Norm, results and interpretation of glucose tolerance test during pregnancy. At what time should I take a glucose tolerance test?

The doctor ordered you to undergo a glucose tolerance test, but are you afraid or do not know how this examination goes? In this article, you will learn everything about GTT, its contraindications, we will dispel your doubts and tell you how to prepare for it.


  • Why take a glucose tolerance test during pregnancy?
  • Is there a glucose tolerance test in pregnancy?
  • Is it dangerous to have a glucose tolerance test during pregnancy?
  • How and where to take a glucose tolerance test in pregnancy?
  • How is a glucose tolerance test performed during pregnancy?
  • At what time should I take a glucose tolerance test during pregnancy?
  • Contraindications for glucose tolerance test in pregnancy
  • Norm, results and interpretation of glucose tolerance test in pregnancy
  • How and why to take glucose tolerance test during pregnancy: tips and reviews
  • VIDEO: Glucose level during pregnancy

A glucose tolerance test is a test that helps determine a tendencywomen to diabetes mellitus or to detect its latent form.

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In other words, this examination is called "sugar load".Due to this test, it is possible to diagnose the disease in time and take the necessary measures to avoid undesirable consequences.

Why take a glucose tolerance test during pregnancy?

  • Statistics show that about 15% of pregnant women suffer from gestational diabetes, or otherwise it is called a diabetes of pregnant women
  • This disease, like many others, occurs against the weakening of the female body and increase the burden on it during pregnancy
  • During the period of gestation the bodywomen should produce more insulin, which is responsible for the normal level of sugar in the blood.
  • But not always the body copes with this task, and then the amount of sugar becomes bigand develops diabetes

Therefore, pregnant, doctors strongly recommend to take the glucose tolerance test( OGTT).

Diabetes Diagnosis Diagram for Pregnancy

Is Glucose Tolerance Test Required during Pregnancy?

It is necessary to undergo a CTT examination if a woman falls into one of the following categories:

  • was diagnosed with the disease in past pregnancies
  • if the pregnant woman has problems with weight gain - body mass index above 30
  • if the weight of previous children at birth was more than 4,5kg
  • if someone from blood relatives is sick with this disease
  • in the analysis of urine there is sugar

If a woman is at risk, the examination on GTT should be done, as a rule, at a period of 16-18 weeks and inthe second time in 24-28 weeks. If necessary, the test is performed again, but not later than at week 32.

Blood sampling for a glucose tolerance test in pregnancy

Is it dangerous to have a glucose tolerance test during pregnancy?

  • Until 32 weeks, the glucose tolerance test is not dangerous for either the mother or the baby. Imagine that you ate a donut with a sweet jam for breakfast.
  • . Is it possible for you to get sick from it or can it somehow harm your health? Of course not! And the amount of glucose that should be taken to a woman is roughly the same as breakfast
  • But the causeless refusal of GTT can do much harm if there is not detected high blood sugar in time and the necessary measures are not taken to normalize the level of glucose

How and where to take glucose tolerancetest during pregnancy?

For 10-14 hours before the test, the pregnant woman should not be eaten, you can drink only clean water, in the morning the examination is performed on an empty stomach.

Do not take any medicine, even a vitamin, becausethis can affect the results of the survey.

Glucose for Glucose Tolerance Test in Pregnancy

This survey is conducted in women's clinics and various private centers.

How is a glucose tolerance test performed during pregnancy?

  • In the morning, a woman gives blood to determine the level of sugar
  • If blood sugar is elevated at this stage of the test, then the test is not carried out and a second examination is scheduled the other day. If the level is normal, the future mother is given a solution with 75-100 grams of glucoseon a glass of water at room temperature
  • After 1 hour and 2 hours, blood is taken for analysis, if there is a need for blood sampling, and after 3 hours
  • After 2 hours, the glucose level should be normalized, if it is increased,re-examination

It is important, for the correct test results, to drink glucose solution immediately, no longer than 5 minutes. At the time of the test, the pregnant woman should not leave the laboratory and completely exclude physical activity.

Pregnant takes a glucose solution to conduct a glucose tolerance test

The glucose solution is sweetly sweet, so a pregnant woman can vomit. To prevent this from happening, the test is not performed if the woman is suffering from toxicosis.

At what time should I take a glucose tolerance test during pregnancy?

  • The optimal time to undergo this examination is the period from 24 to 26 weeks of gestation.
  • In general, the test is carried out from the 24th to the 28th week, but no later than 32 weeks, becausethis test carries a serious strain on the body of a pregnant woman and in later terms may be hazardous to the health of women and fetuses.
  • If a woman is at risk, the test is performed at an earlier time - at 16-18 weeks.

Contraindications for glucose tolerance test in pregnancy

, for which a woman should refuse to undergo a CTG examination, they include the following:

  • if a woman suffers from serious liver disease, for example, pancreatitis
  • if there is a dumping syndrome
  • ifin the pregnant woman is diagnosed Crohn's disease
  • the future mother has peptic ulcers
  • if on the day of the test the woman has the symptoms of the "acute abdomen"
  • in the organism of the future mother there are infectious diseases
  • the presence of inflammatory processes
  • the woman is prescribed strict bed rest
  • term more than 32 weeks

Norm, results and interpretation of glucose tolerance test in pregnancy

The level of glucose in the blood of a pregnant woman is slightly higher than that of other people, which is necessary forormalnogo fetal development, but there are indicators that it should not exceed.

So, the diagnosis of "pregnant diabetes mellitus" is made with the following results of the examination:

  • at the first blood sampling in the morning on an empty stomach - 5.1 mmol / l
  • at blood sampling one hour after taking a glucose solution - 10 mmol / l
  • with blood sampling after 2hour - 8.6 mmol / l
  • for blood collection after 3 hours - 7.8 mmol / l
Blood samples for analysis of glucose tolerance test in pregnancy
  • If the blood glucose level was higher than the above values ​​at the first examination, The next day
  • If the suspicions are confirmed, the pregnant woman is diagnosed with "gestational diabetes"
  • . If it is suspected, but the test is normal, the pregnant woman is scheduled to undergo it again after about 2 weeks to exclude the erroneous results of
  • . When diagnosing diabetes, the test is repeated afterchildbirth, or rather after 6 weeks, to identify its cause, i.e.whether it is associated exclusively with pregnancy or maybe a woman developed a true diabetes
  • Treatment of gestational diabetes is to adjust the diet of a future mother, moderate exercise will also be useful
  • Pregnant will have to visit a doctor more often and undergo additional ultrasound examinations to monitor the weight gain of the child. Childbirth with this diagnosis is usually prescribed for 37-38 weeks of pregnancy.
Proper nutrition and physical activity in diabetes mellitus pregnant

How and why to take a glucose tolerance test during pregnancy: advice and feedback

Let's sum up:

  • A glucose tolerance test is a very necessary test that identifies hidden forms of diabetes mellitus of pregnant women or addiction to it.
  • The test is conducted mainly at 24-28 weeks,later, if there is cause for concern, but no later than 32 weeks
  • Blood sampling is done exclusively in the morning and on an empty stomach, the pregnant woman takes a glucose solution and after that the analysis is repeated after an hour, two and three
  • ennyh indicators of blood glucose examination is carried out repeatedly, and have the confirmation of the results diagnosed
  • GTT is not dangerous for the baby and pregnant, unless contraindicated examination

Reviews pregnant:

Inga, 24 years old.
I went through this examination and I felt sick. However, I was one of the 18 people who gave me up too. So I advise you to release this day so that you do not have to run away somewhere, let alone work. I think it was bad for me because I do not tolerate hunger in the morning, and besides I sometimes suffer from low blood pressure.

Alina, 28 years old.
And I passed this test, and I want to tell you - there is nothing wrong with it. If you do not suffer from diabetes, and no relatives have this disease, then you have nothing to fear. In the first pregnancy, I did not do the test, and the second doctor appointed because of age - 37 years. The examination is free, the glucose tastes like a very sweet hour, everything went fine and the results are good, as I thought.

VIDEO: Glucose level during pregnancy

  • May 11, 2018
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