Dracaena or indoor palm tree - the original decoration of any room, which does not require special care.
- How to propagate the dracaena Marginata fringed at home in a step by step: photo
- How to propagate Dermatom Derma in the home in a step by step: photo
- How to propagate the fragrant dracula at home step by step: photo
- How to propagate Dracena Sander at home step by step:photo
- Video: Formation of a composition from Dracena Sander
- How correctly to multiply dracen Lemon Lime at home step by step: photo
- Reproduction of dracaena topshanks, cuttings at home: photo video
- Video: House plant Dracaena propagation by apical cuttings at home
- Reproduction of dracaena by seeds at home: photo
- Reproduction of dracaena by airlaps at home: photo
- Reproduction of dracaena by stem cuttings at home: photo
- Indoor flower dracene - transplant, watering, fertilization and aftercare
- Video: Dracaena - home care / how to revive the dracaena
To make the plant happyyou as long as possible, you need to know not only the basic rules of care, but also to understand the multiplication of plants. Some indoor flowers perfectly reproduce themselves with roots, some leaf plates. And from some to achieve offspring is quite difficult.
Dracaena, or in common folk, a palm tree, reproduces in simple ways, among which are cuttings by the apexes and stems, seeds, air layers. However, the incorrectly chosen method of reproduction can damage the plant and not bring the desired result.
We recommend that you familiarize yourself with this article for those who want to grow Drazena at home in all the rules.
How correctly to multiply the dracene Marginata with a step-by-step in the home: photo
Dracena Marginata edged has its name due to the special coloring of the leaves: long leaves of dark green color with a narrow red strip along the edges that seems to border the leaf. Looks "house palm" is impressive and in height can reach 1.5 meters and above. In care is unpretentious: likes copious watering, does not like stagnant moisture, dry air and small pots. Perfectly takes root in offices, apartments, houses with good diffuse lighting and humidity above 65%.Likes frequent spraying and bathing.
Now let's talk directly about the reproduction of the plant. Dracaena Marginata fringed perfectly reproduces by cuttings( apical and cauline).Step-by-step description of the propagation of dracaena:
- Cut the top of the plant with a sharp knife, or a piece of the stem.
- For one or two days, dry the cut by wrapping the stalk in a paper towel or gauze. Then treat with a remedy that stimulates rooting.
- Put in cleaned and dehydrated water for a month. During this time, the plant will give roots and it can be transplanted into the ground.
- You can skip the third item and immediately plant the shank in the prepared soil, pre-processing the cut with a composition that stimulates root formation.
This simple algorithm will help you in the reproduction of the Drazen of Marginath.
sprayer. You can see a visual demonstration of the reproduction of the home palm tree on the next photo. Sometimes it is still recommended to wrap the cuttings with a plastic bag until they become fully rooted, leaving room for leaf growth.
How to propagate the Dermen at home in a step-by-step manner: photo
Another room beauty - Dracena Derekmaya. The plant has wide, and long( up to 50 cm) green leaves with white and yellow stripes. It blooms in red flowers, but flowering occurs very rarely in the conditions of the premises. Perhaps this is a plus, because these flowers smell are not very pleasant. Growing not so high tree as the Drazen Marginata, nevertheless it looks no less presentable from this.
Reproduction occurs in several ways:
- with
- air cuttings with apical cuttings
- with stem cuttings
. We will discuss in more detail the method of propagation by air layers in the article. Separate leaves, unfortunately, the plant does not reproduce. This is the lot of most succulents and violets. To the plant gave roots, it is necessary for him to have at least 5 cm of stem, and ideally 10-15.Then the plant will definitely get accustomed.
Important! If you have purchased a dracene of any kind in the store, be sure to first transplant it into a more spacious pot. So the plant will grow and you can wait until the age when the flower can be propagated by cuttings.
How to propagate the fragrant dessicate at home in a step by step: photo
If Dracaena Derek is not the most pleasant scent at flowering time, flower lovers will comein delight from the smell of the fragrant dracena flowers. Little flowers open in the evening and blossom until the morning, filling everything around him with a dizzying scent.
Caution! Since the flower belongs to the strong-smelling, it is not recommended to place it in the bedrooms. Also, people with allergies to flowering plants should be extremely cautious with dracenia fragrant.
This species of dracen breeds in the same way as the rest. On the cutting site of the cuttings, several daughter shoots usually grow for several months. Thus, with regular pruning, you can get a plant with developed foliage.
In a small dracaena, the fragrant trunk does not rustle, but remains completely covered with leaves for some time. Only in a few years you can see a kind of bark in those places where leaflets used to grow.
For a couple of decades the plant can grow to impressive sizes.
How to propagate Dracena Sander at home step by step: photo
Unlike previous varieties of Drazen, dracaena Sandera is more like bamboo than a palm tree. This plant reproduces a little differently, although some methods can be applied to it.
Dracena Sander is also called bamboo happiness. It looks like this: a long bamboo stem with bright green leaves of medium size on top.
The flower is used as decoration of the premises. Experienced gardeners make from this plant whole exposures, "twisting" the plant, as they need. It does not harm the stalk, because the bamboo is plastic enough and durable. Such a plant will certainly attract the attention of guests.
are made with it. The ways of reproduction of Sandra dracaena:
- by cutting shoots
- by dividing the stem of
- by rooting in several places of stalk
For rooting, cutting( dividing the stem)Do not:
- Trim the shoot or part of the stem.
- Top with molten warm wax from the candle.
- Put the bottom in the water and wait 2-4 weeks. The plant will give roots.
- Wait until the root system develops well enough and transplanted into the pot with the ground.
To propagate the plant by rooting in two places, it is necessary to perform the following algorithm:
- Cut a piece of bamboo stalk from the top and bottom with a sharp knife so that you get a stick about 10 cm long( without leaves).
- Process half the cut on each side with warm wax.
- Unwrought waxed part should be placed in a horizontal position in a plate with clean water. The water should be no more than 1-2 cm. Just enough so that the stem was covered only half.
- Wait for the appearance of roots and good shoots and root the plant.
Important! In the water for Dracena Sander you need to add fertilizer for the growth of bamboo. Without this, the risk of death of the flower is great.
We recommend to watch a very interesting video how to make the whole composition from Drazen Sander.
Video: Forming a composition from dratzen Sander
How to propagate dracene Lemon Lime at home step by step: photo
Bright and spectacular plant - dracaena Lemon( Lemon) Lime. On the windowsills with scattered light, kitchen tables and transparent coffee tables looks especially appropriate.
Lemon Lime is originally a small bush with a lot of bright green leaves with thick yellow and white stripes. After a few years, the plant usually stretches out strongly, bares the stem. At this stage, you can think about how to multiply this type of dracaena.
Reproduction methods of dracen Lemon Lime:
- cuttings
- tops
There are no special features in this case, just do as described in the article. For propagation cuttings, it is recommended to take a stem about 20-30 cm in size. So, the plant will just take root in a new place.
Tips for breeding Lemon Lime Lemon:
- use growth stimulators
- During rooting, the plant is placed in a container in water and large sand on the bottom( at least 4-5 cm). After rooting,
- is placed in the groundsand and peat 1: 1)
- it is the large cuttings that give roots, so do not be afraid to cut the plant
Propagation by the tops, cuttings at home: photo video
Propagation by the tops, like ushave found out, one of the simplest ways of reproduction of dracaena in principle. Correctly cut off apex gives roots fast enough and good after that roots in the ground. If the stem stem can still rot in consequence and do not give an appendage, then the apical stem almost always takes root.
Conditions required for rooting:
- smooth cut with sharp knife
- clean water
- presence of growth stimulator in water depending on the kind of flower
- diffuse light
- air humidity 65%
Rooting algorithm:
- Cut off the tipstem length of 10 cm.
- Process the cut root part of the root-forming composition.
- Put the plant in water for a few weeks.periodically changing it.
- Wait until the roots appear and root into the ground.
- Then, if necessary, transplant into a permanent pot.
Video: House plant Dracaena reproduction by apical cuttings at home
Propagation of dracaena seeds at home: photo
It is quite possible to grow dracaena from seeds. But you can face some difficulties, for example:
- Dracaena seeds rarely appear in stores, most likely you will have to order them.
- Dracaena seeds germinate unevenly.
- Germination can take up to six months. The sprouts are gaining strength very slowly.
- Not all seeds are likely to germinate.
Step-by-step cultivation of dracaena seeds:
- Wash the seeds if you did not take them in the store, but in an adult plant. If you have purchased seeds, then immediately go to the second stage.
- In a flat plate, pour a little water, put the seeds in there and cover with a cloth of natural materials. Put the plate in a warm dark place. You can put about the battery, but do not forget to pour water.
- Sprouted seeds are planted one by one in plastic cups with drainage and dracen substrate to a depth of 1 cm. Sprinkle with earth and spray from the spray with water.
- Cover with a film or transparent lid and leave to germinate in a warm place( not on the battery).Regularly ventilate the "greenhouse" and spray with filtered water.
- When the sprouts reach a height of several centimeters, remove the "greenhouse" and leave the plants in a warm bright place to gain strength.
Propagation of the dracaena by air layers in the home: photo
One of the most reliable methods of reproduction is the reproduction by means of special air wires. Plants, rooted in this way, take root in almost 100% of cases. However, this method is recommended to be used only by experienced florists.
Propagation by layers( air) in stages:
- First it is necessary to soak sphagnum( moss, sold in flower shops) for a couple of hours.
- Select the place where the slice will be. Under the leaf node, make a sharp incision with a knife and insert a stick or match upright there, so that the place does not overgrow. The incision should be no longer than 4 cm. The depth is about 0.5 cm.
- The incision should be soaked with a cotton disc treated with growth hormone.
- Now take the moss and wrap the trunk in place of the incision.
- And moss in turn wrap in a bag or film.
- Block access to fresh air, create a hothouse by wrapping the barrel above and below the moss thread.
- Periodically check the moss, it must be wet. Do not forget to spray it.
- After a couple of months, cut off the process, which is formed next to the notch and root it.
- Cut on a mature plant with wax.
Propagation of dracaena with stem cuttings at home: photo
This method has been described more than once in the article, but we will focus on it last time.
- Cut the shank length about 10 cm. Most often cuttings can be taken after cutting the dracaena, or after removing the tops.
- The upper section is waxed. Lower - a growth hormone for the roots.
- Put in a container of water. If it's Dracena Sandera, then with water and sand.
- We are waiting for the appearance of good roots( about a month) and rooted in the ground.
- After a few weeks, when the roots are strong, you can transplant into a permanent pot.
Indoor flower dracene - transplant, watering, fertilization and care after breeding
Dracaena is quite unpretentious. Does not require constant attention, expressed in constant feeding or frequent transplants. Replant the plant once a year, if it is young. Adult and old plants are transplanted as the roots grow every 2-3 years. Watering is moderate. Dracaens do not like raw soil and stagnant moisture in the pan. The soil must be wet. However, some species of Drazen love water and can grow in it. For example, Dracena Sander.
Fertilize should be a special fertilizer for dracen, or for bamboo. Watching what kind of plant you chose. In any case, the fertilizer should contain the following substances:
- nitrogen
- copper
- potassium
- calcium
- magnesium
- sulfur
- phosphorus
- boron
The list can be supplemented with other useful elements.
The optimal option is a fertilizer application schedule:
- in the spring-summer period once a month
- in the autumn-winter period once a season
After breeding, the care is standard.