Determination: How to become decisive?

The ability to make correct and necessary decisions is not inherent in all people.

Indecisiveness is laid in us from childhood, everyone who is not lazy.

Mom scolds the child and at the same time does not forget to say: "You see, you were wrong, and I'm always right!".

In the school, teachers drive the axiom into the children's heads, which says only about what smart teachers and what idiots all the students are.

A kind of compassionate neighbor adds fuel to the fire, claiming that you are a terrible, fat, low young man( or lady).

As a result, the child develops an inferiority complex and, as a consequence, indecisiveness.

The child grows up, the complexes may go into the background, but the indecision pursues him throughout his life.

As a result, a young man can not get acquainted with a girl, changes his decision five times a day and does not contradict anyone.

If in this description you have recognized yourself, then it's time for you to ponder the question, how to become a resolute !

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Only after realizing the problem and starting to work on its elimination, you can easily make the right decisions, move to another city, find work for the soul and even become president.

Causes of indecisiveness or how to become decisive

Having realized your indecision, first of all you should analyze its primary sources.

Causes of indecision can be:

  • fear,
  • lack of belief in success,
  • misunderstanding of the final result.

For example, your indecisiveness may be caused by the fear of being rejected when you meet a girl, when you are hiring or when applying for a contest.

You can also be indecisive just because you lost faith in success.

This is usually because many relatives or friends begin to escalate the situation and tell you about the failure of the event.

If you are indecisive, because you do not understand the final result, then you simply simply chose the wrong or not your goal.

How to become more determined - go ahead with the song!

Having talked about the primary sources of indecisiveness and understanding the real reason, it's time to begin to struggle with yourself and develop determination.

So, let's go!

Tip 1. Imagine what you will lose without making the intended

Unequivocally in your life there were moments when you did not dare to do something.

Do not repeat the mistakes of the past!

If you can not decide on something, imagine the consequences of the decision, feel the taste of the successful outcome of the case. Then think about the situation, as if you abandoned the plan.

Feel the bitterness of loss and the luck escaping from your field of vision.

And now pull yourself together and do what you've planned!

Tip 2. Set a specific goal and become a strong

Without a specific goal setting, you are unlikely to ever get results.

Therefore, at this stage, think carefully about what you really want to achieve?

By the way, your goal should be cherished and sound like "I can do everything!"

If you just think and think, why not - it will not work!

You must passionately want something with all your heart and piously believe in the success of the event.

For example, when I was 17, I suddenly decided that I wanted to become an interpreter.

At that time, I did not know any language, because it was not taught in our school.

Yes, I was dissuaded.

It was said that foreign languages ​​must be taught from childhood, and that I will not go to a language institute.

And if I do, I'll cure after the first semester.

However, I was not only enrolled, but even at the end of my studies I was able to become one of the best female students.

Although those who studied languages ​​from kindergarten also studied there.

Therefore, remember that the main thing in the way of becoming more determined is a holy belief in your success.

If everyone doubts, stop sharing your plans for the future with them.

Tip 3. One hundred percent faith in the success of

And although this tip partly repeats the previous one, it will not be superfluous to repeat it.

Know that if you do not believe in the success of your event, then you will never become an resolute .

Why? Yes, everything is simple!

You gathered, for example, want to start your own business, but before that you will think long over the premises, then over suppliers, then over equipment, etc.

As a result, you will rush, change your decisions every half hour and so you will not open anything.

Tip 4. Cast off fear and become decisive

Remember - fear will always pull you back.

However, if I ask you just to stop being afraid, you, of course, will not listen.

Therefore, at this stage, learn to fight your fear and look into his eyes.

Or you can use your fear for yourself.

I recommend watching a very powerful video about

how important it is to make serious decisions in our life:

Tip 5. Take the first step

Have you noticed how easy it is to do something if it is already started?

But how difficult it was to start this business!

Knowing this simple truth, use it constantly.

Even if you are afraid or shy, tell yourself that it's scary only at first and safely take the first step.

For example, recently I wanted to attend a test session of bakers.

Just for the sake of curiosity.

I confess that I was wildly scared, and in my head thoughts swirled that I would look like a fool in these courses.

What in the end?

I still decided on the first step and got a useful experience in baking bread.

So do not be afraid and know: wolves are afraid - do not go to the forest.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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