How to write a statement to the prosecutor's office?

The prosecutor's office is the most important legal body of every civilized country, exercising legal control over all structures of the state and is called upon to protect the rights of all citizens of the country in which it is located.

Not surprisingly, the question: "How to write a statement to the prosecutor's office" - can arise from anyone.

In its functions, the prosecutor's office is divided into:

  • general;
  • territorial( regional, provincial, district, etc.);
  • specialized( environmental, military, transport);The Investigative Committee of the
  • .

Simply put, in the face of the Investigative Committee, investigations are carried out of particularly serious crimes, including murders, single or group accidents involving death, etc.

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The main function is the implementation of the prosecutor's supervision of law enforcement by law enforcement agencies, observance of the rights and freedoms of citizens, the implementation of laws by federal structures.

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Who has the right to write an application to the prosecutor's office?

From the legal point of view, all the subjects of the country, whether physical or legal, have the opportunity and the right to file a complaint with this body.

It should be remembered that in this case the letter or other treatment here does not tolerate anonymity.

Simply, if you do not specify a name, last name and exact address, the appeal will be ignored, exactly, as in the case if you resend letters on the same subject after receiving an official response.

How to write an application to the prosecutor's office: sample

So, the document is drawn up in writing in the name of the prosecutor you are applying to.

The necessary papers are added to it, if they are relevant to the case, and proof of the essence of the appeal.

Please note, if the document is drawn up with any deviations from the existing requirements, it may not be considered.

If you believe that treatment is particularly important and consider it without bureaucratic delays, then it is best to turn to lawyers who will do everything quickly and on time.

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If you do not know how to properly write a statement to the prosecutor's office, the sample below will help you with this:

The law treats appeals for 15 to 30 days, although it happens that this happens sooner or later.

When creating, for example, a paper on the infringement of rights on the part of housing and communal services, the statement is structured in the same form, but here there are rules.

In the letter it is necessary to state the essence of the question, then clearly and clearly the type of verification that you are requesting from the authorities of the authority.

At the bottom you prescribe which documents are attached to this appeal.

In the same way they write an appeal about an unscrupulous employer.

True, as experienced lawyers advise, it would be very good to have a couple of witnesses in the essence of your problem.

How to write an appeal regarding criminal cases?

Appeals of a criminal nature, such as on the institution of criminal proceedings or appearance with confession, there is no point in analyzing this article in view of the seriousness of the topic.

Here it remains only to add that if you do not know how to write an application to the prosecutor's office of this type correctly, you will be prompted by the duty prosecutor or the investigating officer on duty at any time of the day or night.

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How to write a letter to the prosecutor's office?

It is worth mentioning that you can send a letter by mail.

If you are lost in conjecture, how to write a letter to the prosecutor's office , we hasten to reassure you: it is written exactly in the same order as the appeal brought by you personally.

I would like to advise you to duplicate the letter, sending it to the highest authority.

For example, if you are applying to the district prosecutor's office, send a copy to the city prosecutor's office.

It will be obliged to redirect it "down", which guarantees you 100% "hit" of your address to the address.

You can apply to the prosecutor's office through the Internet.

How to do this, detailed in the video:

When will the prosecutor's office not consider the appeal?

There may be several such cases:

  • if you used foul language in anger;
  • the fact of treatment does not make sense;
  • there is no way to understand the essence because of bad handwriting;
  • did not provide full details of the applicant
  • anonymous;
  • was sent again, after a written response from the prosecutor's office.

In conclusion, I would like to add that although it is quite possible to cope with the task, how to correctly write an application to the prosecutor's office of itself, it is better to contact an experienced lawyer, especially if the matter is of special importance to you.

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