Lamblias. Treatment of lambliasis folk remedies

Giardiasis is a parasitic disease that can be cured by folk remedies. What exactly - later in the article.


  • What is giardiasis?
  • How to recognize Giardiasis
  • Treatment of Giardiasis
  • VIDEO: Lamblias and Giardiasis - Dr. Komarovsky's School
  • Diet for Giardiasis
  • Is it possible to cure giardiasis with folk methods?
  • Treatment of lambliasis with garlic
  • Giardiasis - treatment with birch juice
  • Treatment of lambliosis with honey
  • Treatment of lambliasis with oats
  • How to treat lambiosis with tansy?
  • Treatment of Giardiasis with Pumpkin Seeds
  • How to cure lambliasis horseradish?
  • How to cure giardiasis with folk remedies: advice and feedback
  • Benefit and harm of folk treatment of giardiasis
  • VIDEO: How to cure lamblia at home quickly? Treatment of Giardiasis and Opisthorchiasis with Biomedis M

Giardiasis is a serious disease, which is not easy to treat. To remove parasites, it will take a long time to take a large number of medicines. But I can help and folk remedies: garlic, tansy, birch sap, others. Doctors - parasitologists recommend using them in parallel with traditional treatment.

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What is giardiasis?

  • Giardiasis is a parasitic lesion of the intestines of the simplest species of Lamblia intestialis. First the vegetative forms of this species parasitize in the small intestine, then descend into the large intestine and there form the cyst form
  • . The cysts subsequently separate from the faeces and enter the external environment. In the external environment, cysts persist for a long time, especially in the aquatic environment. There they can stay up to 2 months, so it is important for people to know about this their peculiarities and to try not to get water from the reservoir inside the body.
  • Giardia are kept in wet feces( up to 20 days) and on food( up to 2 days).They also multiply in the gallbladder, so they prescribe cholagogue preparations for treatment. Defeat them in the external environment is also quite difficult, even in bleach lime
  • In general, it should be said that giardiasis is a disease of dirty hands. Considering the fact that children do not yet have a habit of washing their hands often, the ubiquity of children, we will note that most often lambliasis is exposed to children
Lamblias are parasites that are very common in people

Physiologically giardiasis develops in conditions of low aciditygastric juice, impaired absorption of fats and carbohydrates. The disease begins if the body is about 10 000 lamblia.

Giardiasis leads to deterioration in digestion, weight loss of the child, lack of appetite, stratification of bacterial infection, deterioration of the skin, various dermatitis, etc.

How to recognize lambliasis

The disease has such symptoms:

  • deterioration of appetite
  • appearance of a liquid, with an unpleasant odorfeces
  • pain in the epigastric region
  • bloating
  • burp
  • sometimes - nausea, vomiting

The incubation period of the disease is 10 to 20 days.

Giardiasis infection is very often due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules

IMPORTANT: Symptoms of acute infection with Giardia can be involuntarily disappeared after a while, but if left untreated, it only means that the disease has acquired the chronic form

During the chronic course of the diseasesymptoms can periodically reappear. To them can be added allergic reactions.

Treatment of Giardiasis

Treatment is complex, step by step and versatile. It should be appointed by a gastroenterologist or infectious disease doctor.

Children can catch a lambliasis from pets. To treat this disease is very difficult

At the beginning of treatment, a preparatory stage is underway, the meaning of which is to correct the internal environment of the organism, negative for parasites. For this:

  • use drugs that improve the fermentation of the intestine
  • adhere to a diet that limits the maximum intake of carbohydrates and increases the intake of foods rich in fiber
  • takes choleretic preparations
  • takes antihistamines and enterosorbents. In the second stage of treatment, doctors prescribe antiparasitic therapy with an ongoing course of antihistamines and enterosorbents. During the next stage, the basis of treatment remains a diet to which prVitamins and adaptogenes. All treatments are long enough and can last for several months.

VIDEO: Lamblias and giardiasis - Dr. Komarovsky's school

Diet for giardiasis

Such a diet presupposes the exclusion from the diet of hydrocarbon-containing foods, the addition of acidic foods in the diet. Necessary will be those foods that improve intestinal motility. These include cereals, vegetables and fruits and mashed potatoes from them, lactic acid products. Diet is the first treatment from lamblia with folk remedies.

Is it possible to cure giardiasis with folk methods?

Giardiasis has been around for a long time, and in the absence of a developed drug treatment scheme, the disease was treated with folk remedies.

Even today, with the existence of strong and active antiparasitic drugs, treatment with folk remedies continues to prove its effectiveness. What are the most effective methods of treatment you can apply?

Treatment of giardiasis with garlic

Quite effective, but very specific method of treatment against lamblia, which is hardly suitable for treating children.

Garlic - a natural remedy for parasites with proven effectiveness

For 1 liter of vodka or alcohol solution, 300 g of crushed garlic is needed. Infusion is done within 10 days in a warm place. Use this tool should be 2 times a day after eating 20 ml( tablespoon).
If you decide to give alcohol tincture on garlic to children, then it must be diluted additionally with milk.
You can cook garlic clove in conjunction with horseradish. Take grated horseradish and garlic in equal parts in the amount of a quarter of a glass, pour 0, 5 liters of vodka and insist also 10 days. Take like an infusion of garlic.

Giardiasis - treatment with birch juice

This treatment is suitable for adults and children. Birch juice is combined with the dried flowers of marigold and cook for about ten minutes. At 3 liters of birch juice will need 50 g of calendula flowers.

When cooking, do not remove the lid from the pan. Leave the brew to cool on the bath( wrapped in a blanket), after cooling, drain and take 1/4 of the glass to the children and 1/2 of the adults three times a day. The broth is stored in the refrigerator.

Birch juice cleans the liver and treats lamblobus.

Treatment of lambliosis honey

This honey is combined with the leaves of the plantain, twisted in the meat grinder in an equal volume. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator and take a tablespoon before meals three times a day. The course of treatment will last one month. It is desirable to collect plantain leaves during the flowering period of the plant.

IMPORTANT: This folk method should be used with caution, since many people are allergic to bee products

Honey with plantain treat lamblia

Treatment of lambliasis with oats

  • It will take oat straw, which is poured with boiling water and insist on a water bath without boiling for two hours. Then squeeze the straw, and decoct the decoction.
  • A strained broth is drunk a glass as much as once a day.
    Another option for treating giardiasis with oats is oatmeal. To do this, one tablespoon of oatmeal is boiled with boiling water( one and a half cups) in a thermos for the night. In the morning, the resulting broth is drunk on an empty stomach
  • . Then they are placed in a warm bed on the right side, placing a warm water bottle under the stomach. Lying in this position should be at least an hour. The procedure of tjubazh with oats is repeated two weeks daily

How to treat lambiosis with tansy?

This recipe is suitable for adults only. You will need dried tansy or wormwood. The mixture is poured with boiling water and insists for half an hour. Received infusion take three times a day before meals.

Tansy is an effective remedy for Giardiasis, but it can be treated only by adults.

Treatment of giardiasis with pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are an effective and tasty way to combat lamblia in both adults and children.
Seeds can be simply consumed in an unprocessed form, preferably on an empty stomach.
You can strain the seeds and dilute the resulting gruel with honey in the same ratio. Take the medication you need on an empty stomach, plus a couple of times a day on a tablespoon of adults and a teaspoon to children. Again, it is necessary to consider the presence / absence of allergies to honey in humans.

Pumpkin seeds - folk remedy for parasites № 1

How to cure giardiasis horseradish?

We have already written about the treatment of giardiasis with horseradish and garlic.
In addition, the grated horseradish can be pre-infested with boiled water for 3 hours. After this, add the honey to the received infusion and take it before each meal. Dosage: adults - one tablespoon, children - a teaspoonful of the mixture.

How to cure a lambliasis folk remedies: advice and feedback

  • In addition to these, there are other folk remedies for treating Giardiasis. Many of them are based on the fact that the body needs to create a cholagogic effect.
  • . For this purpose, you can purchase any mixture of cholagogue grasses in the pharmacy, brew it, according to the instructions, and accordingly apply a similar mixture of herbs can be collected by yourself. For example, you need peppermint, calendula, chamomile, yarrow, wormwood, tansy, fennel
  • Tubages are an effective remedy for Giardiasis. This procedure allows you to disperse bile. It is done in the morning on an empty stomach in the presence of sufficient free time

It is necessary: ​​

  • to drink warm mineral water( no less, better - more glass)
  • to drink several table spoons of vegetable oil, preferably olive
  • to lie under the blanket on the right side
  • put under the right sidewarm heater
  • stay under the blanket one and a half - two hours
  • only after that you can have breakfast

Benefit and harm of folk treatment of giardiasis

  • In current conditions with effective medicationfunds, it is better to treat giardiasis such means.
  • At the same time it is necessary to follow a diet and not forget about the consistency of the stages of treatment.
  • However, folk remedies are also good to rid people of parasites. Some recipes for such a remedy have been described. It is important to know and remember that:
  • used drugs can be infused with vodka or alcohol, which is unacceptable for children
  • to many of their means added honey, and it can be an allergic to some people
  • herbs themselves andcomponents that drive Giardia from the body, can be poisonous, for example, wormwood or tansy
  • you need to be careful and do tjubazhi only after examination with a doctor

If you have gallstones there are concrements, then when you create a gallits effect, the running stones can clog the bile ducts, which will lead to very undesirable consequences.

In any case, all treatment of Giardiasis should be done only after consulting a doctor and a complete examination of the body.

VIDEO: How to quickly cure lamblia at home? Treatment of Giardiasis and Opisthorchiasis with Biomedis M

  • May 11, 2018
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