Cannes flowers: cultivation and care in the garden with tubers and seeds. How to buy cannabis seeds on Aliexpress: catholic, price, photo

Cannes can become a real adornment of your garden. These bright, original and very beautiful flowers will attract attention at first sight. According to legend, these flowers grew on the site of the fire, in which the Indian leader burned the "peace pipe" and proclaimed, therefore, the beginning of the war. Bright red canes symbolized the fire of a bonfire. And they got their name from the word "tube" in Latin.


  • Cannes flowers: varieties, titles, photos
  • How to buy flower seeds of canna on Alyexpress: catholic, price, photo
  • Reproduction of canna flowers by seeds and tubers
  • When to plant tubers and seedlings of canna flowers in the spring?
  • When to plant the seeds of canna flowers on seedlings in the spring?
  • Caring for flowers with cannes, what they like canes?
  • Excavation of tuba flower tuba and storage in winter
  • Combination of canna flowers in a flower bed with other colors
  • Video. Cannes. Landing. Digging. Storage

These unique flowers grow all over the world. There are especially many cannes in India, China, South and Central America. Florists value these flowers not only for their bright inflorescences, but also for the decorative color of the leaves. In your garden you can land cannes with dark purple, purple, dark green and red-bronze shades of leaves.

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Cannes flowers: varieties, names, photos

This plant has a rich variety variety. Today there are over 1000 varieties of cannabis. They differ from each other in the color of the inflorescence, the shade of the leaves, the size of the flowers and the height of the plant. Russian florists use several groups of cannes in their gardens:

  • Crozi .Cannes, which in their appearance are similar to gladioli. They have blue inflorescences and leaves with a purple hue. In the height of the canna Crozi reach 1.5 meters. Popular varieties "America" ​​, "President" and "Livadia" .
  • Large Cannons .This group includes flowers that can reach a height of up to three meters. They have large leaves with a greenish-violet hue. Inflorescences of these canna, as a rule, have small sizes. The most famous variety is "Durban" .
  • Orchid cannons .The name of this group is given for the similarity with orchids. They can reach a height of 2 meters. Leaves can have a green or purple hue. Popular varieties "Richard Wallace" , "Suevia" and "Pfitzer" .
Richard Wallace
  • Italian Cannons .The most popular kind of these flowers is from domestic florists. They have small and even miniature dimensions. The height is from 50 cm to 1 m. Inflorescences in Italian cannens are large. Thanks to this, as well as a very bright color, they have a very attractive appearance.
Italian Cannon

Water Cannons .A type of flowers that was bred by breeders to decorate reservoirs. Inflorescences differ bright color. The varieties of aquatic cannon were derived from the cane with .

Water cannon

For home floriculture the hybrids of this flower are suitable: "Lenape" and "Constitution" .Also today, the variegated cannon is becoming popular. The main representative of these is the grade "Tropicana" .This plant has a very unusual color of leaves with orange and red veins. Can be used both in container gardening and planted in open ground. This type of cannabis is ideally combined with water lilies and other aquatic plants.


For those florists who are only familiar with cannes, it is best to pay attention to such unpretentious varieties as "President" or "WAEING" .Among the most beautiful varieties of cannabis is the "Bengal Tiger" and "Pretoria" .

Bengal tiger

How to buy flower seeds of cannon on Alyexpress: katalog, price, photo

Seeds of canna can also be bought on Aliexpress. If you have not made a purchase on this site, then read our article on how to do it. Or use the memo of this Chinese Internet market.

The cannon catalog is located at this link. In the store Seed Story you can buy seeds of a very beautiful red canna. This is not a very high flowering plant to decorate even the smallest infield.

Red cannon

If you are looking for seeds of yellow Indian canna, then pay attention to the offer of the Treasuremountain Garden Store. This cane Saka Siri with motley petals is sure to attract the attention of visitors to your garden.

Motley cannon

You can also decorate the garden with this scarlet canna. Its main difference is an interesting violet shade of leaves.

And for home floriculture, you can choose this white cane. It can also be used for container garden gardening.

White cannon

Reproduction of canna flowers by seeds and tubers

  • Cannes is propagated in two ways: by seeds and by dividing rhizomes. Most often, a second method is used for this purpose. Since reproduction by seeds does not always allow the plant to grow with varietal traits.
  • Seeds of canna are very hard shell. Therefore, before planting the seeds, they must be made available for germination. For this, seeds are poured with boiling water and kept in hot water for four hours. You can also simply pour the seeds in a saucer and put on a battery. In this form, they need to stand for 12 hours.
  • A good effect can be achieved if you hold the cane seeds in the freezer for 1.5 hours.
  • Then plant the seedlings of these flowers in the traditional way.
  • If you decide to get a beautiful flowering plant in the first season, it is best to propagate cana by dividing the rhizome. This is done in March. To do this, a healthy tuber of this plant should be divided into two parts. In each of these parts there must be one strong kidney or several weak ones.
  • Place the cut into charcoal and dry before placing in the substrate.
  • Root delenki with the help of wet sand. For this, it is poured into boxes and watered abundantly. Half of the tubers are placed so that the kidney is in the up position. Then they are sprinkled with sand and left in a room at a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees.
  • Periodically, the sand in the boxes must be moistened with an atomizer. In this case, water should only be used at room temperature. To accelerate the sprouting of the shoot from the halves of the tuber, you can use the bottom heated boxes.
  • When the leaves appear 2-3 leaves, they need to be planted in separate pots and transferred to a room with a temperature of 16 degrees.
  • To prevent the development of diseases, canna should be sprayed with a light solution of potassium permanganate 2-3 times a month before planting in open ground.

When to plant tubers and seedlings in the spring?

Plant cannons, multiplied in this way, in mid-May. In this case, a month before planting flowers you need to prepare the soil. For this, humus, phosphoric and nitrogen fertilizers are applied to the planting sites of this flower.

Plant seedlings in deep holes( 0.5 meters).Between which should be about 60 cm. In each well, 1 cm of manure should be added. Which should be sprinkled with earth from above( 25 cm).The rhizome of canna deepens into the ground to a depth of 7 cm.

tubers of canna

When to plant the seeds of canna flowers on seedlings in the spring?

Seeds of these flowers are planted in seedlings at the end of February. For this, a light substrate is prepared and the seed containers are placed in a shaded location at a temperature of 23 degrees. With proper seeding of seedling seedlings can be achieved after 25-27 days.

When the seedlings have 4 real leaves, seedlings need to be placed in separate pots and placed in a place where the temperature does not rise above 16 degrees. So future flowers can begin to prepare for the open ground.

With this method of planting canna, some flowers can form beautiful and bright inflorescences already this year. But, most often, flowering occurs only the next year.

Caring for flowers with cannes that love canes?

  • Cannes are perennials that can not survive the Russian winter while in the ground. Therefore, it is important to dig them out for the winter and leave them in a comfortable place for this plant. In all other respects, cannes are not exacting and care of them is not very complicated.
  • If you want your flowers to blossom magnificently, then be sure to pay attention to watering this plant. The ground beneath them should always be somewhat moist. Of course, it is not necessary to arrange a swamp here. This can lead to decay of the tuber. In order that moisture does not evaporate, it is necessary to mulch the soil around the canna.
  • As well as high humidity, cannam is extremely necessary for oxygen. To saturate the soil, flowers must be periodically weeded and loosened around the ground.
  • This plant needs to be fed two to three times per season. Gangnam requires phosphorus fertilizers. Feeding on the basis of nitrogen fertilizers can be made less. These flowers are responsive to foliar top dressing. Mineral fertilizers can be made by spraying the leaves with a solution of complex fertilizers, which are sold at any gardening store.
  • If you are not a fan of "chemistry", then replace the store fertilizer with chicken litter or slurry. But, at the same time you need to understand that you can not completely replace balanced mineral fertilizers, which are specially designed for flowering plants. As already mentioned above, cannamas need mainly phosphorus, while the remaining minerals can be "taken" by these plants even from the poorest soil.
  • Cannes are resistant to most plant diseases and therefore, are rarely infested. A big danger to this plant is the rotting of the roots due to excessive watering. High humidity can lead to damage to the buds of this flower. The situation can be rectified only by removing and burning the affected flowers.
  • Sometimes the leaves of this plant can be infected with rust fungus. At the same time they are covered with spots, characteristic color. To get rid of this problem, you can spray the leaves with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • If on the buds of canes appear black dots, then this signals a defeat by a variegated virus. There is no cure for this disease. Affected parts of the plant should be removed and burned.
  • If cannes attacked caterpillars, flowers should be sprayed with special insecticides.

Digging out tubers of canna flowers and storing in winter

With the approach of autumn, watering canna must be gradually reduced. Before you start the first frost in your region, you need to bury the flowers. This is done in order to protect the root neck from frost. The frozen root neck can not survive the winter.

Then you need to cut off the cane leaves, and dig out the bushes. Try to dig out the canoes with a big clod of earth. So you can minimize damage to the roots. When it dries up the earth, you can gently shake off the rhizome. Examine the roots and remove the fragile and rotten ones.

tubers canna

Ready-to-store rhizomes must be placed in boxes and covered with large sawdust or dry sand.

IMPORTANT: You can store cannes in a flower pot. For this, when digging out flowers from a coma, do not shake the ground, but place it in a capacious pot or container.

Store cannon tubers in winter in a room with a temperature of 7-10 degrees. In this case, the room should be dry and well ventilated. If you have good ventilation in the basement, then you can store rhizomes canniba. Also for this purpose the balcony is suitable. With the condition that it is insulated.

In order to avoid drying out the roots, they should be periodically moistened. Also periodically it is necessary to examine the roots for damage to rot or other problems.

If the tubers are stored in the country, where you rarely visit in winter, you need to protect them from rodents. They, in the absence of other foods, can satisfy their hunger with cane tubers.

The combination of canna flowers in a flower bed with other colors

Cannes look great both in group compositions and in the form of solitary plants. In the flower garden these flowers blend well with the kohie, perilla and petunia. In order to enhance the effect of this flower, it can be planted next to the stunted flowering plants: the oxen, marigolds and cineraria. The ideal location of cannes in the flowerbed is its center.

For cultivating in containers, the varieties of the low Indian Indian canna are ideal. With vertical planting in suspended flowerpots, it is possible to combine small cannae with ornamental foliage or climbing plants.

Cannes are very beautiful plants that will become a real godsend for your garden. They are suitable for most landscape compositions. And thanks to the great varietal variety, you can combine these flowers with almost all popular plants that are well-behaved in our climate.

Video. Cannes. Landing. Digging. Storage

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