complications after cauterization of the cervix:

    • disorders of the menstrual cycle;
    • impossibility of conception or infertility;
    • cervical deformity and, as a consequence, premature birth or inability to procreate naturally;
    • scar formation and development of cervical cancer.
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    Pregnancy after cauterization

    The duration of tissue repair and the subsequent possibility of becoming pregnant depends on the type of cautery chosen and the individual characteristics of the patient's body. The usual activity of sexual activity will be possible approximately 3-4 months after the procedure, and cytological smears will come back to normal in 4-5 months. Complete restoration of reproductive functions occurs approximately in six months. Thus, with successful treatment of erosion, pregnancy planning is possible 6-12 months after cauterization.

    Cauterization of erosion during pregnancy is strictly prohibited, as the risk of spontaneous miscarriage is very high.
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    Preventive measures before and after cauterization include regular visits to the gynecologist, taking smears( including cytology).It is desirable to lead a healthy lifestyle, have a single sexual partner and be confident in his health. Timely treat inflammations, infections and diseases of the reproductive system, observe the rules of personal hygiene and do not engage in self-medication.

    • May 11, 2018
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