What is an autoimmune thyroiditis of the thyroid gland and how is it treated?

Thyroiditis is a disease of the thyroid gland, which is accompanied by an inflammatory process. The disease can have different forms of flow with various symptoms. The correctness of the diagnosis is dependent on the effectiveness of the patient's treatment.

  • disease forms
  • reasons
  • Acute thyroiditis
  • Subacute thyroiditis
  • Thyroiditis
  • Signs
  • Acute thyroiditis
  • Subacute thyroiditis
  • Thyroiditis
  • How dangerous
  • Treatment
  • Diet
  • Treatment folk remedies
  • Prevention

disease forms

Every form of thyroiditis is an originalpathomorphological picture with changes in thyroid follicles:

  • Subacute thyroid thyroiditis occurs in 3 cellsnical forms of pneumocystis, granulomatous and lymphocytic.
  • Acute thyroiditis can spread to one part of the body( focal shape) and to the entire surface( diffuse form).
  • The chronic form of thyroiditis is represented by Ribel's fibro-invasive goitre, autoimmune Hashimoto thyroiditis and specific diseases of syphilitic / tuberculous etiology.
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The following forms of autoimmune thyroiditis are distinguished:

  • Atrophic, in which the thyroid gland does not increase, and in some cases even decreases.
  • Hypertrophic - accompanied by an increase in goiter. In this case, the thyroid gland can be uniformly increased throughout the entire volume or due to the formation of nodes( nodular thyroiditis).
  • Latent - manifested by an increase in the thyroid gland without disrupting its functionality.
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Causes of

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Acute thyroiditis

Thyroiditis of the thyroid gland in the acute stage of the purulent form arises because of hematogenous growth of the infectious process. It is provoked by some diseases, for example, tonsillitis and pneumonia.

Non-invasive form can cause injuries, hemorrhages in the thyroid gland, as well as radiation therapy. This form of thyroiditis develops for approximately 2 months and, if untimely or incorrectly treated, can lead to death.

In the thyroid gland with acute purulent thyroiditis, a condensation is formed first, which eventually becomes an abscess. The hormonal background of the patient is broken, but there are also cases when it remains normal, for example, with the defeat of a small part of the gland.

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Subacute thyroiditis

The main cause of subacute thyroiditis is a viral infection, but no specific causative agent for this disease has been identified. The disease can be triggered by influenza viruses, mumps, measles. In addition, the causes of subacute thyroiditis may be chronic infection in the rotonosa cavity and hereditary predisposition.

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Chronic thyroiditis

In medical practice, autoimmune thyroiditis of the thyroid gland occurs most often. There are 3 groups of factors of the appearance of the disease: internal, external and pathologies, in which thyroiditis is a secondary disease.

Internal causes of autoimmune thyroiditis include heredity, disorders of the endocrine and immune balance in adolescents at puberty, during pregnancy, after childbirth, and also with natural aging of the body.

External reasons include:

  • Poor ecology, which adversely affects the human immune system and leads to the development of autoimmune thyroiditis.
  • The use of chemical and toxic substances in agriculture, which adversely affects the quality of food.
  • Effects of microdoses of radiation.
  • Prolonged intake of large amounts of iodine.
  • The presence of bacterial and viral infection.

The autoimmune form of thyroiditis of the thyroid can become a secondary disease in endemic goiter, Based's disease, adenoma and thyroid cancer.

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Characteristics of

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Acute thyroiditis

Symptoms of acute form:

  • Increase body temperature up to 400C.
  • Strong intoxication of the body, which manifests itself with muscle pain, general weakness and headache.
  • Chills.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Severe pain near the thyroid gland, which are deposited in the jaw, ears, nape and tongue. Particularly noticeable pain when coughing or swallowing.

When palpation of the thyroid gland, its local increase is noted. In the initial stage the organ is felt as a dense formation, but later it becomes softer because of the development of the abscess. In addition, the patient is enlarged and / or painful lymph nodes on the neck.

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Acute non-parenteral thyroiditis manifests itself in the form of aseptic inflammation. Symptoms of the disease are similar to a purulent form, but less expressed.

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Subacute thyroiditis

Among the patients with subacute form of this ailment, women from 30 years are much more often. The first symptom of the disease can be pain in the thyroid gland, which increases with a sharp turn of the head, swallowing, or coughing. Pain, like in the acute form of the disease, can spread to the ear and jaw.

In the blood test with subacute thyroiditis, there is a significant increase in ESR, and palpation can detect nodules in the thyroid gland. In 50% of patients, thyrotoxicosis is diagnosed.

Subacute thyroiditis in most cases develops for 6 months and is divided into phases that are characterized by special symptoms:
  • Phase 1( up to 6 weeks): pain near the thyroid, shortness of breath, tachycardia, weight loss, eye bulging, nervousness and irritability,violation of the cycle of menstruation.
  • Phase 2( up to 2 months): a transitional period in which symptoms are absent.
  • Phase 3( 2-4 months): characterized by a decrease in the level of hormones in the blood.
  • Phase number 4( 5-6 months): the gland functions are restored and normalized.

In women in the postpartum period, subacute lymphocytic thyroiditis may appear. Its signs are similar to the symptoms of an acute form of the disease: tachycardia, weight loss, increased blood pressure, nervousness, etc. In addition, in 50% of patients with this ailment the thyroid gland is much larger, and in the analyzes there is an increase in the level of hormones T3 and T4.

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Chronic thyroiditis

With this form of the disease, the patient has a common enlargement of the gland, with palpation it is mobile and dense. As the development of chronic thyroiditis is a violation of the thyroid gland: first there are signs of hyperthyroidism due to the receipt of a significant amount of hormones, and subsequently there are symptoms of hypothyroidism.

In addition, patients with chronic thyroiditis may note such symptoms:

  • Increased size of the thyroid gland.
  • General weakness.
  • Difficulty and discomfort when swallowing.
  • Tenderness and a feeling of squeezing the neck.

With increasing function of the gland, patients are concerned about heart palpitations( tachycardia), sudden weight loss, heat, sweating and irritability.

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is dangerous. The inflammation of the thyroid gland of a purulent nature, which is mainly diagnosed in the acute form of the disease, is dangerous by opening the cavity to internal organs: esophagus, trachea, pericardial tissues that can cause aspiration pneumonia, extensive lung abscess.

The pathological process may lead to the development of sepsis( blood infection) and phlegmon( purulent inflammation of the soft tissues), vascular injury, the spread of infection to the meninges( meningitis) and the nearby parts of the brain( encephalitis).

The released form of subacute thyroiditis can cause damage to a large number of thyroid cells and further development of irreversible gland failure.

Read also how to diagnose and treat hormonal failures in the body in women http://woman-l.ru/lechenie-gormonalnogo-sboya/
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After diagnosis, the doctor selects appropriate treatment depending on the form of the disease.

Treatment of autoimmune chronic thyroiditis is medicated. With increased thyroid function, tirostatics( Tiamazol, Mercazolil) and beta-blockers are prescribed. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( indomethacin, methindol or Voltaren) reduce the production of antibodies. In addition, patients with autoimmune form of chronic thyroiditis as an additional treatment are prescribed vitamin complexes, medicines for correction of immunity, adaptogenes.

In case of a decreased function of the thyroid gland, synthetic hormones are prescribed for treatment. They are able to slow the pathological process and provide a long-term remission.

In subacute thyroiditis, the use of glucocorticoids is recommended. They will help reduce the signs of the inflammatory process, reduce puffiness and pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs give a positive result only in the case of mild illness.

In acute form of thyroiditis, radiotherapy or surgery is not allowed. Treatment is carried out only with the help of beta-adrenergic blockade( Propranolol).

In the case of a combination of autoimmune thyroiditis with the neoplastic process, an increase in nodular goiter, and the absence of the expected effect of drug therapy, a decision is made to carry out thyroidectomy( removal of the thyroid gland).

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The most common form of the disease is chronic thyroiditis. Treatment of this pathology involves not only taking medication, but also adherence to the correct diet.

First of all, both in chronic and in other forms of the disease, it is necessary to abandon the use of products from soy. They are saturated with isoflavones and other compounds that hinder the work of digestive enzymes.

Patients are advised to adhere to a vegetarian diet. In the main diet of a diet with thyroiditis should include: fresh herbs, vegetables, nuts, fruits, legumes, root vegetables. In this case, do not neglect the low-fat varieties of meat( chicken fillet, turkey, rabbit) and seafood. Very useful grapes, buckwheat, persimmons.

For all forms of the disease it is important to adhere to a balanced diet, take small meals every 3 hours.

Specialists have established that autoimmune thyroiditis may be accompanied by osteoporosis. To prevent its development, it is necessary to increase the proportion of foods containing calcium( milk, low-fat cottage cheese) in the diet. It is forbidden to eat spicy, fatty and smoked food. Also, you need to reduce consumption or completely abandon the sweet and baking, counterfeit fast food, semi-finished products and products with chemical dyes, preservatives, various flavor enhancers.
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Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies is an additional measure that allows you to quickly overcome thyroiditis. However, the proposed recipes can not be used as the only method of treating the disease, nor can they be used without consulting the attending physician.

  1. Pine buds.2 packs of raw materials to grind, pour into a glass container for 0.5 liters and pour vodka, put the medicine in a dark place and insist for 21 days. After the infusion filter and 3 times a day rub the neck in the thyroid gland.
  2. Tincture from elecampane. Glass jar half fill with dry flowers, pour them with vodka and leave for 14 days to infuse in a dry dark place. Ready tincture every evening gargle.
  3. Vegetable juice. In the acute form of thyroiditis, juice from beets and carrots is useful in a ratio of 1/3.It is also recommended to add 1 tablespoon of linseed oil.
  4. In the treatment of chronic thyroiditis, a tincture of green walnut is effective. To prepare this folk remedy, you will need 30 walnuts, 200 ml of honey and 1 liter of vodka. Mix all the ingredients and leave in a dark place for 15 days. Ready tincture drain and use every morning for 1 teaspoon.
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Prevention of

To prevent the onset of the disease, it is necessary: ​​

  • timely treat all diseases of infectious nature;
  • to avoid excessive intake of fluorine, iodine and chlorine into the body;
  • monitor the reception of hormonal drugs, take them only as prescribed by the doctor at the prescribed dosage;
  • avoid excessive UV irradiation, which is a common cause of thyroiditis.
  • May 11, 2018
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