Why does a child walk on socks and how to deal with it

The first steps of a child are a serious and exciting event in the life of each family. However, sometimes parents notice that the child began to tear off the heels off the floor and walk on tiptoe. The correctness of the position of the feet during walking is very important, since its violation can entail various complications with health and posture. What should I do if a baby gets up and walks on socks, what are the causes of such abnormalities?

  • reasons
  • Consequences
  • What
  • Massage
  • physiotherapy( physical therapy)
  • Swimming
  • Orthopedic footwear
  • paraffin wraps
  • Pharmacotherapy
  • Electrophoresis and physiotherapy
  • Herbal baths


safety reasons, due to which the child gets up on his toeswhen walking:

  • Long use of a walker. When a child moves around in them, it rests not on full feet, but on fingers, as it can not always reach the entire foot to the floor. With prolonged use of the walker, the toddler gets used to such a setting of the legs( on the socks) and then, out of habit, continues to tear off the heels from the hard surface, but eventually his gait should normalize.
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  • Hyperactivity - trying to throw out a huge amount of energy, if the kid is in a hurry, somewhere in a hurry, he can stand on his toes and try to speed up the steps.

  • Desire to experience new sensations. Moving on toes, the kid gets new impressions, at this moment he takes on another way of walking.
  • Increased curiosity. It is the desire for knowledge that causes the child to walk on tiptoes, because when he gets higher, he manages to consider everything, touch the interesting objects and learn about something new.
  • Imitation of adults - a child, for example, sees how his mother goes to the shoes on the stiletto heels, and tries to copy it, tearing off the heels from the floor.
  • Freezing - it is possible to have a cold floor at home and the baby is cold to walk on it, especially if it is barefoot.
  • The fear( fear) of stepping on an object - a child can move on the socks, if previously stepped on a solid toy( cubes, constructor, etc.) or something prickly, now he is afraid of experiencing these painful sensations again.
  • Desire to attract the attention of - when a toddler gets insufficient attention and feels lonely, he can stand on his toes to attract the look of adults. However, in some situations, the reasons for walking on fingers can indicate the presence of serious health problems. In this case, parents need to immediately apply to a neurologist or orthopedist and, if necessary, begin treatment.
The listed reasons are not dangerous and should not cause concern to parents. As a rule, the child rises on tiptoe not constantly, and sometimes with time he will move, leaning on a full stop.

Dangerous Causes:

  • Muscular dystonia is the most common reason why a toddler walks on toes. In this situation, muscle tone is distributed unevenly along the leg or foot: in some areas, the muscles are relaxed( hypotonic), and on others are in a strong tension( hypertonus).
  • Pyramidal insufficiency. This means that the areas of the brain that are responsible for walking the child are not yet fully developed. The reasons for this condition can be: trauma during childbirth, pelvic presentation of the fetus and so on.
  • The initial stage of cerebral palsy ( cerebral palsy) is a serious and dangerous neurological disease, for which walking on the toes can be the first symptom.

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Consequences of

Improper walking harms the entire child's body, especially the locomotor apparatus suffers, neurological disturbances increase.

Without the correct movements appear:

  • problems with tendons;
  • deformation of the foot( underdevelopment of the heel, trampling of the front of the foot and so on);
  • curvature of the legs;
  • torticollis;
  • curvature of posture;
  • delayed development of motor skills;
  • poor coordination of movements;
  • general development delay.

With age, if the problem is not corrected, then psychological problems will add to the physiological ones. A child with crooked legs, a wrong walk often becomes an object of ridicule among peers. As a result, complexes are formed, and self-doubt arises. The child ceases to play mobile games, closes in himself, becomes aggressive or, conversely, indifferent to the environment.

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What to do

The norm is considered when a child periodically stands on his toes to 3 years. This is quite natural, since a child from 1 year to 3 years old just begins to learn new skills for him. However, to ensure that there are no abnormalities, it is recommended to visit a pediatrician and a pediatric neurologist who will evaluate the physiological development and general condition of the child.

If the child is already 3 years old, and he continues to get on toes, then a visit to the doctor should not be delayed. Only a specialist will be able to identify the causes of such an unpleasant phenomenon, prescribe the correct treatment and give appropriate recommendations for correcting the defect.

Often used treatment methods are the following:

Also read about the widespread pediatric orthopedic pathology - valgus deformity of the foot - and its treatment. Http://woman-l.ru/valgusnuya-deformaciya-stop/
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Activates the circulatory processin muscle tissue, normalizes muscle tone, the condition of tendons, ligaments and joints. Healing massage should be performed by a specialist, but some manipulations can be performed by the parents themselves at home:

  • kneading the calf muscles with a thumb and index finger;
  • performing movements of the child's feet on himself and from himself;
  • drawing on the digit's foot 8.
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Physiotherapy exercises( ASF)

Significantly improves blood circulation in tissues and reduces muscle tone. The following exercises are performed:

  • alternating jumps with the formation on the entire foot;
  • alternate walking on hard, inclined and soft surfaces;
  • walking on the inside and outside of the feet;
  • squatting like a duck;
  • walking on stairs;
  • walking on the fitball to form the correct position of the foot - in the exercise you need 2 adults, one will keep the baby on the ball, and the other - to watch for the baby to step on the entire foot.
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An effective method of correcting pathology is a special "dry" pool with balls, walking in which will have a massage effect.

In addition, traditional swimming helps improve coordination of movements and develop motor skills.

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Orthopedic footwear

It should be used only according to the doctor's instructions. If the cause of getting on the fingers during walking is not associated with serious pathologies, it is better to use other methods of eliminating it, since moving around barefoot at home is useful for the development of the baby.

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Paraffin wraps

Paraffin wax boots have warming properties, they not only warm the children's feet, but also remove the tone from the muscle tissue. The procedure is contraindicated for children with cardiovascular problems and diabetes.

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Medication treatment

Special vitamin and therapeutic preparations are prescribed when other methods do not help, but you can not take medicines without consulting a doctor.

Vitamin complexes Kiddi Pharmaton, Cardonat and others are prescribed.

Also used in treatment are nootropics( Pantogam, Pantokaltsin, Phenibut, Fentropil, Nootropil and others) and drugs that normalize muscle tone( Lioresal, Midokalm, Baclofen and others).

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Electrophoresis and physiotherapy

Procedures are useful for hypertension of muscles, but only a doctor can prescribe them.

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Herbal baths

Warm water with medicinal plants( chamomile, string, motherwort, lavender) will help the leg muscles to relax.

  • May 11, 2018
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