How beautiful to tie a scarf and kerchief on your head in different ways? How to tie a headscarf on your head in summer, winter, spring, autumn: exquisite options, photos, videos. How nice to wear a handkerchief with a coat, coat, jacket on your head? Hairstyles with a headscarf: photo

The most interesting and simple techniques of tying a scarf, scarf and stole on the head. Ways of wearing a headscarf for different kinds of clothes in all seasons.


  • How stylish, stylish and beautiful to tie a headscarf on the head in the spring, in the fall?
  • How stylish, stylish and beautiful to tie a headscarf and wear with a coat?
  • How stylish, stylish and beautiful to wear a headscarf with a jacket?
  • How beautiful and stylish to tie a handkerchief, headscarf on your head in the summer?
  • How beautiful to tie a beach shawl over your head?
  • How beautiful and fashionable to tie a large Pavlovo-Posad shawl over his head?
  • How beautiful and fashionable to tie a headscarf on your head in winter?
  • How beautiful and fashionable to tie a scarf shawl over your head?
  • How nice and fashionable to tie a headscarf on your head?
  • How beautiful and fashionable to tie a mink headscarf on your head?
  • Hairstyles with a headscarf:
  • photo What shawl to pick up on a head to a mink coat and how to tie and wear?
  • instagram viewer
  • Girls in headscarves: photos
  • How to tie a headscarf: Video
  • 12 ways to tie a headscarf: Video

Today, a scarf, scarf and palatin have become the essential attributes of all women of fashion. With these accessories, you can supplement any image or create a completely new bow. Thanks to a variety of scarves, scarves and stoles on the shelves of fashion boutiques, as well as ordinary shops for women who do not go caps, it was possible to completely abandon this seemingly irreplaceable part of the wardrobe. But how to wear kerchiefs in different seasons? What are the techniques of their winding and twisting?

How stylish, stylish and beautiful to tie a headscarf on the head in the spring, in the autumn?

How beautiful to tie a headscarf in the autumn-spring period of time?

In the autumn-spring period, girls can use several of the most popular ways of wearing a scarf.

Hollywood style

Hollywood style

This style of wearing a handkerchief has been known since time immemorial. In some, he is associated with a woman from the village who goes to an evening milking or vegetable garden. But for advanced women of fashion this image evokes true delight associated with such icons of style as Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren, Renata Litvinova, etc. He immerses them in a sea of ​​fashion, beauty, glamor and, of course, Hollywood. A similar image will suit elegant women who prefer the classical style and grace. Looks good "Hollywood shawl" with sunglasses.

  • Bend the handkerchief in half, giving it a triangular shape.
  • We cover the head with a large edge of the headscarf so that the edge of the hair looks out from under it.
  • We reduce two free edges of a scarf under a chin and we cross them.
  • We tie the edges on the back of the neck, wrapping them around the free edge of the kerchief.



A similar way of tying a scarf has become popular in our country relatively recently. Most often it is chosen by eccentric people who are not afraid to experiment. Turban can be worn, both in summer time, and in the autumn-spring period. The technician of his fencing exists. The simplest of them is performed as follows:

  • Bend the handkerchief in half, giving it a triangular shape.
  • Wide edge of the scarf is applied to the forehead arbitrarily.
  • Loose triangles of a scarf for a head and cross them.
  • Return the tips forward and make a knot of them or just hide them under the fabric.

A-la Babu-la

A-la Babu-la

Grandmother's style of wearing a handkerchief will be of interest to girls looking for something new. A perfect addition to this style will be fashionable glasses, cashmere coat or coat.

  • We fold the handkerchief in such a way that most of it has the form of a triangle, and the smaller one has just been tucked.
  • We tie a handkerchief under the chin in a knot.
  • The ends of the scarf leave us free to hang.

How stylish, stylish and beautiful to tie a headscarf and wear with a coat?

How to wear a headscarf with a coat?

If we talk about a scarf, then under the coat it can be worn in the form of a turban, in Hollywood or Grandmother's style. In addition to the handkerchief today is also very popular stole. Stole is a knitted or woven product of an elongated shape. It can rather be classified as scarves, rather than scarves. With this kind of accessories you can experiment very successfully. Here are a few ways to tie a stole under your coat:

Technique # 1

Technique # 1
  • We cover the head with a stole.
  • We tie its ends under the chin.
  • Both free ends are thrown over the shoulders back.

Technique # 2

Technique # 2
  • We put a stole on the head.
  • The ends of the tippet are twisted into bundles.
  • With the resulting bundles we tie the head in a circle and fix it under the headscarf or in an elegant knot.

Technique # 3

Technique # 3
  • We cover the head with a stole.
  • The ends of the stole are crossed from the front.
  • One end of the kerchief is folded back, and the second - left in the front.
  • We fix the interlacing of the ends of the stole with a beautiful brooch or hairpin.

How stylish, stylish and beautiful to wear a headscarf with a jacket?

How to wear a headscarf with a jacket?
  • If the weather outside the window allows, then you can use a handkerchief as a bandage on your head.
  • The jacket of the classic cut will be in good harmony with the handkerchief "Hollywood" or "Grandma's".
  • More modern and bold models of jackets( kosuha, park) sometimes look very appropriate with a turban from a scarf.

How beautiful and stylish to tie a handkerchief, a scarf on your head in the summer?

How to wear a headscarf in the summer?


  • Add the matter into one page.
  • We encircle the head with a folded headscarf in the form of a bandage over the hair.
  • Tie the ends of the kerchief on the back of the head to a beautiful knot.
  • Straighten the ends so that they unobtrusively droop.


  • Fold the matter in half so that we get a triangle or incomplete triangle.
  • We cover the head with the handkerchief so that its front edge covers the entire forehead.
  • We cut the ends of the scarf behind the head and tie it in a knot.
  • Straighten the ends of the kerchief.


  • We bandage the fabric in the middle, attracting a look or, on the contrary, an imperceptible rubber band.
  • We have a headscarf on the head so that the elastic band is exactly in the center.
  • Draw the ends of the kerchief on the back of the head over the hair.
  • We tie the ends in a knot and lay them forward on the shoulders.
  • The same option can be used by wrapping the head with a handkerchief under the hair, hiding the knot.


  • Turn the matter into a strip.
  • We wrap the head around the head in such a way that its ends converge on the top of the head.
  • Create a beautiful knot from the ends of the kerchief.


  • Folding matter into the strip.
  • We wrap the head around the head in such a way that its ends converge with the forehead.
  • We twist both ends together once.
  • Return the ends of the scarf to the back of the head and tie it there.

How beautiful to tie a beach shawl over your head?

How nice to tie a beach shawl on your head?



This technique is the simplest and most common. However, with the right approach to the matter, tied in a similar way, the handkerchief can be a perfect complement to the whole image and protection for the head from the sun.

  • Turn the matter into a strip.
  • We wrap the whole head around the fabric and tie its ends to the back of the head.
  • If desired, you can weave a braid from the ends and lay it on your shoulder, or twist them into a tourniquet and flatter them with the perimeter of your head.
  • Also, tied at the back, the ends can be returned to the top and tied in a beautiful bow.

Simplicity and classics

Simplicity and classics
  • Fold matter in half.
  • Cover the whole head with the cloth.
  • We tie the ends of the fabric back to one or more knots.
  • Straighten the ends of the nodes beautifully or hide them inside.

You can also make a turban or half-turban from a beach shawl on your head in various techniques and designs.

How beautiful and fashionable to tie a large Pavlovo-Posad shawl over his head?

Ways to tie the Pavlov Posad shawl on the head

For a long time the Pavloposadsky scarf was one of the symbols of Russia. He was bought as a souvenir and put in a closet in the back box. Only a few years ago this accessory was introduced into the ranks of fashionable elements of clothing. Today, with such a handkerchief, you can supplement or perfect the image, emphasizing your individuality and immediacy.

It is quite easy to wear Pavlovsky shawl. They can cover their head in "Grandma's" or "Hollywood" style. When using Hollywood style, it is desirable to return the ends of the scarf forward and make a knot under the neck of them. Beautifully spreading the ends and fringe of the kerchief, you can get an absolutely unique bow.

How beautiful and fashionable to tie a headscarf on your head in winter?

How beautiful to tie a headscarf in the winter?

For the severe winter period of time, the following options for wearing a shawl are suitable:

  1. Chalma
  2. Hollywood style
  3. Babushkin style

In this case, the most important is the choice of the accessory itself. The winter scarf should be warm and dense to protect its owner from the piercing wind and frost.

How beautiful and fashionable to tie a scarf shawl over your head?

How nice to tie a scarf shawl on your head?

High turban

High turban
  • We tie the hair on the crown in the tail.
  • We cover the head with a scarf / handkerchief from the back of the head, and we print the ends in advance - the head should be completely covered with a handkerchief.
  • Cross the ends of the blade at the top of the forehead.
  • Return the ends back behind the head and do a few turns around the tail hidden behind the kerchief.
  • After making the necessary number of turns, we hide the ends of the kerchief.


  • We cover the head with a scarf.
  • We tie the ends of the scarf on the back of the head to a strong knot.
  • We begin to bandage the head alternately at each end of the scarf in an arbitrary direction.
  • Having thus bandaged the entire head, we hide the small ends of the scarf under the "cap".

How beautiful and fashionable to tie a headscarf on your head?

How beautiful to tie a headscarf on your head?

Obviously, a downy shawl is meant for socks only in the cold season. Such a warm handkerchief can simply be thrown over his head, crossed his ends under his chin and threw them over his shoulders. It is desirable to fix the place of the butt end of the scarf with a beautiful brooch.

You can also cover your head with a downy shawl, fixing it under your chin with a hairpin or a brooch. The ends of the kerchief can be laid out on the chest in free form.

How beautiful and fashionable to tie a mink headscarf on your head?

How nice to tie a mink handkerchief on your head?

As a rule, a mink or other fur scarf has special ties made of cloth or fur. There is no great variety of ways to tie such an accessory. Usually a mink handkerchief is tied with a light knot under the chin or around the neck. Also, the mink shawl can simply be thrown over the head or shoulders.

Hairstyles with headscarf: photo

A scarf can be used not only as a headdress, but also as a decoration for a hairstyle. Here are some photos on which the kerchief performs the function of a string, a rubber band or just an element of decor.

Scythe with
Hair style in Greek style with

shawl What kind of scarf to pick up on the head to a mink coat and how to tie and wear?

Scarf on the head for a mink coat

There are a number of rules that must be adhered to when choosing a shawl for a fur coat:

  1. To a monochrome coloring of a fur coat, handkerchiefs are used, both bright monochrome and multi-colored, variegated.
  2. White and black shawl will be relevant for any style and color of a mink coat.
  3. To two and three-color fur coats is better to choose scarfs monophonic.
  4. If the kerchief is mottled, colorful, then it is desirable that one of the tones of his picture match the color of the fur coat.
  5. Under the mink coat you can wear scarves from almost all types of fabric - silk, knitted, downy, with a margin.
  6. If the shawl has an edge, then its color should be in harmony with the fur of the fur coat.
  7. Pavloposadsky shawl will look very harmonious and relevant this season with a mink coat.

You can tie a head with a kerchief for a mink fur coat in several ways:

  • Hollywood
  • A-la Bab-ul
  • Turban
  • Solaha
  • Dressing

Girls in headscarves: photo

To see firsthand the beauty and originality of a handkerchief as a headdress, we offer youview the simplest, but from this no less attractive, images of girls in kerchiefs.

Fashionable image in retro style
Combination of handkerchief and hats
Summer image of a girl in a headscarf on the head

How to tie a headscarf:

video 12 ways to tie a headscarf: Video

  • May 11, 2018
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